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Will we ever have job security...and at what price?

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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/11/2002 2:26:45 PM Res wrote:
[P]USResman..we were told there is a difference between closing of an office and system displacement...Guess that's the real question are both situations treated the same? Note it states available fulltime vacancies, will be filled...do you honestly think the company will offer openings..other than to the .com res being formed?[BR][BR]Maybe there is something I'm missing...if my location closed...I would would either be offered a dot com position or furlough...Can't bump into another office location unless they have avail openings....would be on the list if something opens although can't forsee that happening unless it's a dot .com postion.  If an office closure happens..our options are very grim..this is reality.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]When we were displaced last Oct. from SYR, management gave us 3 working days to decide on transfer or furlough. If you didn't transfer at that time and wished to transfer later, it was [available openings] basis only. The only offices that we were allowed to transfer to were PIT and INT. Whatever happens, I wish you all the best.[/P]
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The key thing is when it happens what will the company call it??? I can guarentee one thing...it will not be called a system wide displacement.
[P]b. be permitted, if there are insufficient full-time positions within the[BR]classification, [STRONG]to displace, in seniority order[/STRONG], the most junior full-time[BR]employees in the classification on [STRONG]the system[/STRONG]; or[BR]c. accept furlough.[BR][/P]
[P]You can bump systemwide res. check with your cwa rep.[/P]
Where are the junior people unlike all other unions we don't have a list that shows PT and Ft and we don't know who is being bumped or awarded positions and where
This needs to change now plz call all cwa reps and ask for this important info to be added to our knowledge sources
On 9/11/2002 2:29:58 PM OldGuyinPA wrote:

Whoa there USRESMAN........

In 1983, almost 20 years ago...

I made $15.25/hr. That's $31,720 per year.

My house payment was $399.00 per month.
My property taxes were $565.00.
I had true Seniority in bumping due to layoffs.
I had unlimited COLA's built into contract. Inflation proof.
Medical was 100%
I loved my job and loved where I was living.

So please in your infinite wisdom tell me how I'm better off now than I was in 1983 ???

You aren't but think, Steven Wolf and Rakesh Gangwal are doing very well. Dave Siegel isn't doing bad either. All at our expense, of course. Need a new Jaguar, Steve?
Usresman...took your advice and checked with my local prez. I am correct....no bumping if your or my office becomes DotCom. Your options would be 1. Furlough 2. Accept the postition with Internet help desk. 3. Transfer to another res office based on seniority if they are openings. 4. Work at the ato with the W/O.

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