John john,
I've heard the same about the 3 757's going back. More to the point, it's the leases that are coming up. I would hope that the company looks long and hard at these 3 A/C. That's alot of lift to loose. Even in the middle of summer, they are full, or within a few seats of being full out of Fla or LAS. And the island loads for this time of the year are good as well. It was built to fly high, fast and heavy. And it does it so well.
That brings me to Sharktooth's post. Balls dead on. The winglets "trick out" the wing. As an example. There has been talk of US keeping one or more citys that we service now with 757's to year round. The problem here is that Boing at first never saw the 757 as an Oceanic A/C. That's what the 767 was for. So the 757 is somewhat lacking on fuel for these missons. In the winter, with stong west winds and a heavy load, the 757 may have to duck into BRG, or BOS, to gas up and be off to PHL. No big deal, except this would put the flight crew (2 pilots) over 8 hrs. End of flight. Need two more pilots. Winglets could make a difference, but so could an IRO.