US Airways touts standalone model

Doug and Scooter claim they can't pay what Delta and United pay. Fair enough. Then pay what Southwest pays.

Their is no problem with "the stand alone model," whatever that nebulous entity may really be. What they need to do is come up with a stand alone model that works. They can't be legacy today, low cost carrier tomorrow, and point-to-point the next day.

USAirways has no real identity, and Doug and Scooter seem to be unable, or at least disinclined, to develop one. Why? Because it would mean developing a plan to be profitable without nickel-and-dime fees and beating up on the employees.

If that's not possible, then USAirways will soon be summarily relegated to the scrap heap of history.

We are in desperate need of some real, effective leadership at USAirways in the near term. The employees are ready and willing to "push back," and the customers are growing savvy and weary of the fees.
Allow me to translate Mr Kidy's remarks.

No one wants to marry me! Hey it's OK I really like being single.
The new corporate mantra developed to calm investors and placate the employees.
Say it often enough and loud enough and people will believe it.
If there's anything I've learned about what corporate management says about the 'future', it's this: The real plan is usually opposite of what is publicly stated.
So, to translate scooter's remarks: We need to merge soon because we can't stay the way we are.
I guess Alaska talks didn't go well.

LOL, That's funny. I think the CEO of Alaska would rather eat worms then sell/merge with US Airways. I've flown Alaska and my only beef with them is I think they hire all ex Navy fighter pilots as man alive every landing was hard and fast. Must be all those short runways in Alaska too.

Frankly and this is not really a knock on US, I think Alaska is a bad play for anyone. Near as I can tell all of that airlines value is in its culture and their dominance of a very unique market. IMO none of the network carriers have clue one how to make money serving the Alaska Market. A merger IMO would be a disaster for them and their acquirer.

I had no idea US was talking to Alaska.
Doug and Scooter claim they can't pay what Delta and United pay. Fair enough. Then pay what Southwest pays.

:D That's funny!

Baby steps first . . . just demand what jetBlue pays its pilots - that would be a pay raise for every 190 and A320 pilot at US. THEN you can set your sights on WN payrates.
Doug and Scooter claim they can't pay what Delta and United pay. Fair enough. Then pay what Southwest pays.

This is a serious question. Not just to pilots but all workgroups.

I have seen numbers floating around of 13% as a cost differential between US and other legacies/network carriers. I'm trying to recall the story I read it in but it was a WSJ type publication.

So the question is this. If you got paid 13% LESS then your competitors would you make more than you make now?
First of all, the "stand alone" business is a crock of bull. How long does the lone little car lot last next to mega car lots on "auto row"? The current US business plan (do they have one) won't last forever. Now as for the compensation. Granted the bigger carriers have better hubs and all BUT considering US doesn't have the fleet or overall operating costs of a BIGGER carrier I'm not buying why the SMALLER US can't pay their employees what their counterparts make. It's BS and they know it. So they basically admit they rely on lower pay to carry the company yet expect more and more? Get bent.
Granted the bigger carriers have better hubs and all BUT considering US doesn't have the fleet or overall operating costs of a BIGGER carrier I'm not buying why the SMALLER US can't pay their employees what their counterparts make. It's BS and they know it.

Give that man a prize. You can pay 30,000 people the same amount each as someone else pays 60,000 people and still have only half the cost...

This piece of nonsense was for one reason only: propaganda to sell to the public and the employees.

"Our hubs aren't as profitable". Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh NEW YORK????? The one they just pulled out of, at a loss?

They obviously do not care about Hub profitability, it's their newest excuse not to pay industry standard.

Every industry recognizes the need to pay the prevailing rate. Joe America recognizes it, so that's what they're attacking, because they KNOW they're wrong and they KNOW when CHAOS takes hold and causes pain on the passenger side, they want to be able to say "but we're too small to pay industry standard" and have it ring a bell in memory banks of customers and employees.

This is a plant, pure and simple.

Do not buy into it.

Pay industry standard. Just because you got a company dirty and cheap through bankruptcy doesn't mean you get to stay that way. Pay industry standard or get out of the business.

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