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War on Christmas


Oct 29, 2002
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Where were the UN when a million people were being hacked to death with machetes in Rawanda?

Running the other way.

U.S. House Members Banned from Writing ‘Merry Christmas’ in Official Mail

“According to the Washington Examiner, members who submit official mailings for review by the congressional franking commission that reviews all congressional mail to determine if it can be ‘franked,’ or paid for with tax dollars, are being told that no holiday greetings, including ‘Merry Christmas,’ can be sent.

‘I called the commission to ask for clarification and was told no ’Merry Christmas.‘ Also told cannot say ’Happy New Year‘ but can say ’have a happy new year’ – referencing the time period of a new year, but not the holiday,’ a Hill staffer who requested anonymity told the paper.”

Merry Christmas
C'mon dell, You KNOW DAM Well Thomas Jefferson was Clear....on the separation of Church and State !
Why is the government shut down on December 25th.

I think if that anti-group had any 'nads, they'd go after government shut downs for those evil Christian idol worshiping holidays. If that isn't a gov recognition and sanctioning of a religion I don't know what is.

And as I said earlier.......I wonder if they'd go after Islamics with any type Ramadan display......those guys will kill you...for didding their religion....even in court.
Why is the government shut down on December 25th.

Because a majority of the people in this country are Christians of some sort?

Are there other instances of the majority rule in the history of the US?
This whole war on Christmas thing seems to be nothing more than filler on a slow news day on talk radio and Fox News. They never bother to say who is waging this war, and if someone is they are failing misserably at it. When I turn on the TV or radio it's Christmas this and Christmas that. When I drive down the street there are decorations everywhere.
U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus


(CNSNews.com) - The 63-foot Sierra White Fir lighted at the U.S. Capitol Grounds on Dec. 6 as the official 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree includes a prominently displayed ornament paying homage to President Barack Obama, but includes no ornament readily visible to a person standing near the tree's base that uses the word “Christmas,” or includes an image of the Nativity, or bears the name or image of Jesus Christ.
On the north side of the tree--at a height of about 4 feet and easily visible to people standing near it---there is an ornament that says: “I ♥ President Obama.”

Funny stuff Dell !

While not into hunting myself, I don't have a problem with others doing it as long as they eat what they shoot, but is it really hunting ?
I have a cousin who hunts, full camo, tree stand, bows, guns, laser sights, gps, Deer piss, etc. and I told him that until he's able to go out in the woods with nothing more than a loincloth and a knife and catch something, anything, I wouldn't consider him a hunter......................he hasn't taken me up on it yet !