Webcast For Wed 3/24


Jan 14, 2004
According to the latest weekly CEO message their is a webcast planned for 3/25 at 15:00. Is this the presentation of the heralded plan to save US Airways?
Is this the presentation of the heralded plan to save US Airways?
I wouldnt count on it Bud. Its more than likely Dave will be on his "The company needs more from the employees" speech. At any rate Im sure it'll be uneventful.
i think the plan will be presented but there will also be a "i need this from labor in order to be profotable" speech as well. we will see. it will be interesting. i hope all employees participate in the webcast before they make assumptions.
It is amazing how long it has taken to present "the plan". UAIR management is always running around like Chicken Little exclaiming that the "sky is falling" and "we must do something yesterday". This period of panic is always followed by months or years of inattention to the problem.

It is not only the corporate culture that must be changed at UAIR, but also the management culture. It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. For these reasons, I do not believe there is a plan or one could ever be implemented at UAIR.

Management's stop gap solution is to "chop, chop, to sell fast."
OK, I don't have a WEBCAM. So does that mean I can't see it. I am unfamiliar with all of this. Would someone care to explain how this is going to work. :blink:

Also, do you think this is similar to the Video sent to all of us some years ago from Wolf and Gangwhal???? I guess it would probably be cheaper to go this route instead of mailing all of us Videos that we either trashed or returned to sender. ;)
A webcast address will be given. Sign in about 5 minutes prior to the webcast. The dial up should not be a problem.
Well, Allegheny and Piney Bob, although I am getting a good laugh right now (I am use to W.Va. jokes...and proud of it) I do have Cable Modem. Yes, Yehaw, that is right. I actually live in the MId-Ohio Valley, with Dupont, GE and Shell Chemical with lots of transients and we are fairly sophisticated here. I just am new to this WebCam stuff. I thank you Bud for your information. If I am here on Wed at 15:00 I will try this out. But first of all, where do I go to begin with....the HUB?????

Although, I still do run into alot of folks at the local bar who don't know what a computer is..... :lol:
Oh, my word, Piney, this is beginning to sound like the State of the Union Address. This could be really serious beez-wax. I better get prepared. Should I by a bottle of wine or just have my usual????? ;) :lol:
WV has not been 3.2 beer for over 20 years, but who cares about beer when you can make your own whiskey! :lol: Maybe the webcam is to show all of their pretty charts and graphs?
Well, actually we are not 3.2 beer any longer. We have come along way BABY. I have had a nip of moon shine in the past. But I prefer my Rum. So I guess I will get some Bacardi Light and sit back and enjoy.....that is if I can figure out how this operation is going to work.

Piney, you wouldn't have to find a fine woman to move to the Mountain State, there are plenty of them here just waitin' on ya.! ;)
Now don't be talkin bout my home state. Ain't( my high school english teacher just turned over in her grave) nothin wrong with WVa except the weather in the winter to danged cold for my tastes... As for moon shine never had the pleasure as my liver transplant won't alow me to imbibe, but I have some relatives who make it and sware by it. . . Good luck to all with this doo-hicky thing-a-ma-bob coming up. Awful glad to be retired Gibby
US Airways Today

Monday, March 22, 2004


Employees should look for the Special Bulletin issued
earlier today about the employee Webcast, which will
be hosted by Dave Siegel on Wednesday, March 24. The
Webcast will update employees on the issues faced by
the company. This meeting will be taped live before a
group of employees who volunteered to participate.

The Webcast will be available for downloading
beginning at 3 p.m. (EST) on Wednesday. The Internet
address is: http://usairways.internetstreaming.com.
VHS tapes will be delivered to all employee sites on
Thursday for those who cannot access the Webcast.
A link to the site also will be available on Wednesday
from theHub home page. Questions from employees can be
mailed in advance of the Webcast to:


The webcast requires Windows Media Player. You can go to the website at any time to test your player.


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