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What Did You Think Would Happen Delle?

Let's see, who or what will you attack next..........Women???

I believe that this award has already been issued to a TWU supporter.
Nightwatch said:
Firstly there Rusty, we are the TWU, not wannabes. You are a wannabe...you are not AMFA, you just act like you love Delle.
You want to be a twu member and not an AMFA member right??? That makes you a twu wannabe!!! As far as Delle goes, he has worked harder and done more for our profession than any single man alive today. Oh, and yes I am an AMFA union member, care to bring me up on your duel union charges?
Rusty said:
You want to be a twu member and not an AMFA member right??? That makes you a twu wannabe!!!

As far as Delle goes, he has worked harder and done more for our profession than any single man alive today.

Those are the best lines of crap I have heard in a while Rusty!!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!!!!!
twuer said:

Those are the best lines of crap I have heard in a while Rusty!!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!!!!!
You are welcome for the laugh twuer. By the way, who do you think has done the most for the mechanics profession that is still alive today? Do you believe the president of the twu has any place in aviation history?
Bob Owens said:
Yea and they are still making more than we are, still get paid for all their sick time, vacations, holidays, doubletime, etc.
How's that bankruptcy working out for your all your UAL brothers, what with UAL now prohibited by its DIP lenders from making any more pension contributions?

The amended DIP agreement contains financial covenants that do not permit the company to make any payments inconsistent with its current financial projections, effectively prohibiting further pension contributions before exit, unless the lenders otherwise consent based on a modified business plan. As a result, the company does not expect to make any pension contributions before exit because such payments would diminish the company's liquidity and reduce flexibility, thus impairing the company's ability to attract exit financing. In and of itself, this decision does not affect the benefits currently being paid under these plans.

By amending the DIP and not making these pension contributions, the company believes it will have adequate funding until its exit from bankruptcy. These actions will enhance UAL's flexibility while it continues to restructure in a challenging and uncertain marketplace.

In the absence of a federal loan guarantee, United's long-term business plan must have cash flow and liquidity levels that the capital markets are willing to finance. Because existing pension plan contributions will remain a huge financial burden after exit, it is incumbent on United to study all possible options and to determine whether United can sustain this burden and still attract exit financing. At present, no decisions have been made and much work and analysis needs to be completed. United is beginning to discuss this situation with its unions and other stakeholders.



Bet you wish AA was in that boat, don't you, Mr Owens? Then you'd be gettin' what's yours until the last day. B)

That's $570 million that UAL is NOT contributing to their pensions this year, while AA has already fully funded its $461 million 2004 minimum contributions.

Still think Bankruptcy was the better course? Then you could have argued to a judge that you shouldn't have to give up pay, vacations and double and triple time?

For over a year now you've whined about all you had to give up.

For over a year you complain that the TWU has let you down for over 25 years.

Look what the poor brothers at UAL are about to lose. Yet you still whine.
UAL went into bankruptcy because of GREED, pure and simple, and it wasn't the mechanics at UAL that were the greedy ones. UAL mis-management like trying to buy U.S.AIR, start AVOLAR was another factor in UAL's problems. One thing about bankruptcy it would shown us where CARTY,ARPEY,+friends hid or squandered all of the money. The pension payment that was made by AA,amounts to couple of drops of water on a dried up lawn in Texas summer heat. It looks good in the newspaper, but reality doesn't do a bit of good for our $3,000,000,000 underfunded pension plans.

Actually AA is doing the same thing it did in the early 1990's. AA is crying "We're broke and we can't make any money". They did the same B.S. back then as now.
In a year things will be back to normal and the mechanics will be stuck with TWU sellout contract till Jan.2009, while AA makes billions to go and buy more bankrupt airlines,install more poor quality seats on the 767,777 and waste billions on unnessary airport terminal makeovers.
FWAAA said:
How's that bankruptcy working out for your all your UAL brothers, what with UAL now prohibited by its DIP lenders from making any more pension contributions?



Bet you wish AA was in that boat, don't you, Mr Owens? Then you'd be gettin' what's yours until the last day. B)

That's $570 million that UAL is NOT contributing to their pensions this year, while AA has already fully funded its $461 million 2004 minimum contributions.

Still think Bankruptcy was the better course? Then you could have argued to a judge that you shouldn't have to give up pay, vacations and double and triple time?

For over a year now you've whined about all you had to give up.

For over a year you complain that the TWU has let you down for over 25 years.

Look what the poor brothers at UAL are about to lose. Yet you still whine.
Ok so I'm giving up $20,000 a year so that AA can fund my pension, for this year.

What is the real value of the companys contribution to my pension this year?


Give up $20,000 a year for the possibility of getting a pension in 20 years.

Over the next five years I will be giving up over $100,000.

What guarantee do I have that sometime within the next five years that AA will not freeze our pension?

What guarantees do we get that AA will not switch to a 401 K match?

If they do, wouldnt I be better off having that extra $20,000 so I could actually contribute the max?

Would you agree or dissagree that the problems over at UAL, that led to this most recent move, were compunded by the fact that AA got massive concessions? That we gave more than the employees at UAL?

There is an old truism that holds true today about a bird in the hand. I have no faith that the TWU will protect our pension any more than they did for their members at Pan Am or EAL.

By the way we never got triple time.
Rusty said:
You want to be a twu member and not an AMFA member right??? That makes you a twu wannabe!!! As far as Delle goes, he has worked harder and done more for our profession than any single man alive today. Oh, and yes I am an AMFA union member, care to bring me up on your duel union charges?
Well Sonny recently did the most he ever did for working people-he announced that he is quitting!
twuer said:
We all know that you are a predjudice, holier-than-thou, homophobe, republican Dave. No need for more validation on your part. You have no respect for other peoples rights, as long as you are happy!!! WE GET IT ALREADY!!!!..........REALLY!!!
Instead of hiding behind the alias and promoting Gay/Lesbian rights on the internet bulletin board, why not come as the Official Spokesman for the TWU and put your pro-Gay stance in writing.

If you are going to champion a cause, then at least put your name on it!
UAL went into bankruptcy because of GREED, pure and simple, and it wasn't the mechanics at UAL that were the greedy ones. UAL mis-management like trying to buy U.S.AIR, start AVOLAR was another factor in UAL's problems. One thing about bankruptcy it would shown us where CARTY,ARPEY,+friends hid or squandered all of the money. The pension payment that was made by AA,amounts to couple of drops of water on a dried up lawn in Texas summer heat. It looks good in the newspaper, but reality doesn't do a bit of good for our $3,000,000,000 underfunded pension plans.

Actually AA is doing the same thing it did in the early 1990's. AA is crying "We're broke and we can't make any money". They did the same B.S. back then as now.
In a year things will be back to normal and the mechanics will be stuck with TWU sellout contract till Jan.2009, while AA makes billions to go and buy more bankrupt airlines,install more poor quality seats on the 767,777 and waste billions on unnessary airport terminal makeovers.
because of GREED, pure and simple, must be referring to the amfaites at UAL asking the mechanics to allow the BK...you said it right...GREED.
Name: Insider
Employer: Northwest Airlines
Date: Friday July 23, 2004
Time: 11:23:32 PM

Managements plan on the FM II is to stall as long as possible, let as many AMFA Techs retire, quit, get fired or die, then they'll maybe recall 50. But that's after another 400 go! AMFA, you've got to start growing a set and stand up to these atrocities.
Decision 2004 said:
Instead of hiding behind the alias and promoting Gay/Lesbian rights on the internet bulletin board, why not come as the Official Spokesman for the TWU and put your pro-Gay stance in writing.

If you are going to champion a cause, then at least put your name on it!
Oh Dave........there you go puting words in my mouth again!! Find where I said that I actively promote Gay/Lesbian rights??? Or that I take a Gay/Lesbian stance, "champion the cause"???

What I believe in is the freedom of choice Dave. It is not the governments job, or mine, to dictate personal choices for anyone else. I bet you are one of those people who claim to be pro-life huh?? But that stance comes with a big but doesn't it??? (quote from a pro-lifer) "I am pro-life BUT if the woman or child are in danger, or if rape or incest come in to play then I am FOR abortion." SORRY PAL BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!! Anyway you look at it EVERYONE is pro-choice, they just don't have the balls to admit it or to take the "title"!!! So, your (oh so subtle) complaints of Gays and Lesbians having "rights" just shows how hypocritical and predjudice you really are. Your type of politics is all too predictible Dave. You don't have to agree with people's choices but it boils down to whether or not you feel people (those who pay taxes just as you do) have the right to the same civil liberties as you Dave.

I could care less what your political affiliation is Dave. You are just making yourself look like a jacka** with your comments and article postings. But hey, you can't teach an old dog new tricks now can you???? 😉