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Widebody Service To Stt


Aug 20, 2002
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Did St. Thomas expand its runway recently (currently 7000 ft)? I ask this because in the past, the 752s would fly down nonstop from PHL, but have to hop over to SJU to pick up fuel for the return flight to PHL. There weren't any nonstops from STT to PHL for that reason, which is what a pilot had told me because the runway was not long enough to load up the plane with full fuel, cargo and pax and safely make a take off.

Now I see a 762 is on the schedule this winter for nonstop to and from PHL and CLT without using SJU as the intermediary. How's this being done? Less fuel (that is - enough for the destination plus all required reserves, but not completely full)? Less cargo? Capping the passenger total?
PHL said:
Did St. Thomas expand its runway recently (currently 7000 ft)? I ask this because in the past, the 752s would fly down nonstop from PHL, but have to hop over to SJU to pick up fuel for the return flight to PHL. There weren't any nonstops from STT to PHL for that reason, which is what a pilot had told me because the runway was not long enough to load up the plane with full fuel, cargo and pax and safely make a take off.

Now I see a 762 is on the schedule this winter for nonstop to and from PHL and CLT without using SJU as the intermediary. How's this being done? Less fuel (that is - enough for the destination plus all required reserves, but not completely full)? Less cargo? Capping the passenger total?
For the love of god, the
767 has been used for the last 2 years during fall/winter sched between PHL/CLT and STT. Its a bread winner!
Fine. But that doesn't answer my question - how are things different now than they were not too many years ago when the pilot told me that they can't make long trips out of STT due to weight/runway limitations?
LGA has short runways and 767s operate in and out of there on a regular basis.
PHL said:
Fine. But that doesn't answer my question - how are things different now than they were not too many years ago when the pilot told me that they can't make long trips out of STT due to weight/runway limitations?


not knowing the engines and or/max take off weight of US 757's/767's....it might have something to do with alternate reqirements (at PHL ) during winter that requires too much fuel for return leg with a realtively short runway. A 757 might not be able to make it (though having flown both the 757/767 i doubt this would be true.)

Also perhaps scheduling/marketing decided to go via SJU for pax. Maybe at the time there wasn't enough traffic to justify the nonstop back. I know UAL did this triangle to the Caribb a few times and will do it again this winter with our new ORD-Maui-Kona trip. (maui being too short to make it nonstop back to ORD)

LGA's runways are 7000'.....not long but not short either like SNA......but usually you are not trying to go a great distance.

The reason the 400's did the STT-STX routing is that supposidly the Airport/Port authority negated the landing fee's for STT if a stop was made in STX. Service to STX was discontinued when that same port authority raise landing fees. This same port authoirty also raise port charges to exorbitant levels for STX, and as a result most cruise lines stop calling in STX.

Range should not have been a problem, as the 400's regularly did LAX & PHX-PHL in the summer, PIT-SEA, LAX, SFO in the winter.
Now I'm no pilot but what about heat? I know at LAS the 80s have to take on less feul and stop for fuel down the road to account for heat (in the summer). Expansion issues perhaps? Now that it is winter, heat is no longer an issue? just my pennies worth
phllax said:
The reason the 400's did the STT-STX routing is that supposidly the Airport/Port authority negated the landing fee's for STT if a stop was made in STX. Service to STX was discontinued when that same port authority raise landing fees. This same port authoirty also raise port charges to exorbitant levels for STX, and as a result most cruise lines stop calling in STX.

Range should not have been a problem, as the 400's regularly did LAX & PHX-PHL in the summer, PIT-SEA, LAX, SFO in the winter.

Anybody know what the range of both the 733 & 734 is now that the extra fuel tanks have been removed?
They have been on the 737-400s, I don't think they have on the 737300LRs.
Furloughd4now said:
Now I'm no pilot but what about heat? I know at LAS the 80s have to take on less feul and stop for fuel down the road to account for heat (in the summer). Expansion issues perhaps? Now that it is winter, heat is no longer an issue? just my pennies worth
Density altitude. With increased heat comes increased runway take-off distance.

UALDC737 said:
maui being too short to make it nonstop back to ORD
That's interesting, too. AA does OGG-DFW. Only a 400 mile difference from OGG-ORD, but that shows how precise the fuel is calculated for these flights.

LGA has a mileage restriction. Years ago DC10s used to in and out all the time. The could only fly so far though. STT has no restrictions.
The DC10, I believe the 30 series if I am correct, had an extra landing gear just to operate in and out of airports like LGA
Yes, the -30 did have and extra set , located under the belly, to spread out the footprint. AA actualy paid the Port Auth. to beef up the runways at LGA so they could operate thier 10's in and out. Taking a guess, I would say at least 1200 ft. of both runways stick out into the bay, not built on land.