When is the best times to NON-rev to Europe?

Most flight to Europe till i would think April are light with maybe the exception of FRA.
Just worked FCO-PHL yesterday and we had 9 in Envoy and 90 in Economy Class. Quite nice for a 10 hour flight. :up:
Most flight to Europe till i would think April are light with maybe the exception of FRA.
Just worked FCO-PHL yesterday and we had 9 in Envoy and 90 in Economy Class. Quite nice for a 10 hour flight. :up:

Where is FCO? Sorry we haven't learned some of your city codes yet (which I'm sure will come up in recurrent)

It would be nice to see new places. I've been wanting to go to other European cities and looking forward to non-revving soon. Spent $245 before on a zed ticket... now with the expanded route system, it's going to be cheaper to non-rev and..more cities to choose from. :) Yey!

Where is FCO? Sorry we haven't learned some of your city codes yet (which I'm sure will come up in recurrent)

It would be nice to see new places. I've been wanting to go to other European cities and looking forward to non-revving soon. Spent $245 before on a zed ticket... now with the expanded route system, it's going to be cheaper to non-rev and..more cities to choose from. :) Yey!

FCO is Rome..Fiumincino Airport
Where is FCO? Sorry we haven't learned some of your city codes yet (which I'm sure will come up in recurrent)

It would be nice to see new places. I've been wanting to go to other European cities and looking forward to non-revving soon. Spent $245 before on a zed ticket... now with the expanded route system, it's going to be cheaper to non-rev and..more cities to choose from. :) Yey!

yeah, you work for a real international carrier now...contrary to the seemingly pejorative slant (to be withdrawn should the 757-european expansion rumor prove to be true) your esteemed management team may place on this status.
i would encourage you to take advantage of ENVOY CLASS!!! it too reflects, or it once did, the proud committment we take in these routes!!!
thus, i too welcome you aboard!
Thanks! I'm excited. I've been wanting to go to the Louvre.

It'll blow your mind; you won't be disappointed. Just make sure you budget enough time to really take it all in.

Not for nothing, but if for some reason you decide to go to AMS instead, I *highly* recommend the Van Gogh museum; out of all the ones I've been to, it's my favorite. :up:
I've checked some of the standby lists on the european flights and have seen a large increase in US-West employees travelling. I encourage all of you to take advanatage of the new routes that you are now allowed to travel for free. Sitting in Envoy Class for 10 hours and only paying $100 to do so is quite a deal!
Can anyone give me info? Is it easier to fly out of CLT or PHL? Thank you.

West F/A

Winter is traditionally off peak for all of Europe, so going to Europe itself is no big deal...BUT, you are nonreving and its important to look at the what if's, where you are, and what your tolerance level is.

If you are going to FRA or LGW, I would fly out of Charlotte just because the airport is far less congested and less crazed in general. There are plenty of inexpensive hotels should you get stuck.

PHL has all the other destinations, so you could always hop on another European destination should you get stuck. Also, despite the airports reputation, PHL is a great city with alot of culture and historic flavor. The train systen runs to the airport so if you were to get stuck, you can hope into the city. I think your biggest obsticale will be getting from PHX to PHL or CLT unless you are a f/a and can fly jumpseat.

Good luck and have fun. Spring for the $100 for Biz Class going over as you will rest better and if on the A330, try to get row one, which reclines flat out. Have fun.

Do you usually move the non-rev's up from coach to envoy on flights when the loads are like that? Reason I ask is that I've had it happen to me 3 times now; PHL-LGW roundtrip as well as FCO-PHL. It saved me $300 and I was sure appreciative of that. I'm guessing it just depends on how the crew feels at that particular time.

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