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USAVIATION is VERY Poorly Moderated


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
I''ve been on BBS''s, GEnie, AOL, Compuserve, Delphi, and all sorts of forums. I''ve never seen the degree of poor judgement and poor moderation that this forum has. Some people are allowed to post things, and others arent - posts are deleted without explanation or private messages. Other people are warned about not doing things while others are allowed.
After probably hundreds of thousands of messages, discussions, and people I''ve met, this forum is the worst.
Moderators need to either be changed or just make the whole board unmoderated.
[BR] AMEN[BR][BR] Very picky and only on certain people is what I see.
15,000 + posts...and yall expect them to read and monitor every word? I said earlier...I think they have mostly done a good job. I have seen posts from everyone busted...as some of them should have been.
Congratulations UAaviation.com you have given us something else to fight over! (some of these folks have got to argue over something...must not be allowed to speak at home!)
I disagree with Heinrich. USaviation.com and its volunteers do an excellent job of moderating the board.

However, one point needs to be made. If people were repsectful there would be no need for moderators; therefore, what is the real problem?

[FONT face="Arial Black"]moderators job probably much like a pilots....hours of boredom followed by moments of shear terror.[/FONT]
Actually, everybody here is moderated and cautions/warnings have been issued to more people than you think.[BR]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR] Thanks for being honest and open.....![BR][BR] [BR]
"Well Heinrich there is one very quick and easy solution to your situation. DON'T POST HERE!"

ABSOLUTELY - you are one of the ones that says any sort of insulting things to any person, including personal attacks, insults, snotty negative comments to anyone you please, so I am sure you will remain happy here since YOU are NOT moderated!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 9:22:17 AM Heinrich wrote:
[P]"Well Heinrich there is one very quick and easy solution to your situation. DON'T POST HERE!"[BR][BR]ABSOLUTELY - you are one of the ones that says any sort of insulting things to any person, including personal attacks, insults, snotty negative comments to anyone you please, so I am sure you will remain happy here since YOU are NOT moderated![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Actually, everybody here is moderated and cautions/warnings have been issued to more people than you think.[BR][BR]
I think the mderators and administrators have done a superior job here at US Aviation. The previous industry board at Planebusiness had gotten out of hand and deteriorated into a terrible collection of insults, wisecracks and general bad manners. The folks here have generally kept the conversations professional. Sorry Heinrich (or Deltawatch, or whomever) if everyone doesn't share your views. By the way, the old threads are still here, just not on page one. Go to the bottom of the page and select page 2,3 or whatever to see them.
Deltawatch and Heinrich are the same person [BR][BR]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]
[P]The one and same guy with 350K piece of land who is moving on and not letting U get under his skin. [EM]Thanks Delta for entrapment.[/EM] I had a thread closed once and didn't go this extent to vent. I do from time to time see items on here that go unchecked and IMHO shouldn’t, but then again the moderators have a life too.[/P][FONT size=2][/FONT]
Delta Watch Said: Selective censorship! Bill what is your job position at Usairways? Heinrich CWA local 3641 has a board @ ********, It's titled the water cooler.
Deltawatch and Heinrich are the same person according to the IP log. It is obvious that he started this thread to respond to his own comments with an alias and to post his web site in order to drive people to it.

Yes, our volunteer moderators work very hard. No, they can not catch every little thing because of the popularity of this board. You can do your part by following the board guidelines.

I would like to thank the moderators for their great job this past year. 15,000 posts…..nice job guys.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 9:27:44 AM Kevin wrote:
[P]Deltawatch and Heinrich are the same person according to the IP log. It is obvious that he started this thread to respond to his own comments with an alias and to post his web site in order to drive people to it. [BR][BR]Yes, our volunteer moderators work very hard. No, they can not catch every little thing because of the popularity of this board. You can do your part by following the board guidelines...and none of our moderators work for US Airways. [BR][BR]I would like to thank the moderators for their great job this past year. 15,000 posts…..nice job guys.[BR][BR][BR] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Actually, it should be pointed out that there have been 15,000 posts since August when the board shifted over to the new format. There were 8000 - 10000 posts on the UBB format board.[BR][BR]So, we're talking at least 23,000 posts in a year.
On 1/11/2003 8:24:30 AM Heinrich wrote:

I've been on BBS's, GEnie, AOL, Compuserve, Delphi, and all sorts of forums. I've never seen the degree of poor judgement and poor moderation that this forum has. Some people are allowed to post things, and others arent - posts are deleted without explanation or private messages. Other people are warned about not doing things while others are allowed.

After probably hundreds of thousands of messages, discussions, and people I've met, this forum is the worst.

Moderators need to either be changed or just make the whole board unmoderated.
Haaaaa!!!! want to see what bad moderation is.Check out Yahoo airline boards. This place....USAviation.Com is outstanding vs the insanity at Yahoo