Us Just Lost My Club Renewal

gso2pit said:
When I called consumer affairs today and ultimately Steve Rice per Pineybob's suggestion, I was told that "US isn't in the business of goodwill and the agents involved will be severely repremanded".
If that was indeed Consumer Affairs' response to this whole ordeal, I can only say, in keeping with the company's GoFares marketing, "Unbelievable!" They're in the business of giving out free car washes in Philly, but not in the "business of goodwill" towards their best customers? They will severely reprimand club representatives who were only trying to do a nice thing for a good customer?

If the company's management doesn't understand that their business is as much (or more) about customer service than it is flying airplanes, then the company is doomed. As an interesting comparison, Southwest's mission statement is: "The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit." That has been their mission statement since 1988, and note that it never mentions airplanes or transportation -- it is all about customer service and its delivery.

If US Airways thinks it will stay in business by extracting every single last dime of penalties and fees from its customers, well, they might as well shut the doors now. The most successful airlines in the business today have the least number of "gotchas" aimed at the customers with the gall to buy discounted tickets.

As an example, an elderly family friend was a long-time US Airways customer, flying US regularly (weekly for several years) from Florida to New York. She recently bought a discounted ticket on US round-trip to ISP, since her children still live in the New York area. Her travel plans changed, and she ended up booking a one-way ticket on WN for the return because it was cheaper than paying the change fee to US! And she had nothing but good things to say about how nicely Southwest's people treated her. I booked flights for her last summer and booked her (at somewhat greater cost) on US Airways because she had expressed a preference for the airline. Why is this relevant? Well, every time a loyal customer tries your competitor, you risk them deciding that the competition offers comparable or superior value.
gso2pit said:
I am not a pushy person and don't expect anything. If they would have said NO the first time..and clearly..then I would have been fine with that. I'm not going to be disrespectful to club reps just to get something extra...
Your doing it right now just because you didn’t get what you wanted your complaining. You of all people should have known the rules in the first place and should have handled it differently maybe saying I would like to pay for my friend just tell me what I have to do. But you tried to get something for free and that drives me crazy. I am sure you belong to the club for a reason and will continue your membership and if by chance you don’t …..well I guess you don’t…….
Of course if every airline were to follow the SW model, there wouldn't be any Clubs anyway.

I know you are thinking "That's not the point," but I think there is an indirect comparison. SW promises very little, so it is easy for their employees to deliver what has been promised. No SW employee has ever given wrong information about their clubs, and no SW customer has ever been disappointed about not getting a friend in for free. Similarly, no SW customer ever complains about things like getting their drinks served in plastic cups instead of real glasses in FC.

Adding perks and luxuries invariably adds complications for employees and customers alike to get confused about. I suppose whether we REALLY want the SW model to become the norm across the industry-- both the advantages AND the drawbacks-- is ultimately for the consumer to decide.
Oh and by the way customer services doesn’t mean giving things away for free it means good and friendly and consistent service…..
Doc said:
Oh and by the way customer services doesn’t mean giving things away for free it means good and friendly and consistent service…..
He never suggested that it did. What he said, and I wholeheartedly agree, is that you never go back on a commitment to a customer. Never. The only exception is when circumstances beyond the company's control intervene (e.g., weather).

Bear's right to a certain extent, that the complexity of the additional offerings add cost to the company, and create new opportunities to fall short on customer expectations. However, somehow Nordstrom manages to offer a high-end, high-service product with an exemplary customer service record. It can be done.
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kkcwd said:
GSO2PIT...Get your stories straight there is no Dennis Smalls in c/a
Then why would someone by that name call me yesterday at the request of a club administrator? Why did the # come from a US office in Winston Salem, NC? Am I just imagining this?
mweiss said:
However, somehow Nordstrom manages to offer a high-end, high-service product with an exemplary customer service record. It can be done.
Of course it CAN be done, but not if your customers are only willing to pay WalMart prices yet still expect Nordstrom's service and product quality.

Plus, I don't believe there are Nordstrom's anywhere near places like PKB or ELM, (though I could be wrong-- in any case, there are large stretches of the country without Nordstrom's) though there are certainly plenty of WalMarts in those areas . Nordstrom's only goes where the market can support such high-end service. The rest of the country is SOL.
Doc said:
Your doing it right now just because you didn’t get what you wanted your complaining. You of all people should have known the rules in the first place and should have handled it differently maybe saying I would like to pay for my friend just tell me what I have to do. But you tried to get something for free and that drives me crazy. I am sure you belong to the club for a reason and will continue your membership and if by chance you don’t …..well I guess you don’t…….
"Your doing it right now just because you didn’t get what you wanted your complaining. "

No, he complaining because a promise was broken. He didnt get what he wanted, but that is secondary to the issue he posted. If he just "didnt get what he wanted" would he really have posted here?

"You of all people should have known the rules in the first place and should have handled it differently maybe saying I would like to pay for my friend just tell me what I have to do."

No, the club employee should have known the rules. If it wasnt in the rules, they shouldnt have said yes -- bottom line. They are the ones who should uphold the rules. He was not violating any "rules" by asking. In addition, he gave your company an opritunity to earn his goodwill. (which was blown miserably)

No offense intended, just a different point of view...
RWerksman said:
"Your doing it right now just because you didn’t get what you wanted your complaining. "

No, he complaining because a promise was broken. He didnt get what he wanted, but that is secondary to the issue he posted. If he just "didnt get what he wanted" would he really have posted here?

"You of all people should have known the rules in the first place and should have handled it differently maybe saying I would like to pay for my friend just tell me what I have to do."

No, the club employee should have known the rules. If it wasnt in the rules, they shouldnt have said yes -- bottom line. They are the ones who should uphold the rules. He was not violating any "rules" by asking. In addition, he gave your company an opritunity to earn his goodwill. (which was blown miserably)

No offense intended, just a different point of view...
I don't go into a grocery store and say can I have this last bag for free. I know the groceries cost money. This is the only business where the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sorry that I am not sympathetic to the situation because I think the manager did the right thing called ahead and said no. What about all those people who pay for the privacy of the club what would you say to them…. today we are going to let anybody in don’t worry about it. I personally give my email to US1’s so I can take care of their seating or what ever they need so don’t think I am off the planet when it come to customer service I know what it takes I just don’t give it away.
Doc said:
I don't go into a grocery store and say can I have this last bag for free. I know the groceries cost money. This is the only business where the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sorry that I am not sympathetic to the situation because I think the manager did the right thing called ahead and said no.
I don’t ask for free stuff at the supermarket either, but when I purchased my last car, I asked for floor mats. (that example might not be any better, but hopefully you get the point :))

If he would have insisted that his friend be let into the club free he would have been wrong, but I don’t think that happened in this case.

It's cool if you aren't sympathetic, and I get where you’re coming from. Its not that I think your outlook is wrong, it's just different than mine. We both like the company, and want to protect it somewhat. We just have different methods of doing so. (methods that have been constructed via different life experiences)

Take care...
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PineyBob said:
The problem with the clubs is that despite the fees, they barely break even. They are virtually a requirement if you are to cater to the "Road Warrior" types like me. Some trips (Like this one) I plan around having "Club Time" to accomplish certain tasks like expense reports.

I frankly doubt that US c/a would be soooo terse as reported here, And you have to concede that policy wise they are right.

Should the employees have made a promise they couldn't honor? NO!

Should YOU have even asked, knowing the $35/day pass policy has been in effect since forever and 2 days? NO!

Should US Airways possibly have bent the rules? YES, but once it was posted you probably lost that chance.
I give up in terms of anything with c/a. Besides, I am sooooooo over the stuff that US dishes out at times...
This all goes back to if everyone would stay CONSISTENT we would not have these problems. Daily I deal with someone in the pref status that is on an X ticket wanting upgraded. They tell you over and over well so and so city did it on the way down, look in the history and they are correct. Stay consistent with the rules and there would be no complaints or questions asked.
In case anyone is wondering, there is no verbal contract that could be enforced (IMHO).

This is because gso2pit wants something for FREE. A contract requires a trade or a payment of some sort. "A" gives "B" something for nothing is simply not a contract. It is a gift.

I would be embarrassed to ask for a free product (for myself or a friend). That's just bizarre.
I disagree. gso2pit did pay for something, namely his membership. Since this was being offered as an extension on his membership, it would still qualify as a service for payment.