Will TAESL split from AA?

The Dissident

Dec 21, 2002
Just got the word today that an outside company is coming in this weekend to TAESL to take a complete inventory of the shop tooling and take control of the administration of said tooling. Although it will remain on the property this outside company will be responsable for controlling it. Could this be the first step in a series of events where the TAESL workforce is seperated from AA? Only time will tell.
Just got the word today that an outside company is coming in this weekend to TAESL to take a complete inventory of the shop tooling and take control of the administration of said tooling. Although it will remain on the property this outside company will be responsable for controlling it. Could this be the first step in a series of events where the TAESL workforce is seperated from AA? Only time will tell.

Well in case you have'nt heard!

They can do that brother.

The company bought and paid for TWU bubba goon squad will stand by and cheer it on, calling it CI.
When TAESL was created, a contractual relationship between AA and Rolls Royce was concieved.

Part and parcel of any "marriage" between Corporations is the "pre-nuptual" that defines the conditions under which the parties separate.

I have no knowledge of the pre-nup but would encourage anyone that "wants to know" to enter a question under the PLI Q&A asking for "specific information regarding the conditions under which AMR would realize financially material business event under which TAESL were dissolved and Rolls Royce became the survivor of that realtionship or recognize a material change in finances."

I know that phraseology is very broad but we know that AMR has already failed to recognize the meaning of shared sacrifice.

If anyone in the M&E community were really motivated, they should make a motion at the next scheduled TWU Union meeting requiring the Local submit a motion to the Presidents Council requesting that same information.

Of course, TWU Local 562 has already refused to entertain a motion from Local 562-BOS for Separate Negotiations and logically any motion that would really request a real answer should expect the same treatment.

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