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win win for U labor

[sup]voting is now available at [A href="http://www.aaaelections.org/"]www.aaaelections.org[/A][BR]I voted afirmative. No is not an option.[BR]BOHICA[/sup]
but if you vote yes..you will be working, and at the same time looking for a better job. just my observation..you do as you please.
Votting no. Tired of taking it up the kister by this new management. In 2004, they will be taking their big bonsuses, and the rest of us lugs will be working, barely able to pay our bills.
yup, the spouse is voting YES after a no vote before. she FINALLY saw the light. Cobra, benefits, more money than out in the job market for quite some time.
with no college degree as most of the unskilled labor at Usairways she figured a good job would be HARD TO FIND. i applaud her!!
On 1/8/2003 6:15:15 PM OldGuyinPA wrote:

Vote No is the only option.
The only option for you, why don't you support your answer. Why no??
On 1/8/2003 6:15:15 PM OldGuyinPA wrote:

Vote No is the only option.
Oldguy.... what do you see happening after your "no" vote?
PineyBob,[BR][BR]What's happening to you? Your posts were incredibly beautiful today. Now you are going back to posts that were days old and getting snippy.
PineyBob...relating what happened today to this thread is totally un-called for...very poor taste.
On 1/8/2003 5:09:35 PM skyflyr69 wrote:

... with no college degree as most of the unskilled labor at Usairways she figured a good job would be HARD TO FIND. i applaud her!!

No skills you say? Just because I don't hold a license or have a title, doesn't mean I can't think and that I am not skilled and valuable to US....REGARDLESS OF WHAT you OR SOME OTHERS SAY.
Thinking back over the 30 + years that I have with the company, I have participated in many things.
1. Been the ground person talking to a capt whose a/c was hijacked. Conveying vital information to what was at that time know as "dispatch." The capt at that time was sure glad someone was there ON THE GROUND who had knowledge about what to do and did it.
2. When the office caught on fire...I personally stood my ground and expended 5 (if I remember correctly) fire bottles and contained the fire until the fire dept arrived and with their equipment were able to control the fire.
3. When one of our 737 aircraft blew all 4 main tires on landing late one night and skidded to a stop at mid field, and the little airport had no plans or equipment to handle passengers...I, as an agent made the decision to rush over to one of the rental car agents and got vans to shuttle passengers to the terminal. They were, after sliding down the emergency chutes, standing mid-field , in the dark, not knowing where to go or what to do. No-one expressed that night that they thought I was un-skilled, un-necessary, or overpaid. They were glad that there was someone on duty who could do what needed to be done. Someone who had been trained and was dedicated to do what needed to be done. I was then, and am still now (by choice) a lowly agent. (UN-SKILLED?)
...I could go on, but won't for space sake
I also remember the last training class I was in. It was in CLT. There were some "contract employees" there. They were having a hard time with the material. When it came time for the exam...one of them was the 3rd person to finish. When I went outside the training building, he was outside smoking. I asked how he did. His reply, "Man, I signed my name on the paper and turned it in. There is no way I could pass that test. I am getting paid about min. wage now, and the way I see it, if I get fired...I will just go find me another min. wage job."
My point? YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! The kind of employee that you get (devotion, applying themselves, dedication, etc) is often determined by the working conditions and the salary.

In an emergency situation like the ones mentioned above...which employee would you, as a company exec...pilot...F/A..passenger, want? If one has a choice of working at 2 jobs that pay about the same, and one of them is a job which the employee could daily be confronted with these type emergencies/ situations.. ..or a job without these ...which job would most of us choose? We are (those of us in small stations who are going to become commuter stations) going to be in the place that we get to choose between the two jobs.

As agents, either way we vote....WE LOSE. There is no vote that is acceptable....or if there is one, I don't know about it.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/15.gif']
I know...I know, I'm supposed to vote yes FOR YOU!
On 1/8/2003 9:26:25 PM PineyBob wrote:

Hey RedOne

What do you want? A cookie! Sounds to me that you did what any competent, carrying & compassionate employee would or should do! I just for the life of me can never figure out where this sense of entitlement comes from. Perhaps you could tell me.

Did the paychecks never bounced in those 30+ years did they? You earned your pay and your emplorer was grateful. They way you know they were grateful is you are still there!

That was then, this is now and times they are a changing. New realities, new challenges, new choices & new opportunities to grow and expand ones horizons.

Think with your head!!! not your heart!!! If I posted with my heart as a PAX I'd most likely say vote NO! BUT, the business minded part of me can do the math and view the economic realities of the situation and if I make a pure business decision then I vote a resounding YES!!!! Swallowing the emotion is the hardest part. Some can't do it and perhaps you are one of those people. And I really don't think anyone was insulting you personally with the word "unskilled". customer service type work is often considered "unskilled" which is unfortunate. What I think was meant was you didn't posses a specific skill set such as Mechanic or Network administrator meaning skill sets that require credentials. I certainly don't mean to offend you.
Hello, Piney Bob

I've watched $8 wonders deice - I watched $20 rampers deice. There's a difference. $8 says I can get a job for this much anywhere, man it's cold out here, let's hurry up and get inside. $20 says I'm getting well paid to freeze my fanny off, I want to keep this job, so I'm going to do it right.

It's easy to take what we do for granted, but when push comes to shove, it's life or death responsibilities we have. They don't make many of those at Wal Mart or Burger King.

We all realize we must sacrifice to save U; the beef is, is that sacrifce equitable? It is not.

One of your posts some time ago summed it up nicely. One union for all. The company has played divide and conqueor nicely. That they have done so well brings shame to every union on U's property.
On 1/8/2003 6:15:15 PM OldGuyinPA wrote:

Vote No is the only option.
I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer...but a no vote is going to do what for us?
I for one don't post that often, I usually just read. But it seems that everyone has already decided how they are going to vote. Most are not going to change their point of views now, later or ever. It doesn't matter what you vote as long as you vote. All Union paying members have a right to voice there opinion by voting "for" or "against" the new proposals. Life will continue to go on either way, you might just have to adjust your lifestyle temporarily until you get back on your feet. Human's are a victim of complacency. Once we get comfortable with what we are doing, we are reluctant to change. It is an understandable trait but a downfall of our society. This country as a whole bases whether or not we've suceeded in life by how much money and materialistic items we have accrued. Change is sometimes a good thing and is inevitable. Some of you would be suprised with the things you'd accompish if forced too. Some of those changes might also be for you the better in the long run. I just hope that either way, everyone comes to an informed decision and vote's what they feel is right for them. No one else has the right to tell you how to vote, why to vote and the consequances of such a vote. Truth be told, NO ONE has a clue what will happen either way. And to say any different is speculation, which we already have enough of in this country with CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX news. Good luck in the future to all who vote.......
Hi Red,
Hope this all works out so some day I will have the chance to meet you.
I love our small stations, real people there, not allways under the thumb of a jerk that I see all to often at the hubs.

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