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Us Airways Wins Loan Extensions

deltawatch said:
23%, does that include everyone. Union and non-union? All levels of mgt?
Nope. Mgt. is only taking 5-10% of which they recently got a 4% raise.Also upper levels will probobaly take no cuts. WE have to keep our best people on in troubled times. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rico said: "People just do not want to deal with reality. With DAL joining the fray, there is not a single legacy carrier that has not seen cuts, and since Airways is the weakest of the legacies we have seen the most severe. You can feel sorry for yourself, or you can just deal with the reality of the situation. Yeah, these cuts suck, but look at it this way, I am assuming that anyone working at Airways nowadays is fairly senior. So this is making up for all of those years you made higher wages and had way better contracts than those who chose to work at the LCC's. (Cause ya did...)."

USA320Pilot comments: Your point is valid.


good post RICO. Excellent point! They all had it way too easy for tooo long.
airbiiguy said:
good post RICO. Excellent point! They all had it way too easy for tooo long.
Yep...the poker hasn't been inserted deep enough and now it's time to bury it and extract for full pain levels on these nasty malcontents.

For the really stupid readers on here: This was extreme sarcasm
If the judge agree's and imposes a 23% paycut, it MUST be on everyone..including the likes of Messrs Lakefield, Crellin and GLASS. No more BS about their sacrafices of 5%. I hope the labor attorney's all are arguing this before the the courts. If the exec's are still rolling in the $$$, this company will get exactly 23% less work out of me.
funguy2 said:
Just wait until the comapny decides that, assuming the judge approves the 23% cut, that the 23% cut applies to the base of the new ALPA contract (the one recently sent out to vote, with 18% reductions), and not the previous contract...

Speculate all you want, but if ALPA and US's contract amendment is approved by the court, you won't see a surprise 23% cut on top of the 18% agreed to. That's the primary incentive to negotiate now, as opposed to after the S1113 ruling.

And don't keep focusing on the 23%. As I understand it, ALPA pilots gave up other workrules which offset the 5% difference between the 18% paycut and the 23% target.

For example, if the IAM agrees to unlimited outsourcing of heavy maintenance, then some of the justification for 23% paycuts goes away.

And lighten up on Chip already....
Former ModerAAtor said:
And lighten up on Chip already....

I wasn't directed at "Chip". I was merely making a statement about how trust-worthy this management team has been in regards to employee contracts. Which is to say, they have not been trustworthy at all.

I understand what the management team said in regards to "negotiate now and we'll leave you alone later..." But this management team does not keep its word, in regards to employee contracts. Furthermore, I am sure that they come back for more, and when they do, they will have a very valid reason (i.e. Oil now at $65/bbl, or traffic declining because of fare increases, transformation plan not working yet, whatever).

My point is that if you expect this management to not come back for more, that would be pretty naive... Especially when there is a potential loophole to be exploited.
It is my understanding today's ATSB, RSA, and BOA agreement was disclosed in court documents filed today. The agreement requires the company to maintain minimum levels of unrestricted cash at the end of each week and for the court to impose $38 million in union cost cuts or the 23% wage cut.


Somebody tell me why mgmt gets a 6 % raise in april then takes a 10 % pay cut.

we will get back to the 10% in a sec.

Why would you want to work for this company any longer .I want unemployment from a chap 7 PERIOD

I feel sorry for you USA320pilot I will not support these theives and I cant't understand why you would.......maybe I do..... 😛h34r:

getting back to the 10% pay cut don't you or any of you in this forem that are pro cuts bothered by this .
If they were truely in this to save this company then why didn't they take 23% announce the pay raise and take 6% more ....I may have voted for 5 or 8 % pay cut but don't you see they just can't do the right thing right always in it for them selves........

The spin machine is on high and the load is unbalanced....

"The agreement requires the company to maintain minimum levels of unrestricted cash at the end of each week and for the court to impose $38 million in union cost cuts or the 23% wage cut."

Docket #419 is the proposed new interim financing agreement with the ATSB, BofA, and RSA. Anyone can read it but some choose to assume comments from newspaper articles are always "facts" and spin from there.

An apology to anyone who can quote the requirement for paycuts (temporary, permanent, any percentage) contained in the new agreement.

USA320Pilot said:
It is my understanding today's ATSB, RSA, and BOA agreement was disclosed in court documents filed today. The agreement requires the company to maintain minimum levels of unrestricted cash at the end of each week and for the court to impose $38 million in union cost cuts or the 23% wage cut.



Your understanding is wrong, there was no mention in ANY testimony of the new terms of the loan agreements.
Once again you are wrong...man you are so quick to judge, sometimes you are mistaken.
The link was to an article that discusses the ATSB loan arrangements and the article talks about those hearings at the OMNIBUS hearings on WED. Those docs were filed late Mon or early Tue....

He didn't say it was discussed today, he said it was filed today...
BoeingBoy said:
The spin machine is on high and the load is unbalanced....

And we are all out of counter balances so now we are really F---ked......AGAIN....!

I LOVE the new boards rules where the moderators sit back and bite the back of their hands :lol:
700UW said:
Your understanding is wrong, there was no mention in ANY testimony of the new terms of the loan agreements.
IN FACT, it was written in the newspaper yesterday, that Mr Bronner (or Lakefield, I can't remember which, and don't have the paper handy) said that the company would be able to maintain agreed upon cash levels and cash flow WITHOUT the labor agreements! When I read that I almost dropped my coffee!

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