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US East to fly PHX-CUN

I thought all of HP's ETOPS 757s fly to HI, not Mexico?
Nope, we utilize them for our Mexico routes. CUN often comes in and takes out the pm HNL flight...
Not anymore, they moved the PM HNL flight earlier in the day, which is inconvenient to anyone who wants to go after work!

Its a conspiracy!!! :lol:
I think it's safe to say that we will see many more flights flown by the othes a/c and crews as we integrate. If the ability is there why not take advantage of it? I wonder what US west will p/u to balance it out? hmmm. Will make for a strange pairing. They are so the same over at east. I can't wait to change it up a bit.
Word has it we're p/u some CLT flights??? It'll be intersting to see.
Well! Thats one I haven't heard yet.
But you're right, it would be interesting, and I would like to work it.
I get along just fine with those NASCAR folks!
LOL..it'd make me happy too!!! I LOVE CLT...and we do need more than two, maybe three flights a day heading out there.
I'm actually shocked you haven't heard it since it's all inflight that's telling me the rumor!!! ROFL.
I think it's safe to say that we will see many more flights flown by the othes a/c and crews as we integrate. If the ability is there why not take advantage of it? I wonder what US west will p/u to balance it out? hmmm. Will make for a strange pairing. They are so the same over at east. I can't wait to change it up a bit.

I've been flying (as a customer) the HP PHL-SEA flight the last few weeks. You guys have an interesting day on that one ... PHX-PHL-SEA all in one day! I'm guessing that goes PHX-PHL-PDX when PDX is added later and US resumes all PHL-SEA flights.
You don't need ETOPS to fly across the Gulf of Mexico PHX-CUN, but you definitely need EOW.

EOW, or "extended overwater" applies to aircraft with life vests, life rafts and certain other water-related safety equipment installed - I think HF radios too? If an aircraft is not EOW approved it cannot go out to sea farther than, I think, 50 miles.

ETOPS aircraft are by definition EOW-approved, hence the US West ETOPS 757s can fly PHX-CUN overwater. If US East EOW Airbuses are placed on the route, there should be no problem with flights being lengthened. I don't believe any other America West aircraft are EOW-equipped.
45 mins.??? I have flown (Operated and am fully typed in) both the 319 and 757 and they cruise at about the same speed...

0.8 mach????

It's because the etops 757 are eow ( extended over water )and the airbuses are not certified to do that thats why they cut 45 min off the flight.

I thought all of HP's ETOPS 757s fly to HI, not Mexico?
they do not just fly to Hawaii they are used all over the system.
they do not just fly to Hawaii they are used all over the system.

Yep...just got back from a 757 4 day trip that took me to Vegas, Seattle, San Francisco, Houston and San Diego. 🙂
They must have raised the limit on how far a non EOW a/c can go from land. I just flew a section on the airbus 321 from PHL to SJU when we had an A330 out a few weeks ago. Wasn't it raised to a hundred miles or something. How far are we when we have to demo the life vests on the 737-300 or 737-400? What's the difference of having to or not? Oh yeah, we also use the A321 to MBJ and CUN as well I believe. Will have to check the pairings.
If you can save 45 minutes of flying going in each direction, that is a lot of go-go juice being saved. Makes sense to me. just my thoughts..........

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