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Will JetBlue A320 pilots ask for union representation if Neeleman exchanges A320 routes for Embraer

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On 7/29/2003 11:53:38 AM B6Busdriver wrote:

AAplanesareold says:

My only preconceived notion, is that the Embraer 190 is not as comfortable or passenger friendly as an Airbus A320. For Neeleman to say otherwise, is just hogwash.


For you to say otherwise is hogwash. Look at the pics and read the facts.


The pics prove my point! Did they brainwash you early on in your career or did it just happen at JetBlue? How can you sit there and claim that the Embraer is more comfortable and passenger friendly than an A320?!?

Good grief man, accept the truth! David Neeleman will never go on the record saying:

"Gee guys, the Embraer sucks from a passenger's standpoint, but I saved a lot of money by being the new delivery customer for this particular model. Plus we can save a ton of cash on landing fees and fuel. I know that the A318 would have been better for our customers, but not our bottom line. All I have to do now is sell the 190 as the greatest thing since sliced bread! Our shareholders don't know the difference between an A320 and a Swedish massage."
Here's some stuff from the Airbus website:
A320 Economy Class

The 222-inch fuselage cross-section gives more comfortable First and Business Class seats and more efficient Economy Class seating than in competing aircraft.

The carefully considered choice of fuselage cross-section has given the A320 Family an ability to provide remarkable levels of passenger comfort in any configuration.

Fuselage width at the critical armrest height is 7.5 inches wider than its nearest competitor, and this gives an operator the choice of two important marketing advantages: a one-inch wider seat cushion, adding noticeable comfort in a six-abreast layout, or a six-inch wider aisle for easier passenger movement and meal service.

Headroom in the aisle is greater than in the competition, and the overhead stowages hold fully 10% more carry-on baggage.

Whether sitting, standing or stowing belongings, the passenger gets more from the A320 Family.

Obviously, Airbus is comparing it's product to Boeing. But if passenger comfort were the only thing on David Neeleman's mind, why not pull out the middle seats on the A320's? The Embraer product was picked due to the cost of acquisition, versus competing products. If wider seats were the only thing on his mind; he would have not approached Boeing originally before settling on Airbus. So please, spare me the customer comes first crap.
On 7/29/2003 4:11:15 PM RowUnderDCA wrote:

"I'd speculate that I'd find the Embraer preferable to the Airbus, considering eqivalent pitch."

Won't be equivilent. will be 31-32" on the EMB

"No middle seat, and more linear foot of overhead space per passenger."

A CRJ200 has more LINEAR bin space per pax than the 320. But does that matter if I have to put my bags in sideways? The EMB is a quantum leap in SJ's, but it's built by EMB (long known for build quality....not) and it's no A320, 717, or 737 IMHO. It's built for a niche and will likely serve that niche well.

The Embraer will be a make it or break it moment in JetBlue's future. I'm not overly optimistic about it.
On 7/29/2003 9:02:42 PM B6Busdriver wrote:

Unlike you I look at the facts. You, on the other hand are incapable of grasping the facts. Since it's obvious you didn't READ my other post I will state the facts again.
Fact: The seats on the EMB190 will be slightly wider then the A320.
Fact: There will be no middle seats.
Fact: The aisle will be slightly wider the the Airbus.
Fact: The cabin ceiling will be 6'7".
Fact: This isn't an rj, it can fly darn near cross country.
Fact: Contrary to the garbage you post on the Delta board there will be sufficient overhead space for rollerboards.


Sigh, the saga continues. I look at the facts and I make up my mind freely, without fear of repercussions. Always have, always will. Go ask Neeleman for your free ticket. You have earned enough brownie points. Your unwavering butt kissing has earned you a free, roundtrip ticket on JetBlue.

Anyone with half a brain can see that the Embraer 190, will not be the last word in passenger comfort. Especially if they have been flying for over 3 years now on A320's.

Before I conclude my response, have you read my posts? If not, you should. You may actually learn something.
On 7/30/2003 8:09:09 AM Farley wrote:

ok, you made your point. Move on!


Talk about making a guy feel unwanted.
My 2.5 year old has better reasoning skills then you. I'm done waisting time with you. Buhbye.
hey, don't feel unwanted. Can't we talk about something else now? We've beaten that horse enough.
On 7/31/2003 6:34:30 AM B6Busdriver wrote:

My 2.5 year old has better reasoning skills then you. I'm done waisting time with you. Buhbye.


I bet your 2.5 year old would say':

"Gee daddy, can't you see that the Embraer 190 is not as comfortable as the Airbus A320? Do you need glasses daddy? Are you dense daddy? Do you have to kiss Neeleman's butt everyday daddy? Can't you admit that you're wrong daddy? Why can't you be more like AAplanesareold daddy?"

What can I say? You should listen to your 2.5 year old.
Agreed, this has run its useful life.....thread closed. Thanks.
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