It's far more likely that items on the docket involving unsecured creditors and contracts/issues which survive the reorganization are taking a higher priority. Those all need to be resolved before the merger.
Retirees? To be blunt, they aren't that significant to the process.
But it's also a little less cut & dry of a decision, thanks in large part to Obamacare.
Why continue to subsidize retirees if they can get access to healthcare at "affordable" rates thanks to the government's takeover assistance?
Obamacare also removes the tax advantages provided to companies to provide prescription drug plans for retirees, and many major companies are considering dropping that coverage, not just airlines in bankruptcy. One estimate has S&P 500 companies facing a $4.5B hit because of this. AT&T alone says it will cost them an additional $1B to maintain prescription coverage for retirees.
Moral issues aside, if a solvent company like 3M or AT&T can jettison retiree coverage, there's no legal justification for requiring an insolvent one to do so.
I know, Bob would rather blame a crooked judge than the Administration he voted for, or the Representatives and Senators who jammed this bill thru in 2010 without even reading it first, let alone understanding all of the implications of poorly thought-out legislation.
But this is a perfect definition of "unintended consequences"... I think we may have even had this discussion back in 2010, long before the bankruptcy filing.