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Usairways.com Improves


May 18, 2003
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usairways.com Improves

ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - E-Commerce -- in coordination with Information Technology, Reservations, and Dividend Miles (DM) -- has implemented several enhancements that further improve the customer experience at usairways.com. These improvements are designed to improve usability, site performance and reliability.

First, the usairways.com homepage has been updated with easy-to-click gold “buttons.â€￾ The buttons take the place of the traditional links that directed customers to pages within the Web site for performing such functions as ticket changes, refund requests, and reviewing existing reservations. Because the buttons turn to a navy color when pointed to with a mouse, they are easier to view and click.

In addition, hardware capacity enhancements have been implemented to support additional volumes of users and transactions, while also improving site performance. These include server additions and upgrades for the booking engine that provide a 25 percent capacity increase, based on the volumes experienced by usairways.com during June and July last year.

Server capacity for the Dividend Miles Online (DMO) and Flight Information Status applications was doubled, as well, due to the increased use of DMO’s self servicing functionalities added in 2004.

Several DMO application modifications also were implemented. These are expected to reduce the volume of calls to the Dividend Miles Service Center generated by customers who receive error messages during times of high usage on usairways.com.
This needs a press release???? Where's the new website already??????

The size shape or color of buttons is basically meaningless in the overall scheme of things.

You gotta think of US like you do a magician. Distract your attention with shiny, colored buttons and maybe the real problems will go un-noticed.....
