Welcome. The Storm leads to AWAKENING...

Mirror, mirror. Projection a great libtard defense mechanism to deflect from the facts:p

Typical right win reactionary idiocy.

P.S. Shouldn't you be blaming your problems on little brown people who pray to the wrong imaginary friend?
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  • #49
Typical right win reactionary idiocy.

P.S. Shouldn't you be blaming your problems on little brown people who pray to the wrong imaginary friend?
Naw that'd your dumtard tactics and you prove your stupidity over and over again. Look in the mirror because you ARE referencing YOURSELF:p
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  • #52
So what's up with North Korea? If you missed it, it was a human trafficking nation. Suddenly their ruthless leader wants to talk? Too bad I'm crazy, otherwise you would see it.
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  • #55
Aside from flights being turned back from their destinations and flights heading to Gitmo-Look it up, Roger Ramjet-there were raids at Pharma companies in Shanghai and Vietnam. The article was just a link had nothing to do with comment.

Care to explain North Korea? Give it time, the Media is slowly changing.

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