On 8/30/2002 9:38:38 AM
For PNS MSP why would I tie up high revenue potential seats pns clt and clt msp or pns clt pit msp with a market that might support 1 person per day per flight sequence.I would rather offer these discount seats in more popular higher selling markets ,like atl msp? JAX MSP? or make better profit on the local hub to city nonstops. People tend to forget that law of economics.
Umm...if your not willing to fill up the PNS-CLT flights with connecting traffic...how do you propose to fill the plane? The O+D traffic between PNS and CLT currently runs about 46/pax per day....which isn't going to fill 3 734's. In fact, the O+D between PNS and MSP is about 40/pax per day....almost as many as CLT.
Using your logic, its no wonder US is losing marketshare in PNS and every other market in the country.