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Weekly Update From Lax Chief Pilot

Cosmo said:
That's true, but IIRC it was because AWA desperately needed a rescuer at that time while UAL isn't in such a dire position right now (as evidenced by the four major banks' offer of up to $3 billion in debt financing). Plus CAL entered into a codeshare agreement with AWA back then that IMHO I don't think would be replicated between UAL and AWA, mainly due to multiple competing hubs in the west.
You might be right, although I don't think the U.S. government cares about the diversification of TPG's equity holdings. I guess time will tell.

UAL will be merged into CAL. 😉 :shock: 😱 :lol: B)
Busdrvr said:
Sorry, no thanks. TPG was successful for one reason and one reason only. They had some of the cheapest labor rates in the industry. and even then, they didn't do that well.

True on the costs, but what Bonderman/Brenneman/Bethune did to CO's route/hub structure, operational performance, and ([b[at the time[/b]) express fleet were pretty astute.

Of course, CO was the first airline to be mortgaged to the hilt. Now everyone is, but CO is still in the best shape of the remaining legacies.

You are SO not knowledgeable about Judge Weidoff, the Bankruptcy process, what UA is doing. You seem to rely on information you scan in the newspaper. Note I did NOT say read thoroughly and analyze the information before commenting. You scan an article and overreact and then start punching out your reaction on your keyboard on this forum.

You SO do NOT have any influence here and should be booted off this forum. Please go find a home on F9 and comment there.

Oh what a pleasure, I put Fishy on ignore and "poof" he's gone. Nothing he says has never been informative.
Hi Everyone:

Here is the latest weekly update from our LAX Chief Pilot Captain Bo Ellis:

As a reminder, these are quotes and I am just the messenger. I will exclude information that is not news worthy, ie. information on LCA meetings, etc. My own words will be placed in (parenthesis).

*Our company started operating humanitarian flights beginning 09/01. The FAA will only allow a total of a few flights per day and they can only be on the ground for 45 minutes. Fellow employees are opening their homes for our displaced workers and their famlies. UAL is in the process of accounting for all of our employees in the effected area. The MSY station manager, his home destroyed, has been at the airport continiously centralizing UAL's humanitarian effort. If anyone has family in need in the hurricane disaster area, please contact the toll free number posted on the skynet front page...(This number is 1-866-825-1625 and is staffed 24 hours)

*Our LAX badge effort is progressing toward our ultimate goal. The next step will have to involve the TSA...Please be patient.(I am not sure what the final goal is. I believe it involves a swipe type card for the pilot group, which will allow a bypass of security checkpoints, but I am not certain. Does anyone else have any info?)

*Early retirements as of 9/01/05 = 105 for the year.(As a side note, I believe DAL has had upwards of nearly 600 early retirements in the same time frame...Can any one from DAL confirm this?)

*We welcomed back an additional 4 LAX furloughees(We brought back 27 furloughees system wide August 29th with 14 accepting that start date, and another 13 bybasses who are on military leave. We have another class of similar size commencing September 29th. No word yet on the number accepting or bypassing for that class.)

*Major Airlines domestic results from last week...On time zero departure -UAL#1 @ 77.1%, USAirways #2 @ 72.3% and AA #6 @ 67.3%

*Ontime arrival :14 UAL #1 @ 88.4%, SWA#2 @87.5% and AA#5 @ 79.3%.

*August Domestic results for majors ontime zero departure-UAL #1 @65.5% and CO#2 @ 59.2%

*August ontime arrival :14 - HP#1 @82.3%, UAL #2 @ 80.8% and AA #6 @ 72.8%

*UAL will save and additional $96 million per year with the new maintenence contracts for overhaul maintenence on the B777/B747-400.(To be accomplished in China)

*Our On Time performance is real strong, Thanks to all that contributed.
luvthe9 said:
You people are in Denial BIG time
Why are they in denial? It looks like they have 3 billion dollars lined up.
Cfm56 said:
***The willingnes of banks to provide $3 Billion in exit financing says a lot about what we have accomplished and our future!***
Does this $3 billion represent debt and does it represent a future cost to be paid back/dealt with? If so, is that really such good news?

Some details in the POR of this $2.5 billion of new debt:

http://www.pd-ual.com/Downloads/DS%20-%20A...D%20(Final).pdf (page 12 of PDF)

Expected to be a five year maturity at LIBOR plus 450 basis points (fairly expensive loan). Let's hope that UAL can negotiate that rate downward.
Hi Everyone:

Here is the latest weekly update for Septemebr 12th from our LAX Chief pilot:

*Another good week on the performance front: Dept OT :00 UAL #1 @76.5% and AA #4@72.7% - Arrl OT :14 B6 #1@89.1%, UAL #2@89.0% and AA #7@86.1%

*5 addtional LAX fourloughees being received from the September 26th recall class

*Be advised of increased LAPD presence on LAX ramps. Please adhere to all SIDA area rules. Fines up to $25K for leaving doors open in LAX that may pose security concerns. Please be vigilant TSA Aviation Security Inspectors will be accomplishing inspections. Please challenge all persons for IDs in areas requiring IDs visible.

*March '06 vacancy bid posted: 25 Captains and 25 F/Os. (The breakdown is DCA B767 capt: 10. SFO B767 Capt: 5. DEN B737: 10. LAX B767 F/O: 10. DCA B737 F/O: 5. ORD B737: 10. This bid closes Sept 19.)

*Fare increases are up. Domestic=5% and INTL up to 15%.

*NWA negotiations with AMFA has 9/13 deadline to agree.

*DAL reducing CVG capacity by 25%

*LAX sick leave usage down by almost 50% in last 3 weeks.

*UAL has 1.7 billion in unrestricted cash and building. One of the few!

*Be warned that with the release of the UAL POR...The media will print negative press and speculation. The banks like our future.
CapnCockroach said:

How long you all been sucking on the public teat?

3 years??

How about paying your bills for a change.

I saw the OV-1 and felt obligated to respond, misplaced loyalty I'm sure.
Please check your facts if you think UAL is not paying it's bills.
Public teats? Please show how the taxpayer is financing UAL. If you know anything about the airline industry, you know the new, "LCC" carriers are helped by sweetheart deals with local, state and fed. government.
How will you feel when NWA and DAL file?
Just those da*n legacy carriers unfairly using the BK laws (all legal of course).
If you're an employee of any non-legacy carrier, we all thank you guys for finally being successful in lowering the bar. Permanently.
Great job.
If you're not an airline employee, you have no idea what you are talking about.

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