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WELL, back to Work Again !!

Like I said, plenty of jobs available undermined by greed and laziness and our economy is suffering for it.

TSA can't even find people at $17/hour for a government job.... that's a gross of $680/week and you'll be taxed on that.

In Georgia, you get around $600/week in unemployment, and probably more in food stamps, and that extra $80 a week just ain't worth it...

In Illinois, there are places who won't re-open their dining rooms not because of restrictions, but because they can't get dining room staff. These businesses barely made it thru the lockdowns, and now that they're able to open again, government screws them a second time by paying people to stay home?
TSA can't even find people at $17/hour for a government job.... that's a gross of $680/week and you'll be taxed on that.

In Georgia, you get around $600/week in unemployment, and probably more in food stamps, and that extra $80 a week just ain't worth it...

In Illinois, there are places who won't re-open their dining rooms not because of restrictions, but because they can't get dining room staff. These businesses barely made it thru the lockdowns, and now that they're able to open again, government screws them a second time by paying people to stay home?

You do realize that the $600 in Georgia is also taxed...they just don't withhold. But if the guy getting $600 a week with no taxes withheld is also getting food stamps, then the guy grossing $680 before takes is also likely to be on food stamps. Therein lies part of the problem. But not to worry...come next April, the slackers on unemployment will have a rude awakening when the taxes come due.
In Illinois, there are places who won't re-open their dining rooms not because of restrictions, but because they can't get dining room staff. These businesses barely made it thru the lockdowns, and now that they're able to open again, government screws them a second time by paying people to stay home?
Those people aren't staying home; they're at Amazon & Wal-Mart warehouses. Why go back to the service industry (and it's less-than-minimum-wage in many states) when you can have not only $15+ to start, but also benefits and a fixed schedule from Day 1.

if restaurants want to compete for labor, they need to offer compelling compensation. If they feel they can't do so w/o torpedoing their business, they need to direct their anger at Jeff Bezos, not the workforce.
Those people aren't staying home; they're at Amazon & Wal-Mart warehouses. Why go back to the service industry (and it's less-than-minimum-wage in many states) when you can have not only $15+ to start, but also benefits and a fixed schedule from Day 1.

if restaurants want to compete for labor, they need to offer compelling compensation. If they feel they can't do so w/o torpedoing their business, they need to direct their anger at Jeff Bezos, not the workforce.

R I G H T, ' KEV' !

Oddly enough, the richest-man-in-the-world, and perhaps the SMARTEST, figured it out first and started paying people $15ph, and he didn't stop there. Anyone 'driving' for Amazon is making $20 or MORE per hour.

Around the country, the GENIE-is-out-of-the BOTTLE, and people will not work for SLAVE F/Wages anymore. It a side-spitting Laughter of a scenario, up here in NH, a G-D state (and the ONLY ONE in NE) that has raped workers as far as "PAYING" $$$ to workers for many DECADES, that the GRIM $$$ Reaper is now upon them, as far as the " What goes around, comes around" truth goes !

3 Months ago, out P O S repug Governor, Chris Sununu. VETO'D a minimum wage increase from $7.25, to $10, to "PROTECT" small business's.

Question to SUNUNU, " hows that VETO working out BROTHER " ?? F/MORON.

In town, there is a Huge coffee chain with a 'banner' touting' $13 ph. NOBODY is going for the bait. The Following day they scratched out the 13, and wrote $14. Meanwhile 12 miles south, over the border, down the Inter state , MA is paying minimum wage @ $13.65 !

As GOD, ( the GREAT Bob Dylan), wrote, "THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING" !!!!
Those people aren't staying home
Yeah, actually they are.

Why go back to the service industry (and it's less-than-minimum-wage in many states) when you can have not only $15+ to start, but also benefits and a fixed schedule from Day 1.
My sister worked her way through college and nursing school working as a waitress for RibCrib. I am not sure how much she made but I do know she was able to fund her education. She is now a RN in an ER.

if restaurants want to compete for labor, they need to offer compelling compensation. If they feel they can't do so w/o torpedoing their business, they need to direct their anger at Jeff Bezos, not the workforce.
Most restaurants operate at thin profit margin. Where do you propose they get the funds for this "compelling compensation"?
R I G H T, ' KEV' !

Oddly enough, the richest-man-in-the-world, and perhaps the SMARTEST, figured it out first and started paying people $15ph, and he didn't stop there. Anyone 'driving' for Amazon is making $20 or MORE per hour.
Just a month ago the left were railing Bezos stating his drivers were pissing in bottles due to horrid and hurried working conditions.

Around the country, the GENIE-is-out-of-the BOTTLE, and people will not work for SLAVE F/Wages anymore. It a side-spitting Laughter of a scenario, up here in NH, a G-D state (and the ONLY ONE in NE) that has raped workers as far as "PAYING" $$$ to workers for many DECADES, that the GRIM $$$ Reaper is now upon them, as far as the " What goes around, comes around" truth goes !
This has nothing to do with slave wages and everything to do with laziness, greed, and a government pushing a socialist agenda.

3 Months ago, out P O S repug Governor, Chris Sununu. VETO'D a minimum wage increase from $7.25, to $10, to "PROTECT" small business's.
OK, we are in agreement here. $10 an hour sounds very reasonable.

In town, there is a Huge coffee chain with a 'banner' touting' $13 ph. NOBODY is going for the bait. The Following day they scratched out the 13, and wrote $14. Meanwhile 12 miles south, over the border, down the Inter state , MA is paying minimum wage @ $13.65 !
I find it funny you actually believe people deserve more than $14 an hour to sling coffee.

As GOD, ( the GREAT Bob Dylan), wrote, "THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING" !!!!
Into what? The age of Marxism?
Just a month ago the left were railing Bezos stating his drivers were pissing in bottles due to horrid and hurried working conditions.

This has nothing to do with slave wages and everything to do with laziness, greed, and a government pushing a socialist agenda.

OK, we are in agreement here. $10 an hour sounds very reasonable.

I find it funny you actually believe people deserve more than $14 an hour to sling coffee.

Into what? The age of Marxism?

LAUGHING my BAWLS Off at the current situation up here, BUT, MORE SO at Y O U !!!!!!!!!!!
Those people aren't staying home; they're at Amazon & Wal-Mart warehouses. Why go back to the service industry (and it's less-than-minimum-wage in many states) when you can have not only $15+ to start, but also benefits and a fixed schedule from Day 1.

if restaurants want to compete for labor, they need to offer compelling compensation. If they feel they can't do so w/o torpedoing their business, they need to direct their anger at Jeff Bezos, not the workforce.

Sorry, Kev, maybe that's what they're doing in Madtown, but I'm talking with restaurant managers at the places we go to often, and it's a clear pattern -- people are sitting at home instead of working because they're being paid that extra $300 a week.
Sorry, Kev, maybe that's what they're doing in Madtown, but I'm talking with restaurant managers at the places we go to often, and it's a clear pattern -- people are sitting at home instead of working because they're being paid that extra $300 a week.
Apparently Bears is "LAUGHING his BAWLS Off" at bunch of lazy people running up a Chinese credit card for future generations to pay while small business suffers due to staffing issues.

Shows what an idiot he is.
Those people aren't staying home; they're at Amazon & Wal-Mart warehouses. Why go back to the service industry (and it's less-than-minimum-wage in many states) when you can have not only $15+ to start, but also benefits and a fixed schedule from Day 1.

if restaurants want to compete for labor, they need to offer compelling compensation. If they feel they can't do so w/o torpedoing their business, they need to direct their anger at Jeff Bezos, not the workforce.
There aren't Amazon and WM warehouses eating up the workforce. They are hiring but not the whole problem. I notice a lot of red states are dropping the PUA for sideline/gig workers.That kills the incentive somewhat..
Locally, beer delivery people can't get enough drivers to deliver from master distributors in Pittsburgh that deliver in a 80-100 mile radius. I'm hearing OTR truck drivers are in a similar dilemma. I think from the UC benefits that, IMO, went way over the top, a lot collected and I bet a lot took it then retired.

Is that the same Jeff Bezos that supports mail in voting for federal elections but no union elections?