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Will Pilots Stay?


"it's absurd the richest country in the world can't find ways to keep everyone insured in some way."

That's a sentiment that I can agree with. But nothing scares the bejezzus out of me like talk about national health care. The government is only really good at one thing - spending money. And I can't think of a single major program that didn't cost more and perform less well than was proclaimed when it was enacted.

Maybe I'm the odd duck, but I tend to think more about what it'll cost my kids than what I'll get out of it.

Phantom Fixer said:
Retired Pilots = 2,460 Cost $16.7 Million

Retired F/A's = 458 Cost $2.15 Million

Retired Ticket Agents = 1,221 Cost $6.5 Million

Retired Mechanics = 3,416 Cost 24.7 Million

Retired Dispatchers/Flight Instructors = 86 Cost $460,000

Retired Non-Union = 3,718 Cost $ 18.5 Million

Hot dang! Since Retired F/S agents dont cost the company nuttin.... maybe they aint gonna take a 21% hit! It's bad when your group is so low in the eyes of EVERYONE that you dont even a an honerable mention! :shock:
RedOne said:
Hot dang! Since Retired F/S agents dont cost the company nuttin.... maybe they aint gonna take a 21% hit! It's bad when your group is so low in the eyes of EVERYONE that you dont even a an honerable mention! :shock:

Well Red,

As much as I'd like to think that you and your friends aren't part of this disaster..I think we both know the cards we are all be dealt...of course excluding the 1% , 5% and 10% crowd.

Like Jim said..if you aren't fortunate enough to have CEO in your title?...expect to get your A$$ handed to you again in the not so distant future.

Not being part of the Retiree Medical Benefit Plan already..only gives you and your group a headstart for where all of us..including the current retiree's will soon be.

If benefits beyond flying after 25 years of service with this company is something you or anyone are counting on? I think we all had better count again..or move on to someplace that will provide it.
BoeingBoy said:
If you've read the company filing by CFO Davis (that's where the numbers in the Observer article came from), you probably found it interesting that Mr. Davis said he "understood" that there were also retirement benefits due former members of senior management but declined to put a $ figure on it.

As for the rest, I agree with several other posters here. Think long and hard about retiring before the end of the year for the sole purpose of getting those post-retirement medical benefits.



Excellent point.
Do not take the "promises" of today and make plans of the future based on these 'promises'. We at the 'Lazy U' were 'promised' and bent over without as much as a 'by your leave'' or thanks for being stupid.

JMHO&PO, retirement as it was once known is now dead unless you put cash in your back yard and don't let anyone tell you how to 'invest' in your future.

Take Care,
I was being a little nasty with my remarks. It just happens so often that when management speaks or stats are given, F/S is not even mentioned.
We are all headed down the same creek in a boat whose bottom is chicken wire. I have talked with retirees who were pilots, mechanics, & agents and they all are scared to death to think of no medical coverage. Hey, I'm close to retirement, my wife is a school teacher, and I have already added my name to her coverage. Gonna cost me, but that's life. Everybody better start looking for "alternative incomes, medical coverage, etc. That chicken wired bottom boat aint gonna float for long.
Retired F/A's = 458 Cost $2.15 Million

Is this a typo?...........seems to me there should many more retired F/A's than 458.
Non Rev said:
Retired F/A's = 458 Cost $2.15 Million

Is this a typo?...........seems to me there should many more retired F/A's than 458.

Non Rev....if it was a typo? , It was the Charlotte Observers Typo.

Frankly I thought those figures seemed awefully low too...I would have figured that CLT and PIT alone would have at least double that amount each as retiree's.

Maybe one of our esteemed F/A members can enlighten us.. :unsure:

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