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delldude said:
wow these little pins and we're returning to the top...why didn't seigel think of that? :lol:
(but you have to pay for your own) :blink:
ok toto time to stop by northwest....

I'm not surprised you missed the point. Well, then again maybe you didn't...you just couldn't resist another snappy cute putdown. But just in case, let me explain: The pin acknowledges and respects where people have been and where they are going. Sometimes money isn't the all important aspect of a job. Most employees (union and non-union) respond with being shown a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T from their leaders. The heritage logo and the new theme planes have boosted morale there is no denying this...it is fact. They say a "thank you" goes a long way...not much...just a few simple words. Good leaders understand this. DP understood this by unveiling the heritage logo and theme planes. It's too early in the game to directly attribute the bonuses being paid (for meeting performance goals) to improved morale. One occurance can be an accident. Let's see if a trend develops. In the meantime we will endure your snappy cute putdowns. 😉
Recently, I have spent some time thinking about these topics.
What I saw at HP was that management has done a good job of turning work group against work group such as gate agents vs. flight attendants.
At another airline I worked at in the past, there was a general displeasure (and stronger) with management because of several valid reasons, across all union work groups a general us (as in you and I) vs. them (management) because first, management had made many decisions that where not liked by employees; second, contracts where becoming concessionary in nature giving up generations earned employee oriented rules;

The biggest thing I hope for is management keeps (and out east, make) employee morale a high priority, as inorder to ensure happy customers, management must take care of the people who keep the customers happy, the employees. Simple things, like a pin will work for a while. If other things follow, perhaps it will prevent an attitude change to us (all union workers) vs. them (management) (and remember that most of /east/ US Airways employees have gone through lots of stuff to cause a less than overjoyed opine of management.)

On a side note, I am a fan of the /east/ way of handling passenger comments: good and bad do not make it to the employee... is that true?
corl737 said:
They're not pins, they're a raise in disguise. You can sell them on eBay and double your money!

Look here: eBay Item number: 6567607914
(Based on the photo in the auction description it appears the New USAirways has already lost its focus! 🙄 )

They are also selling stickers, too. Ebay item # 6567608807
jec9 said:
Recently, I have spent some time thinking about these topics.
What I saw at HP was that management has done a good job of turning work group against work group such as gate agents vs. flight attendants.
At another airline I worked at in the past, there was a general displeasure (and stronger) with management because of several valid reasons, across all union work groups a general us (as in you and I) vs. them (management) because first, management had made many decisions that where not liked by employees; second, contracts where becoming concessionary in nature giving up generations earned employee oriented rules;

The biggest thing I hope for is management keeps (and out east, make) employee morale a high priority, as inorder to ensure happy customers, management must take care of the people who keep the customers happy, the employees. Simple things, like a pin will work for a while. If other things follow, perhaps it will prevent an attitude change to us (all union workers) vs. them (management) (and remember that most of /east/ US Airways employees have gone through lots of stuff to cause a less than overjoyed opine of management.)

On a side note, I am a fan of the /east/ way of handling passenger comments: good and bad do not make it to the employee... is that true?


Thank you for this post. WElcome to the forum and this Board.

Local 40 PIT has a huge union meeting at the HYATT today.( all day). Let's see what they think?
EricLv2Fish said:
I'm not surprised you missed the point. Well, then again maybe you didn't...you just couldn't resist another snappy cute putdown. But just in case, let me explain: The pin acknowledges and respects where people have been and where they are going. Sometimes money isn't the all important aspect of a job. Most employees (union and non-union) respond with being shown a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T from their leaders. The heritage logo and the new theme planes have boosted morale there is no denying this...it is fact. They say a "thank you" goes a long way...not much...just a few simple words. Good leaders understand this. DP understood this by unveiling the heritage logo and theme planes. It's too early in the game to directly attribute the bonuses being paid (for meeting performance goals) to improved morale. One occurance can be an accident. Let's see if a trend develops. In the meantime we will endure your snappy cute putdowns. 😉
this guy didn't quite get it either....

post Yesterday, 10:17 AM
Post #3

Rank: Senior
Group: Registered Member
Posts: 472
Joined: 4-November 02
Member No.: 1,211

So, the biggest change is that we got our pins.

I will take a wait and see attitude with America West as they come forward to take over the discipline at USAirways. I hear that there flight attendant walk to a very programmed method of dependability. That is all fine however the individuals at the USAirways prior to America West did not have the same culture. We at USAirways can not be slammed with the current culture. We all have been emotionally devastated give us all a chance to breathe in a enviorment that is not so caustic. It takes a little work on there part because they do know that damaged goods are not so easily repaired.............................We extend the olive branch and I do not believe they will use it to whip us. B) B)
drifterreno said:
which most of us don't think we need at this time.

That's right,the company will always treat you fairly and with respect as well pay you a living wage... :blink:

Is the cost of living in PHX so cheap you can get by on $9.00 an hour?
LGA Fleet Service said:
drifterreno said:
which most of us don't think we need at this time.
That's right,the company will always treat you fairly and with respect as well pay you a living wage... :blink:

Is the cost of living in PHX so cheap you can get by on $9.00 an hour?

If you are single you must do much overtime, pick up drops, or have no bills. A sugar-mama or sugar-daddy helps.
jec9 said:
On a side note, I am a fan of the /east/ way of handling passenger comments: good and bad do not make it to the employee... is that true?

Don't know for sure, but good comments are passed along, and bad ones only are if they are substantial enough to be questioned. For example "the #### F/A made me put my bag in an overhead" or "fire the gate agent that bumped me off the oversold flight", I don't think those make it past Consumer Affairs.

Some of them end up in "Your Turn" in Attache, fondly referred to "You Fault". Which isn't there this month?
Light Years said:
Some of them end up in "Your Turn" in Attache, fondly referred to "You Fault". Which isn't there this month?

Yes, first think I look for each month and it was gone. So was a message from Lakefield. Is D.T. history? I thought they'd least keep her comments in the mag telling the pax how everything is YOUR FAULT. Maybe things are changing--still, that column cracked me up every month how she would go on an on about how dumb or wrong the pax are.
EricLv2Fish said:
I'm not surprised you missed the point. Well, then again maybe you didn't...you just couldn't resist another snappy cute putdown. But just in case, let me explain: The pin acknowledges and respects where people have been and where they are going. Sometimes money isn't the all important aspect of a job. Most employees (union and non-union) respond with being shown a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T from their leaders. The heritage logo and the new theme planes have boosted morale there is no denying this...it is fact. They say a "thank you" goes a long way...not much...just a few simple words. Good leaders understand this. DP understood this by unveiling the heritage logo and theme planes. It's too early in the game to directly attribute the bonuses being paid (for meeting performance goals) to improved morale. One occurance can be an accident. Let's see if a trend develops. In the meantime we will endure your snappy cute putdowns. 😉

Eric.....he has no point. That's his point. The Heritage logo made me think about my "mergers" over the years. I've worked in the medical profession and corporate america. If I created a heritage pin of my jobs it would show a variety of opportunities where I learned a great deal and took that knowledge onto my next career. I do look at back the "good old days" at each stop in my career path and help to create the "good new days". YES, there are trying days in my newest job but it's amazing how fast I get over them now, now that I'm getting older too.

Some people in the "old" US just need to let go and move on. But they won't. They will piss, whine and moan. That's their lot in life I guess. Every group has it's naysayers. They like to hear themselves talk thats all. Or post.

People also wonder why there are so many of us frequent flyers that have remained loyal to US over the years. There are a lot of variables that keep us coming back. But mostly, as it's been stated time and time again, it's the people. The front line people. As I sat on my flight home yesterday from DEN, I watched the interaction between the FC F/A and the customers. I could tell who were the "loyal" amongst the FC cabin and who were just along for the ride. The loyal ones all thanked the F/A during her service and chit chatted with her. Those that were just along for the ride, didn't even acknowledge her. Amazing.

So.......will the new US be better? One can only hope. The "old" employees of the "old"US might be bitter and angry. But you have to give the "new" US a chance. Going in with an attitude of failure will lead to failure. And remember, they don't need you as much as you need them.


PITBULL......it was nice running into you again at the airport.
corl737 said:
They're not pins, they're a raise in disguise. You can sell them on eBay and double your money!

Look here: eBay Item number: 6567607914
(Based on the photo in the auction description it appears the New USAirways has already lost its focus! 🙄 )

WOW! Someone is paying 30.00 for one? I was on the livery flight and have 5 sealed in plastic. 🙂
What has not changed is information flow. It still flows in the same old, haphazard way as it always has. A manager speaking to a few employees offering facts and hunches and rumors passing as if facts. Then there are the memos, with important merger information, posted here, there and everywhere. Memos taped on this door, or the door's other side, on a window, on wall, some thrown on a table. The merger, and our being uniformly well-informed obviously isn't a serious issue. Same old, same old.
selling something u got for free
i still have my star alliance pin , from when it orignianlly came out, should sell it for $100
also, does anyon eknow where i can get the Usairways Tail Pin ?, i have seen it on gate agents for a while now, its a cool looking pin !
You can go to www.airlinepins.com to buy tail pins and other stuff for tons of different airlines. It's really cheap too.

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