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Mar 8, 2006
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Hello Board,

Brand new here to forum. Suburban Philadelphia native, and frequent business flyer out of Philly. I got a quick question about future Aircraft purchases.

It seems to me that USAir is looking to fly more Embraer 170 aircraft in the future. I can understand this due to costs. I frequently fly to and from Chicago and they are now using E170's instead of 737's. And its not due to the lack of demand for seat purchases. I've rarely seen open seats on any 737 flight to Chicago. Just curious to see if anyone had any information on whether USAir was using the E170 as its aircraft of the future. I'm not opposed, but I've always beleived that the 737 and 757 are the perfect aircraft for the future. Thanks, enjoy the discussions.
Welcome, PhillyAir5.

As far as planes owned/leased by US and operated by it's employees, all that's been announced as coming near term (aside from the 3 757's well covered in other threads) is the E-190's - a larger version of the 170, seating 99 passengers. Those 190 orders can be converted to 170/175/195 orders.

The pilot's transition agreement gives US the authority to have more aircraft in the E170/CRJ900 size operated by affiliates - contract carriers.

Thanks for the update and the welcome!

In traveling several times a month out of Philadelphia over the past 6 months, I've noticed this trasformation taking place. There are less flights out of Philly to the west coast, but I'm sure those things will change over the next year or so with the merger. On a side note, I was always curious to see why the airlines would rather operate smaller (170/190) aircraft more frequnetly rather than the basic 737 models. I've been on both several times in the past 6 weeks, and I've always had a better flight on the 737 model.
I'm not opposed, but I've always beleived that the 737 and 757 are the perfect aircraft for the future.

Boeing would tell you differently since they are no longer making the 757. 🙂

In the mid-90's through the early part of this decade, the 737 and 757 were the true workhorses of the domestic fleet. But US hasn't bought a Boeing airplane in over 10 years (except the 3 used 757's coming on board soon to do European flying), instead cutting deals with Airbus and Embraer.

The issue isn't whether they can fill an E170 or 737 to Chicago, it's what it costs to operate it. The E170 crews are paid less than the 737 crew. And, the overall operating cost is also lower, so a full E170 would likely have higher margins than a full 737 (even though the '37 has more seats).
That makes complete sense.

With more 170's and 190's on the way, I'm sure PHL will have to move some of them to the B or C terminals because the F terminal is always packed!
Unless further consolidation occurs (or fuel drops to $0.50/gal again), I see plenty more smaller jets in everyone's future. For the remaining business-passengers, frequency is very important, so as passengers are lost to the fast-growing LCCs, keeping up frequency will probably require smaller and smaller planes.

It is also increasingly common for airlines to fly smaller planes into other airline hubs, so it isn't surprising to see US fly smaller planes into the fortress dominated by UA and AA. Similarly, those two airlines often fly smaller airplanes into other airline's hubs.
I couldnt agree more. Look at whats happened to United in Philly.

What has hapened to United at PHL?

Looking at their schedules, more and more flights are becoming 757's on routes such as ORD-PHL and back!

Take a look at CLT

More and more UA flights from ORD to CLT are A319 or B733, before was just CRJ!
With more 170's and 190's on the way, I'm sure PHL will have to move some of them to the B or C terminals because the F terminal is always packed!

First of all, welcome. Secondly, the 170 is once again operating at the C terminal.
I've been flying a lot of PHL-ORD and back the last few months there are only 2 170's going there I think, the rest are 737s. I don't think we are getting any more 170's the 190's will in service in November were told 11 first class and 88 coach.

Yes, United is not operating 757's from ORD to PHL and likewise. However, UA routes from PHL-DEN and PHL SFO have taken a step back. I've only flown to ORD once on UA and it was a 757, fully packed. But its evident that they've scaled back their other flights. We frequently used UA when traveling to DEN and SFO in years past, but thats all changed to US Airways in the last 6 months. Primarily due to cost and frequency.

fly with US,

Thanks for the welcome. Their back in terminal C? Not surprising. Its a large aircraft for the express fleet.


Yes, I've noticed their operating both models on the flights to ORD. I've flown several times to Chicago, and its always easier for me to arrive in Terminal F in ORD. Their is always less traffic getting bags. Also, to my knowledge, CLT, PIT, and DCA have been operating 737 traffic to and from Chicago. I was unaware that only happened recently. I'm not a fan of small aircraft, especially the CRJ model. Thats good news for me.
What has hapened to United at PHL?

Looking at their schedules, more and more flights are becoming 757's on routes such as ORD-PHL and back!

Take a look at CLT

More and more UA flights from ORD to CLT are A319 or B733, before was just CRJ!

Code share/Star Alliance. Since there are supposedly more originating passengers in PHL due to the Southwest Effect, US/UA have more passengers to move, and this is the easiest way to add capacity without your own aircraft. And, because UA retains the majority of the income from the flights, they are happy to oblige.