Those of you who have an opportunity to take the separation package should not hesitate. For those of you in PIT, you have the uniqueadvantage to qualify for unemployment because a transfer would create undo hardship. Qualifying for unemployment becuse of this kind of resignation due to base closure give you the opportunity to collect and get state monies to reeducate yourself for new employment.
The stock closed on Friday at $21.03. The news of fuel price uncertainty, looming troube with IRAN who controls 80% of the world's oil, and folks who may just have met their threshold with credit and won't be spending in the next couple of years at least, means trouble for this industry. The stock is currently just about where it opened upon emergence from BK in 2005. Everything about corporate america is about maximising shareholder value. The execs are tied to the stock performance for their option cash-in, if they can't create the illusion of successful profitable co., the stock will continue to slide.
The unions should not waste their time trying to negotiate fair contracts as you are running a losing proposition. Dougie is blatantly saying "it ain't over, til its over".... For those of you who want to stay, you won't see any increase until there is alternative energy resource abundancy, or there is "peace on earth". ..Either one is pretty damn far into the distant future (light years). Too many variables in this business to bank on any job security. There will always be an excuse why you won't get anything even when the company happens to have a good year. The airline industry is only lucrative for senior management employees, the rest of the rank are slaves to an idealogy of non-revenue flying priviledges. That too is no longer a perk as the airlines have decreased capacity. Your chances of getting on is close remote with a significance level of .01 if you were to test this claim.
Life is short....My advice while you still have working years left, plan to get out so you can save for your retirement and future with a company that will give you raises on your job performance or compensated for a company that has the ability to grow and sustain profits without having so many vulnerable vairables that they can not control. Do not invest in USAirways. It is not in your best interest or your family's... on any level.
The years are going by....don't wait. Plan!!!! Pressure the all unions to offer separation packages and get out of Dodge.