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Who Would Have the Best Vision For the New American Going Forwad

Who would have the Best Vision for the New American going forward?

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Ok, so we are going to refer to Horton as Tommy Boy and Parker as some boy genius savior? News flash, Horton didn't choose bankruptcy, THE BOARD DID, then Arpey refused to be a part of that decision and stepped down, so Horton took over.

Horton has done a fine job getting everything done in Bankruptcy, it's this US Air merger that is delaying everything. Just cause employees got less money doesn't mean Horton sucks. ANY CEO who didn't get reduced contracts would be viewed as an idiot and removed by the BOD, and most likely court and UCC would not approve them.

For as dumb as employees like to claim management is, they early have no grasp on what it means to be CEO cause if they did, calling Horton an idiot would mean they would have to say no to Parker. You would think if employees were so smart and knew what was best for AA, they would at least say no to both and request someone else.

Most labor employees (as many have admitted on here) want the most money and benefits as they can get, regardless of whether that would mean others at AA and AA as a whole would suffer, so when employes have this attitude it is fair but when CEOs do it is unfair. So basically, fairness in employees eyes is decided by who has the least amount of money. Makes PERFECT sense.

Btw, hate him or love him, Uncle Bob would be a choice MOST US Air and AA employees would be ok with because he they may not love his labor policies but they believe he is competent.

777 / 767 / 757

Your taking it way to literal,...his ignorance has nothing to do with an IQ my friend but in leadership and the value of getting your work force behind you,....in this case he is a lacking greatly,....he pretty much cut labor off at the knees, poured salt on our wounds, and then dumped us overboard. Boardroom/War room heroics go so far, but eventually the troops have to saddle up and do battle,... a good general can lead his troops into battle and expect alot from them,....It aint going to happen with this General. As a soldier you have no say so in the plan, we make no decission , but you got to trust leadership and leadership has to respect the soldier,none of which is on either side.....at all.
For the new AA to work they need to clean house ! The bod has to go also they are the ones who hired these clowns and allowed the bad blood to fester! Bring in US management at least they have shown a profit with a weak product.

Start from Horton and go right on down the list and get rid of them all .
Nothing really to see. Per the article you posted, Tommy Boy is angling to have a job, any job. At this point, it looks like the best he can do is become Chairman of the Board. Not CEO. Looks like he has nothing else lined up. Too bad, it would be better for all if he would just run off into the sunset with his tail between his legs like all losers do. By the way, if he does get the Chairman job, look for it to be short term like Tilton's was at UA.

Loser? He will walk away with more than the both of us will make in a lifetime. We lost, and we will continue to lose if we focus on things that are out of our control like who runs the company and continue to think that if we continue to give sacrifices that it will one day pay off if we can find the right team.

Getting Parker wont help you pay your bills any more than having Horton did.
Parker has made money with an inferior route structure then AA's. I can't say I'm thrilled with the results of his merger between USair and AW. 7 years come on already.
Parker has made money with an inferior route structure then AA's. I can't say I'm thrilled with the results of his merger between USair and AW. 7 years come on already.

Maybe AA could spend enough to get Herb out of retirement?? Wouldn't that be funny??
Not taking anything away from Herb, but AA is a much different type of animal than SWA was during his time. Mixed fleet types, much different route structure with a large focus on International flying just to name a few. Kind of like getting a famed football coach to manage a baseball team IMO.

[background=rgb(248, 247, 243)]
Although the details aren’t publicly known, the pilots unions at American and US Airways have made significant progress toward a framework if their respective boards seal the deal.[/background]
[background=rgb(248, 247, 243)]
The potential complications are exacerbated, however, because at US Airways itself, two pilots groups still exist, a legacy of the 2005 AmericaWest-US Airways merger, so there has been a lack of a true melding more than seven years after that acquisition.[/background]
[background=rgb(248, 247, 243)]
“US Airways and America West pilots still aren’t integrated, almost a decade later,” says Scott Hamilton, managing director of aviation-consulting firm Leeham Co. ”Pissed-off employees can screw up a merger for years. See Texas Air Corp. as the worst example.”[/background]
Your taking it way to literal,...his ignorance has nothing to do with an IQ my friend but in leadership and the value of getting your work force behind you,....in this case he is a lacking greatly,....he pretty much cut labor off at the knees, poured salt on our wounds, and then dumped us overboard. Boardroom/War room heroics go so far, but eventually the troops have to saddle up and do battle,... a good general can lead his troops into battle and expect alot from them,....It aint going to happen with this General. As a soldier you have no say so in the plan, we make no decission , but you got to trust leadership and leadership has to respect the soldier,none of which is on either side.....at all.

So anyone who agrees with your statement, can't side with Parker then. Just need some facts and common sense to prevail at some point. What CEO, EVER IN HISTORY, lead a company out of bankruptcy by INCREASING labor costs. Arpey was at the helm, BOD decided they had no choice (that was obvious) and Horton appointed. Blows my mind the way AA employees ignore all of the good work Horton has done and all of the bad work Parker has done.......its scary, and I mean scary the way employees are approaching this.

Basically, no matter who the CEO was, you would hate him because of the bankruptcy. Emotional response, something executives cannot afford.

BTW, anyone apply new labor rates at AA to US's finaicials in 2012? Wonder what the pic would look like then for US.

777 / 767 / 757
Gordon Bethune= Leader.
Doug Parker=not so much.

Parker is not a leader- he is a bean counter. He manipulates the numbers to look better than they really are. I give him credit, he has made money for US investors-but on the backs of customers and employees alike. He is responsible for US having the lowest paid employees in the industry, and has led the way instituting ancillary fees such as charging for water!

Without the low wages and ancillary fees, I think the financial picture at US would be quite different. Parker told me to my face once in a meeting with other FF's that the full year profit in 2009 or 2010 was equal to the amount collected in fees. In addition, he has made disparaging remarks about elite customers in the past. When a CEO in any business looks at employees and customers as liabilities rather than assets, there's a problem.

Gordon gets it. I doubt he'd touch another airline with a 10 foot pole, but he'd be the one I would choose to lead the new AA.

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