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Where Is The Cwa?

I think the bigger issue is the fact that the company is counting any call ins as an occurance. If the county is a disaster area do not count absences against the employees.

On a seperate note, wasn't there a rumor about Pit res closing soon?
WHOA!!!! I feel terrible for the pit res agents having to work under these conditions. First of all there are much better porta potties out there--ones that come in with 2 or 3 stalls and sinks that are well lit inside and out. I know--went to a very swank party to benefit big brothers and sisters and one was there. US needs to get the very best for the best agents in the world. What is actually happening is US doesn't care what happens to these agents. Let just one agent slip and fall in the dark or get bitten by a rat and the company will disallow ojt because the agent was not on a break or at lunch but heaven forbit going to the potty on USAirways time. Tell me---are they insisting you stay in compliance while you trudge to the potty??? Seems I remember the pit res is on a hill--what if the potty rolls down the hill"?????
As for state of emergency---if you can't make it to work---document document document. If you have to go past a part of the city that is effected take pictures and get police reports as to when and where state of emergency exists.
Your union will stand up for you in this case--too bad it might have to go to a grievence but it might. Someone call Tim Yost---he's your best advocate. He will work for you.
good luck all of you.
drifterreno said:
As for state of emergency---if you can't make it to work---document document document. If you have to go past a part of the city that is effected take pictures and get police reports as to when and where state of emergency exists.
Your union will stand up for you in this case--too bad it might have to go to a grievence but it might. Someone call Tim Yost---he's your best advocate. He will work for you.
good luck all of you.
It does no good. I had video of the snow being higher than the bumper of my car a few years back, I had to call in. there was no way I could get on my street.....had a video with a date stamp and everything.....my street was completely unplowed and there was no way for me to drive. I can only guess that as far as the company is concerned I should have made myself a makeshift blackjack out of a pillowcase and a dozen D batteries and procurred a Salt truck (probably one of the six in my city) and drove it to work....

It was grieved by the union on behalf of a bunch of us.....the grievance lost in arbitration. they have to issue a statewide order making it illegal to be on the streets....
delldude said:
you have a lot of nerve in my opinion....i'd suggest you TRY to go into some of the areas affected by the flooding.soon you will see your dilema is miniscule by comparison.
at least you have a place to take a crap,many have lost it all. :angry:

No you have a lot of nerve my friend assuming that those complaining are people not touched by the floods. We are talking about people who went to work for fear of getting an occurance even when their homes were filling with water. They had enought to worry about let alone working in horrible conditions. Myself included. I spent the better part of three hours trying to get to work then trying to get home not knowing if I had a home to go to and the whole freakin time I was also worrying about consequences for turning around. Don't assume cause it makes an ass out of U and Me. Namely you. I lost some things but I work with some who lost everything and they were AT FREAKIN WORK in deplorable shitty conditions.
Its amazing how rumors start. Someone dare to call a spade a spade?
To the original poster, Bobcat, and those of you in agreement; #1 This has NOTHING to do with management treating its employees like sh*t!!! This was the most rain this region has seen in over 100 years!! As Delldude remarked, many people lost EVERYTHING!!!, trust me, he knows this to be true!! So, you are worried about hot water, and a place to urinate?? Hmmm... Let me run this by you....The weekend of Patriot Day(9/11 for those not aware of that), My son and I drove my daughter to South Florida, where she is starting her new career!! :up: Our travels took us through Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte, Florida. This is where "Charlie" landed. Trust me, with all due respect to what happened here, the devastation I saw was not a few boats washed into the point, and the flooding that destroyed homes, and businesses. These are people dealing with NO electricity/RUNNING water/sewage everywhere, for MONTHS, not weeks!! approximately 16 dead/(Punta Gorda alone)/ and 10 TIMES the destruction/damage we witnessed last Friday!!!! Bobcat, this is not meant to "call you to the carpet", so to speak. Just please realize, that there IS a HUGE difference, and your post, IMHO, was out of utter frustration, and not rational thinking. GOOD DAY!!!!!!
youngblood said:
No you have a lot of nerve my friend assuming that those complaining are people not touched by the floods. We are talking about people who went to work for fear of getting an occurance even when their homes were filling with water. They had enought to worry about let alone working in horrible conditions. Myself included. I spent the better part of three hours trying to get to work then trying to get home not knowing if I had a home to go to and the whole freakin time I was also worrying about consequences for turning around. Don't assume cause it makes an ass out of U and Me. Namely you. I lost some things but I work with some who lost everything and they were AT FREAKIN WORK in deplorable shitty conditions.
Youngblood!!!! RELAXXX If your that worried about occurences, I feel bad for you. I worked a double(mid/day), then took me 5 HOURS to get home!!!! IF it was the other way around, and had to go to work, I WOULD NOT HAVE GONE!!!!! Screw their damn occourance policy!! Your life, and the well-being of your family is more important!!! I feel the "occurance" issue on this thread is a dead one!!! Allegheny county was declared a disaster area!! If it came to push and shove, you would prevail. GOOD DAY!!!!

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