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Why Barack Obama is the Enemy of the Working Class


Nov 30, 2009
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Aragon Mill

At the east of town,
At the foot of the hill,
There's a chimney so tall,
That says "Aragon Mill"

But there's no smoke at all,
Comin' out of that stack.
Cause the mill has shut down
And it ain't comin' back.

And the only sound I hear,
Is the cry of the wind,
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin

There's no children at all,
In the narrow, empty street.
Since the mills have all gone,
It's so quiet I can't sleep.

Now I'm too old to change
And I'm too young to die.
And there's no place to go
For my woman and I


Since the mill has shut down,
Lord, it's all that I know.
Tell me what will I do,
Tell me where will I go


Consider North Dakota.

Currently, ND has a 3.8% unemployment rate, coupled with a 400 million budget surplus. All of this is with a climate that would make an Eskimo shiver. Ask yourself why would ND have such good fortune?
Limited government - The Nanny State despite Tom Daschle never caught hold
Discovery of oil in western ND
Drilling for oil started
Massive development of wind farms in eastern ND and MN

If you're noting that an awful lot of this good fortune is energy related then you've broken the code. Meanwhile you have the Feds regulating where a private company can locate a plant. A right to work state job is just as valuable to the worker is just as important as an IAM one in another state. Unless of course you're the Empty Suit Scar upon the land who is beholden to the IAM. Then it's a different story and the worker takes it in the shorts AGAIN

It's MORE than the national debt/deficit that is stagnating job growth. Manufacturing is the key to wealth. Countries that "Make Things" are usually more prosperous. Consider that in Germany manufacturing is 22.4% of GDP, while here it's a meager 14.4% of GDP. We are on the brink of Bankruptcy and Germany has a far more extensive social safety net and far less financial woes. Cause & Effect? Definitely! Now who benefits from this? NOT the worker! The ES Scar has had 2 years and complete control of Congress and what does he do? NOTHING to help the worker. People need jobs. Not Horseshit from an Empty Suit. Workers need not to make the choice between gas and groceries.

Imagine how many good paying jobs a booming oil industry would generate, Work on building wind farms? Wind farms are already economically viable. We have the resources to rebuild an economic juggernaut and the ES Scar sits and preens because he used the tools put in place by the evil Bush to end the life of public enemy #1.

Want to raise revenue and alter public policy? Once we are within 10 points of energy independence we remove all tax breaks on individuals who work overseas in oil producing countries. They hate us so lets cut off the access to our technology workers by taxing them back to the US. Same of corporations, do business in the Middle East? Double the tax rate.

The American worker is worse off with every dollar that is added to the deficit and the ES Scar is responsible. Now he's floating taxes cars by the miles driven. Imagine paying a tax to drive to work to earn a paycheck so we can pay MORE taxes? Friend of the worker? With friends like the Empty Suit I'd rather be a butler at OBL's compound. At least there we have a shot at running away.
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Obama's Scandalous War Against Domestic Oil

Do you remember the terrible things the left was saying about President George W. Bush when gas prices soared under his watch? Yet President Obama, whose policies and actions are actually contributing to rocketing gas prices today, gets the usual mainstream media pass.

Is it that the liberal media exempt Obama from accountability because they're on his team in general? Is it because they think he's blameless in the equation even though they sprang to the unfounded conclusion that Bush was culpable? Or could it be that they aren't critical because they share his bias against conventional energy and believe the pain caused by his policies is necessary to move us toward alternative energy sources?

During Bush's term, gas prices went down 9 percent, adjusted for inflation. Yet, preposterously, he was excoriated for allegedly colluding with "big oil" to drive up prices. When prices spiked later in his term, he took proactive steps to increase our supply and reduce prices, and they worked. But Obama has taken action to impede conventional energy sources and shove us into alternative ones. Even so, liberals ignore any possible causal links.

Obama told us he would bankrupt the coal industry. He's pushing high-speed rail down our throats despite the lack of public demand for it and our inability to finance it. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the administration intended to coerce us out of our cars. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said, "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."

In view of exploding gas prices, why aren't these statements seen as scandalous? Where are the calls for investigations?
