On 1/8/2003 9

25 PM PineyBob wrote:
Hey RedOne
What do you want? A cookie! Sounds to me that you did what any competent, carrying & compassionate employee would or should do! I just for the life of me can never figure out where this sense of entitlement comes from. Perhaps you could tell me.
Did the paychecks never bounced in those 30+ years did they? You earned your pay and your emplorer was grateful. They way you know they were grateful is you are still there!
That was then, this is now and times they are a changing. New realities, new challenges, new choices & new opportunities to grow and expand ones horizons.
Think with your head!!! not your heart!!! If I posted with my heart as a PAX I'd most likely say vote NO! BUT, the business minded part of me can do the math and view the economic realities of the situation and if I make a pure business decision then I vote a resounding YES!!!! Swallowing the emotion is the hardest part. Some can't do it and perhaps you are one of those people. And I really don't think anyone was insulting you personally with the word "unskilled". customer service type work is often considered "unskilled" which is unfortunate. What I think was meant was you didn't posses a specific skill set such as Mechanic or Network administrator meaning skill sets that require credentials. I certainly don't mean to offend you.
Hello, Piney Bob
I've watched $8 wonders deice - I watched $20 rampers deice. There's a difference. $8 says I can get a job for this much anywhere, man it's cold out here, let's hurry up and get inside. $20 says I'm getting well paid to freeze my fanny off, I want to keep this job, so I'm going to do it right.
It's easy to take what we do for granted, but when push comes to shove, it's life or death responsibilities we have. They don't make many of those at Wal Mart or Burger King.
We all realize we must sacrifice to save U; the beef is, is that sacrifce equitable? It is not.
One of your posts some time ago summed it up nicely. One union for all. The company has played divide and conqueor nicely. That they have done so well brings shame to every union on U's property.