Will Pilots Stay?


May 18, 2003
Will pilots stay?

Adding to the expected exodus is a clause in the new contract that says only pilots who retire by Dec. 31 are eligible for post-retirement medical coverage.

See Story


USA320Pilot said:
Will pilots stay?

Adding to the expected exodus is a clause in the new contract that says only pilots who retire by Dec. 31 are eligible for post-retirement medical coverage.

See Story



Now its ALPA's fault? Try four whachy arrogant aviators who failed very badly....

Oh ya, they went against all ALPA advice and the majority of voting members.

Do yourself, and everyone a BIG favor...Blame it on who really really deserves it, the RC 4!

CaptChill said:
USA320Pilot said:
Will pilots stay?

Adding to the expected exodus is a clause in the new contract that says only pilots who retire by Dec. 31 are eligible for post-retirement medical coverage.

See Story


Why SHOULD they leave? If two hundred left tomorrow, to get under the medical cap....The company would ask (and ALPA would agree) to take it away prior to exit from BK (I know, like that is going to happen!) The only thing ANYONE has left here is the hope, every two weeks, that their pay will be doposited. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Appreciate the link, however. Greeter.
Those pondering retirement before this supposed deadline can kid themselves all they want too. U is going to weasel out on retiree medical coverage for all work groups regardless.

This is nothing more than a carrot to intice the more senior ones to leave..then in short order they'll get the stick when U gets what they really want...and that is to save $69 Million per year to bone all the retiree's , including the non-labor union employee's

Todays Charlotte Observer does a breakdown for all work groups , including management retiree's...So rest assured the plan is in the works.

The promise to retired U workers is no better than the future for the current ones remaining. Bank on it !!!
You guys are totally missing the point of this thread--

He just wants to get people senior to him to retire NOW so he can get some seniority ASAP.

Why else start a whole new thread other than just to highlight that language to "help" people make the decision to retire? He must really underestimate the intelligence of his colleagues.

He's already salivating at the possibilities...
Heres a breakdown on U's retiree insurance costs by group according to the CLT Observer in todays business section.

Retired Pilots = 2,460 Cost $16.7 Million

Retired F/A's = 458 Cost $2.15 Million

Retired Ticket Agents = 1,221 Cost $6.5 Million

Retired Mechanics = 3,416 Cost 24.7 Million

Retired Dispatchers/Flight Instructors = 86 Cost $460,000

Retired Non-Union = 3,718 Cost $ 18.5 Million

Think for a moment that U's not looking to shed itself of this obligation all you want...but do not let a self-serving knothead like USA320Pilot influence your choice in any manner.

HE's all out for NUMBER 1....no matter who's back he has to walk on to remain so. :down:
If you've read the company filing by CFO Davis (that's where the numbers in the Observer article came from), you probably found it interesting that Mr. Davis said he "understood" that there were also retirement benefits due former members of senior management but declined to put a $ figure on it.

As for the rest, I agree with several other posters here. Think long and hard about retiring before the end of the year for the sole purpose of getting those post-retirement medical benefits.

BoeingBoy said:
you probably found it interesting that Mr. Davis said he "understood" that there were also retirement benefits due former members of senior management but declined to put a $ figure on it.



I find it more than interesting...and a Judge who's not in someone's hip-pocket should find it equally interesting when pondering who's favor to rule for or against in the court room.

Amazing how inflated figures about employee costs are an open book to the world...and the rest remains obscured in the shadows until the annual report comes around. Even then you have to wonder about what those figures show regarding the executive compensation levels.

Nothing in my opinion is above being questioned to the last penny , Ever !
BoeingBoy said:
As for the rest, I agree with several other posters here. Think long and hard about retiring before the end of the year for the sole purpose of getting those post-retirement medical benefits.



You are absolutely right. My father is a retiree from a major healthcare provider in N.C. Pop decided to retire at age 63 in order to insure a 100% contribution to his medical insurance before an artificial date was posted.

Dad retired..and all was just rosey for about two years...then health issues started to creep in...and by year 3 of retirement the 100% coverage went poof. Keep in mind that this is with one of the largest healthcare firms in the entire south...and it has never once posted a loss in its entire history.

10 years later...with Medicare parts A and B...Dads individual out of pocket insurance costs are now in excess of $3,000 per year , his annual out of pocket medication costs are even greater than that...and his retirement excluding Social Security is at a fixed sum dating back to 1994. Costs on all fronts have increased dramatically since then.
Phantom Fixer,

It's sad to hear about your father's situation, but Lord knows he's not alone and many others will join him in the years to come.

As we've all found out, nothing in any contract is written in stone (unless you've got those magic letters "CEO" in front of your name, apparently). What's promised today is easily taken away tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the days of post retirement healthcare benefits are quickly come to an end, not just at US Airways but all throughout the U.S. It boggles my mind why we let the politicians on both sides give us b.s. without actually coming up with a workable healthcare system. We certainly don't need Europe's or Canada's model, but it's absurd the richest country in the world can't find ways to keep everyone insured in some way.
USFlyer said:
Unfortunately, the days of post retirement healthcare benefits are quickly come to an end, not just at US Airways but all throughout the U.S. It boggles my mind why we let the politicians on both sides give us b.s. without actually coming up with a workable healthcare system. We certainly don't need Europe's or Canada's model, but it's absurd the richest country in the world can't find ways to keep everyone insured in some way.

I agree that our politicians regardless of what party they represent are giving us the royal screwing over these issues...but if you look at it clearly , they are all well above the earning levels to even begin to understand the situations of the very people they elected to represent.

Do you think for a moment that anyone like George W. or John and Mrs. Hienz Kerry will ever have a concern over medical insurance?

Lastly..how is it that perscription drugs made in the US can be shipped out of country..and in turn sold back to Americans cheaper , like it never left the country. Does transportation costs in bulk not impact medicines like any other goods?

Sorry for the drift....but to get back to the subject at hand.

Retire when the time is right for you to go...when you are prepared..or when you are fed up and have something else to fall back on . Do not count on any false hopes of U honoring it's commitment to you for a moment...and most of all , never fall victim to following the garbage being pumped out by USA320Pilot....Cuz if he's posting it..it damn sure has an angle that bids well from him , Not YOU

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