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What parts of USAirways will UAL end up with?


Mar 4, 2003
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Picture this:
1. Iraq war and a prolonged brawl over the pilot pension issue deliver a lethal blow to U. Its limited cash reserves are further depleted and Bronner decides to throw in the towel. What does this add up to? CH7 liquidation.
2. Ual already has plenty of aircraft to increase capacity, so they wouldn''t need any U equipment. But, how is this for a kicker: Airbus suddenly finds itself holding several A-320s that nobody will want. Airbus offers UAL a sweetheart deal on the planes for it''s new LCC. Since the aircraft were reposessed, no U employees have to be transferred over, and UAL recalls it''s furloughed employees.
3. With strong hubs at ORD and IAD, UAL won''t consider using PIT or PHL as major bases. It will probably add flights at these airports though. CLT is a possibility for a minor UAL hub, but once again there will be no need for U equipment or employees.
4. UAL signs contracts with U express carriers. These feeders, combined with Atlantic Coast, will make the IAD hub a force to be reckoned with. U express will also feed UAL at CLT where I would expect UAL to add European destinations, thus drawing traffic away from Delta in ATL.
5. U shuttle will disappear. With so much competition from Eagle and Delta Connection, UAL will use U express regional jets for feed to LGA, BOS, and DCA. U''s slots at these airports will be sold at a discount to AMR, UAL, and DAL. I forsee AirTran and other low-cost operations getting a number of slots also.
6. With U liquidated excess capacity is reduced. Airlines are able to make a limited fare increase stick. Combined with a short war in Iraq this will enable the majors to show a smaller loss for 2003 and a small profit for 2004.
Now for the lesson. If this seems insensitve to all of you USAirways folks it was designed to be. Truth be told, this scenario is far more likely to be played out than you guys picking up any pieces of UAL.
But you know what? I hope it doesn''t happen. As a matter of fact I hope that you make a full recovery, and that our companies are both able to drag their butts out of CH11.
I personally don''t care what you post on your board, but just realize that these are difficult times and that some furloughed UAL employee, or his (her) family, is reading that crap. Think about it.
On 3/5/2003 10:51:06 PM 737nCH11 wrote:

Picture this:
1. Iraq war and a prolonged brawl over the pilot pension issue deliver a lethal blow to U. Its limited cash reserves are further depleted and Bronner decides to throw in the towel. What does this add up to? CH7 liquidation.
2. Ual already has plenty of aircraft to increase capacity, so they wouldn't need any U equipment. But, how is this for a kicker: Airbus suddenly finds itself holding several A-320s that nobody will want. Airbus offers UAL a sweetheart deal on the planes for it's new LCC. Since the aircraft were reposessed, no U employees have to be transferred over, and UAL recalls it's furloughed employees.
3. With strong hubs at ORD and IAD, UAL won't consider using PIT or PHL as major bases. It will probably add flights at these airports though. CLT is a possibility for a minor UAL hub, but once again there will be no need for U equipment or employees.
4. UAL signs contracts with U express carriers. These feeders, combined with Atlantic Coast, will make the IAD hub a force to be reckoned with. U express will also feed UAL at CLT where I would expect UAL to add European destinations, thus drawing traffic away from Delta in ATL.
5. U shuttle will disappear. With so much competition from Eagle and Delta Connection, UAL will use U express regional jets for feed to LGA, BOS, and DCA. U's slots at these airports will be sold at a discount to AMR, UAL, and DAL. I forsee AirTran and other low-cost operations getting a number of slots also.
6. With U liquidated excess capacity is reduced. Airlines are able to make a limited fare increase stick. Combined with a short war in Iraq this will enable the majors to show a smaller loss for 2003 and a small profit for 2004.

Now for the lesson. If this seems insensitve to all of you USAirways folks it was designed to be. Truth be told, this scenario is far more likely to be played out than you guys picking up any pieces of UAL.
But you know what? I hope it doesn't happen. As a matter of fact I hope that you make a full recovery, and that our companies are both able to drag their butts out of CH11.
I personally don't care what you post on your board, but just realize that these are difficult times and that some furloughed UAL employee, or his (her) family, is reading that crap. Think about it.
"Think about it??" I think you all need to take some time off this board and take a breather! 1st and last post of my career!!
Now this is a thread I can finally sink my teeth into!
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']

But seriously, I must say: Well Said!

I'm so sick of reading the "let's conquer the world" crap on the US board. I've pretty much given up posting on any of this stuff.

The best outcome will be for everyone to get their own house in order, get the Iraq issue resolved one way or the other, the economy to improve, businesses to expand and travel more, raise prices to a reasonable and sustainable level so airlines can charge what it really costs to provide their product, and put this whole chapter of the industry into the history books.
Maybe it's just me, but, I refuse to sink to that level.... perhaps I don't have the "high level contacts" that some folks claim to have..

I would say, we have a long ways to go to get our own house in order, just as they do.

p.s. I realize the point of the post, it's just that it is pointless to engage in this stuff, just as it is when they do it over there.

I agree. I think you'll find that anyone on the UA board that responds top this thread will do so in a sarcastic manner and not a serious one.

We all know that no company will be picking the carcass of any other.

However, over at the US board, they have 3 or 4 pages on this very topic. I guess it just emphasizes the difference in our employee groups.

In my opinion there is much more bitterness on their campus. It's almost like they blame us for not being their knight in shining armour in 2001. Now many of them salivate at the thought of inflicting some type of sick revenge on UAL. It's very sad.

They certainly spend much more time speculating on world domination than we do.

I am sorry about some the insensitivity shown to your and our situations. I'm sure we all know there's idiots in any group of people.

I can assure you, at work I rarely hear anything said about UAL. Most of us are too worried about our own business. Believe me, we have plenty to stress about in our own house. Mostly, we vent about the latest scandal in our own yard. This past week has been about the monies paid/given to Wolf, Gangwal and Nagin. Or the pilots retirement issue, something I hope does not visit your workplace.

All of us have watched way too many of our friends, family and coworkers lose jobs due to 9-11 and management incompetence. Let's try to ignore the sick ones who would find pleasure in another's misfortune. Some may say it's "just business" but for us, it's much more personal. Please accept my good wishes for your futures and hope you'll hold a positive thought for mine.

737nCh11, I understand what you're trying to accomplish, but stooping to chip's (and a few others) level only creates greater resentment between UAL and U employees.
If one or both carriers perish, there will be more than a couple of airline employees dancing in the aisles, not realizing how it could someday be their company that perishes.
I know several U employees and they are good people. There are a few jerks in any company; UAL's no exception. We at UAL have more than a couple of jerks.

recently furloughed UAL pilot
On 3/5/2003 10:51:06 PM 737nCH11 wrote:

Picture this:
1. Iraq war and a prolonged brawl over the pilot pension issue deliver a lethal blow to U. Its limited cash reserves are further depleted and Bronner decides to throw in the towel. What does this add up to? CH7 liquidation.
2. Ual already has plenty of aircraft to increase capacity, so they wouldn't need any U equipment. But, how is this for a kicker: Airbus suddenly finds itself holding several A-320s that nobody will want. Airbus offers UAL a sweetheart deal on the planes for it's new LCC. Since the aircraft were reposessed, no U employees have to be transferred over, and UAL recalls it's furloughed employees.
3. With strong hubs at ORD and IAD, UAL won't consider using PIT or PHL as major bases. It will probably add flights at these airports though. CLT is a possibility for a minor UAL hub, but once again there will be no need for U equipment or employees.
4. UAL signs contracts with U express carriers. These feeders, combined with Atlantic Coast, will make the IAD hub a force to be reckoned with. U express will also feed UAL at CLT where I would expect UAL to add European destinations, thus drawing traffic away from Delta in ATL.
5. U shuttle will disappear. With so much competition from Eagle and Delta Connection, UAL will use U express regional jets for feed to LGA, BOS, and DCA. U's slots at these airports will be sold at a discount to AMR, UAL, and DAL. I forsee AirTran and other low-cost operations getting a number of slots also.
6. With U liquidated excess capacity is reduced. Airlines are able to make a limited fare increase stick. Combined with a short war in Iraq this will enable the majors to show a smaller loss for 2003 and a small profit for 2004.

Now for the lesson. If this seems insensitve to all of you USAirways folks it was designed to be. Truth be told, this scenario is far more likely to be played out than you guys picking up any pieces of UAL.
But you know what? I hope it doesn't happen. As a matter of fact I hope that you make a full recovery, and that our companies are both able to drag their out of CH11.
I personally don't care what you post on your board, but just realize that these are difficult times and that some furloughed UAL employee, or his (her) family, is reading that crap. Think about it.

Let’s take a look at reality, first off I in no way work for U or is Pro-U.
Second, look at UAL's financials, they are in far worse shape then U and don't have any money to buy anything especially new planes from Airbus. Contracts are still being negoiated so no one truly knows until concessions come about. I wish you guys at United well but it looks like neither wins this round if war comes.
The vast majority of US Airways employees are not blinded by these delusions of grandeur and understand our future role, as defined by our management, will be a glorified United Express carrier with a fleet built around RJ's. and A319's.

Another cry-ass United employee, what a surprise. Insensitive? Maybe you shouldnt take things so personally in regards to your airline. You go ahead and divvy up US, I'll divy up UA... its speculation about companies, no ones talking about kidnapping your granny or bulldozing your neighbourhood. Its speculation, and discussion, pure and simple. Thats what message boards are for. If your so sensitive, dont read the posts.
On 3/7/2003 11:37:32 AM Light Years wrote:


Another cry-ass United employee, what a surprise. Insensitive? Maybe you shouldnt take things so personally in regards to your airline. You go ahead and divvy up US, I'll divy up UA... its speculation about companies, no ones talking about kidnapping your granny or bulldozing your neighbourhood. Its speculation, and discussion, pure and simple. Thats what message boards are for. If your so sensitive, dont read the posts.


WTF... Over?

Here's some advice, Light Years... Try DECAF!

Can someone else help me out here? Who's the cry baby?
All I'm saying is theres no need to get defensive and sensitive over hubs, routes etc. Everyone is having a hard time right now, and such speculation is fun escapism for aviation enthusiasts. Obviously if any of these scenarios happened, many would suffer great hardship, but I honestly do not think any one who posts on these boards, at least airline employees, wish ill will upon another collegue. If anyone finds such discussion hurtful or immature, then they need not participate.
As for a scenario of UA becoming healthy and Airways perishing, I think UAL's network would be complemented by retaining the Shuttle, retaining and growing the Charlotte and Philadelphia hub and their Carribbean routes, and disposing of IAD.