I'm a FA with US WEST....looking for the domestic partner benefits package for US EAST employees...my partner lost his job, had insurance and of course lost it when he lost his job and is now collecting unemployment...supposedly US WEST has health benefits for registered domestic partners....when I called benefits the other day to put my partner on my health plan, I was told if he is able to collect COBRA from his previous employer than he first has to exhaust those benefits...Well anyone who had health insurance from an employer by law is entitled to COBRA, which would cost my partner $533.00 a month!!!! and COBRA continues for 18months, so basically WEST is telling it's gay and lesbian employees we really are only giving you travel benefits(no cost to the company), but making it very hard for you to get health benefits(a cost to the company), and a side note, if you have a legal husband or wife and they lose their health insurance, they don't have to go on COBRA. I was told by benefits it's a IRS thing!....Checked AA domestic partner benefits and no where does it state that COBRA must be exhausted before your partner can get on the benefits, even give benefits to domestic partner dependents!...So if any US EAST employee could tell me what your health benefits are for domestic partners, do they fist have to go on COBRA, will be greatly helpful and maybe you could tell me a link so I can check it...all I'm asking for is equal benefits which US WEST is not giving to it's gay and lesbian employees and using the IRS as an excuse( I know we have to pay taxes on benefits, but that not the Company's fault). So anyone give me details on health benefits for domestic partners on the east side?