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With new fare restrictions...are new reasonable fares on the horizon...?

Just curious as to what market has an F fare that is nonrefundable? I know there are markets with an excursion A fare (First class seat, coach price) that is advance purchase and nonrefunable. Is this what you are describing or is there an actual "F" fare that is like this?
Although I know we'll never know the numbers, I would be interested to see what the exact number of FF's we have who do most of their traveling on fares that will now qualify for status, vs those who are preferred who would not qualify. I know they track accounts and I'm sure they have the exact numbers somewhere before they made this decision. I'd just be curious to see what percent of the VFFs will not qualify next year.
On 8/29/2002 10:39:16 PM

Although I know we'll never know the numbers, I would be interested to see...

While we're dreaming can we also see:

-- How many Full Fare pax there really are (and what they really paid).

-- How many of them have been denied "perks" (for any reason).

-- How many of them are DM members.

-- How many lots of other very interesting things?
It was a real "F" -- MHT -> IND, mid September, probably by way of PHL but it might have been PIT.
For PNS MSP why would I tie up high revenue potential seats pns clt and clt msp or pns clt pit msp with a market that might support 1 person per day per flight sequence.I would rather offer these discount seats in more popular higher selling markets ,like atl msp? JAX MSP? or make better profit on the local hub to city nonstops. People tend to forget that law of economics.

Umm...if your not willing to fill up the PNS-CLT flights with connecting traffic...how do you propose to fill the plane? The O+D traffic between PNS and CLT currently runs about 46/pax per day....which isn't going to fill 3 734's. In fact, the O+D between PNS and MSP is about 40/pax per day....almost as many as CLT.

Using your logic, its no wonder US is losing marketshare in PNS and every other market in the country.
Considering the topic of this thread, I'd have to say that U has got it ass-backward. If reasonable fares are on the horizon, they should have implemented them FIRST and implemented the restrictions LATER. Might have been a little easier to swallow. I don't think any 'reasonable fares' are anywhere close to the horizon. I think that the mantra of labor has finally reached management...just raise the fares and everything will be okay. I think that's why the employees think that this policy is so great. After all, it's what they've been saying for the past couple of years. Well folks, you asked for it...you got it. Now lets see it save your company.
On 8/30/2002 9:38:38 AM

For PNS MSP why would I tie up high revenue potential seats pns clt and clt msp or pns clt pit msp with a market that might support 1 person per day per flight sequence.I would rather offer these discount seats in more popular higher selling markets ,like atl msp? JAX MSP? or make better profit on the local hub to city nonstops. People tend to forget that law of economics.

Umm...if your not willing to fill up the PNS-CLT flights with connecting traffic...how do you propose to fill the plane? The O+D traffic between PNS and CLT currently runs about 46/pax per day....which isn't going to fill 3 734's. In fact, the O+D between PNS and MSP is about 40/pax per day....almost as many as CLT.

Using your logic, its no wonder US is losing marketshare in PNS and every other market in the country.

this is airline mkting logic, not of my invention, and along those same lines there are a dozen other citys in the Midwest and Northeast I could think of that could attract/support more discount seats using the o and d foprmula than PNS MSP market .