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Website Guarantee


May 22, 2004
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US Airways' Web Site Guarantee:
US Airways yesterday said it would award a $50 travel voucher to customers who find tickets for the same US Airways flights selling at least $10 cheaper on another Web site. Travelers must find the cheaper fare on the same day they book their US Airways flight. They then have to submit a claim to http://usairwayslowestpriceguarantee.com .
SKY HIGH said:
US Airways' Web Site Guarantee:
US Airways yesterday said it would award a $50 travel voucher to customers who find tickets for the same US Airways flights selling at least $10 cheaper on another Web site. Travelers must find the cheaper fare on the same day they book their US Airways flight. They then have to submit a claim to http://usairwayslowestpriceguarantee.com .

What I've bolded here is the key... note it's not one cent cheaper, it's $10 cheaper. This all sounds good, but will anyone catch them with this?
Some of the fine print:

Original tickets must have been for the lowest non-refundable available price on usairways.com for the chosen flights at the time of purchase. “Priceâ€￾ is inclusive of all taxes and fees.

Refundable coach/economy class, First class, and Envoy fares do not apply to this guarantee.

Guarantee is only valid for lower prices found online for the exact same US Airways flight on the same travel date, same cabin (coach/economy only), same class of service, same fare restrictions, and was available for purchase on the same day as the original usairways.com online purchase.

Guarantee only applies to tickets purchased with a credit card and with a United States billing address for travel within the United States or from the United States to Canada or the Caribbean.

Guarantee applies only on itineraries wholly operated and/or marketed by US Airways, US Airways Express or US Airways Shuttle.

Guarantee does not apply to websites where the carrier or itinerary details are not known until after the purchase.

BoeingBoy said:
Some of the fine print:

Original tickets must have been for the lowest non-refundable available price on usairways.com for the chosen flights at the time of purchase. “Priceâ€￾ is inclusive of all taxes and fees.

Refundable coach/economy class, First class, and Envoy fares do not apply to this guarantee.

Guarantee is only valid for lower prices found online for the exact same US Airways flight on the same travel date, same cabin (coach/economy only), same class of service, same fare restrictions, and was available for purchase on the same day as the original usairways.com online purchase.

Guarantee only applies to tickets purchased with a credit card and with a United States billing address for travel within the United States or from the United States to Canada or the Caribbean.

Guarantee applies only on itineraries wholly operated and/or marketed by US Airways, US Airways Express or US Airways Shuttle.

Guarantee does not apply to websites where the carrier or itinerary details are not known until after the purchase.

Sounds pretty simple huh?
I wonder how true this is. I was looking for a ticket on us, ua and co from abe to orf and the cheapest i got was 163.80 and i brought it because at the time it was only two days ago. us wanted i think was 341. not counting taxes and co wanted 363 or 373 includ taxes. my mother's travel date is a tues of next week and coming back the thurs not bad on ua for 163 for two nights three days. i was looking for something like this for usair but couldnt find it so i looked at ual and it was the cheapest.
dc3fanatic said:
I initially read this as USAirwaySlowestPriceGuarantee.com

I read it the same way. I guess it's because management has trained the public to think of the company in that light. Hate to say that but it is "The Truth".