Decision 2004
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Checking it Out said:Amfa can not even drum up 100 people for a rally and Amfa is also a major contributer to the demise of the Mechanic and Related downward spiral!
The Industry is changing, the TWU seen it coming, we made a smart move by not going to BK. All we have to do is look at United and USAir and see, we made the smart choice at the time! Are we out of the woods? Not by a long shot! Will we see more adjustments at AA? You Bet! Will we see more adjustments in the Industry? Yes!
At What Point is enough? Enough?
Your only answer is always, "adjustments", "concessions", and "It's all AMFA's fault".
When the truth is, you have claimed for months now that the concessions saved three maintenance bases, and 12,000 jobs. Yet, the facts show that the TWU not only left 2,500 jobs open to RIF in addition to the 1397 given away at will, but the bed partners also did nothing more than use the unsuspecting TWA employees as pawns in the AMFA vs TWU issue. Imagine that CIO, within a month of the NMB rendering a decision on the AMFA election, AA and the TWU now expose that those at MCI that were towing the party line for the TWU have now been cut looose and will no longer be employees afterall. Talk about the ultimate bait and switch sell-out.
No wonder the TWU is perceived to be the most "docile" union in the industry.
If I were a previous TWA employee banking on the TWU for job retention, I would now take action by legal means or whatever means I could find at my disposal, since the truth has now been exposed. At least Carl Ichan was up front about shafting those fellas. In contrast AA/TWU just hide behind the rocks and stones and stab them while they are not looking.
We tried to warn those at TWA about the AA/TWA definition of "on attrition basis".
Tell us and the TWA gang, how "on attrition basis", means pink slip out the door brother?
I am personally more ashamed to be associated with such disgusting "anti-worker" pro-company union thugs than ever before.
I actually have much sympathy for Drippy, Steve, Nightwatch, M.E. Johnson, and the rest of the unsuspecting victims of the latest AA/TWU love-fest. I cannot wait to see what happens next. And I hope they have now learned the only TWU lesson they need to see the truth.
You tell us CIO, since you are the so-called union on the property.
When is enough, really enough with the TWU?