You are correct, U's management has proven they cannot be trusted. Therefore, the way I see it you have two options.
1. Do nothing, wait for the sky to fall and be a victim.
2. Be pro-active, protect your family and be a survivor.
I elect to be a survivor. My actions are as follows:
A. I will contact U' benefits tomorrow morning at 1800-872-4780. I will request, per federal law, that they send me a certificate of credible coverage.
B. I have my current health insurance card and I will place it in a safe spot. In the event I need to prove I have had coverage I will have one item of proof.
C. I have my pay-stubs which prove I have had health insurance premiums deducted twice monthly from my paycheck. I will place these stubs with my insurance card to ensure I have additional proof.
D. If I had a military background (I don't) I would contact the VA tomorrow morning and ask for information regarding health insurance and prescription coverage. I would request the applications be sent and start the paperwork to be 4-6 weeks ahead of the game. In the event the VA insurance is not needed, I have spent possibly 1-2 hours to protect my family. In the event it is needed the time was well spent.
This situation is horrible and most of what is going to occur is out of our hands. However, what little control I do have over my future I will exercise. We all have free will. If you elect to drown in a pool of anger and cynisism, so be it. I elect to survive!