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US Airways the first to offer to assist FlyI customers

I think it's great, but as I read the report on the shutdown of Independence Air, I feel bad for the employees of that company who need paychecks just as badly as we all do. Again, we have to remember how lucky we are to continue to be employed and have not lost our jobs to the downfall of the business.

As we accomodate those passengers that come to us from I Air, let us remember that any of us can be this close to losing our jobs at any time and the passenger is the important link.
AMEN cactus!!!!
Now this is a first! Usually we are the last to make such a public statement. And we got this out on a company holiday! I am impressed. Hopefully there will be a full marketing blitz to recruit customers from FlyI. Offering bonus miles and having Dividend Miles sign ups at all 37 cities would be a great way to show the benefits of being a US Airways Customer.


I agree that getting this out early is a pleasent development from the new US management.

That said, if US really wanted to knock the socks off of FlyI customers, they would rationalize fares ex-DCA and IAD.
I agree that getting this out early is a pleasent development from the new US management.

That said, if US really wanted to knock the socks off of FlyI customers, they would rationalize fares ex-DCA and IAD.
I haven't seen any other airlines make this same announcement. Granted, it is law but how many of the ticket holders would know that without being told? Not very many, I wouldn't think.

Hopefully they will all get where they need to or planned on going.
I think this is a nice gesture by USAirways management and a good way to pick up some added revenue from a seat that would otherwise go empty. 😉
I feel that it is an empty gesture. Airlines MAY charge up to $50 for reacommodation on a standby basis according to section 145 of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (November 19, 2001) . They are merely reiterating what federal law states. If they are so helpful, they would only charge $10 or less to try to give these customers a look at the new USAirways.
The affected passengers will probably get a refund of the one-way ticket price from flyI or their credit card company, so when you think about it, they're getting a standby one-way fare for only $50. Not bad!

I say there is nothing wrong with LCC charging $50 so we can at least recoup our fuel and administrative costs. These customers are largely leisure travelers who flock to the lowest fare anyway, so do we really want to break our backs (and our budgets) accommodating them when they are supporting the carriers that are the downfall of the industry?
The affected passengers will probably get a refund of the one-way ticket price from flyI or their credit card company, so when you think about it, they're getting a standby one-way fare for only $50. Not bad!

I say there is nothing wrong with LCC charging $50 so we can at least recoup our fuel and administrative costs. These customers are largely leisure travelers who flock to the lowest fare anyway, so do we really want to break our backs (and our budgets) accommodating them when they are supporting the carriers that are the downfall of the industry?
I agree that there is nothing wrong with it, but why issue a press release making it seem like you are doing something so great. $100 each way is probably what the pax paid for the ticket anyway and is probably what US would have charged for the ticket anyway. Like L4Pi said, it's all smoke and mirrors.
At least someone in marketing is making noise about it. How many times has US sat quietly by while every other carrier is issuing statements left and right and by the time US gets around to it, its over? Nice to get the US name out there FIRST for a change for anyone on DH who is looking at alternate arrangements. Now they wont have to look anywhere else since US is making it known (whether they have to legally take the ticket or not) that US is an option and that we would love to have the DH people fly us.
Isnt ALL marketing smoke and mirrors? How many times have we discussed the WN marketing department regarding the "low fare" aspect when they often arent the lowest fare? Its ok for them to do this, but US must still play by the old legacy rules of marketing?
Finally someone at US marketing is doing something right and you guys just cant let it go with an atta boy? Many of you would probably be the same ones who criticized them if they DIDNT issue something as letting the same old same old filter into the new company. Simply amazing. Guess the employees attitudes arent the only ones that need to embrace the new US way of doing things.
Ya know, I agree with you totally. There are probably many that would have NO idea about the govt. law that requires ALL airlines to honor and help the stranded passengers of an airline that has shut down. Whether it's smoke and mirrors or not, those who hold tickets know that they can fly US and may not have to look any further to rebook. If we didn't say anything at all there would be complaints about that. Sometimes you just can't win. Good for marketing for getting the word out. It's great for any carrier to step in and help whether required or not. Why not US instead of those passengers all saying how nice DL,NW,AA etc treated them? Again, good job.
The affected passengers will probably get a refund of the one-way ticket price from flyI or their credit card company, so when you think about it, they're getting a standby one-way fare for only $50. Not bad!

I say there is nothing wrong with LCC charging $50 so we can at least recoup our fuel and administrative costs. These customers are largely leisure travelers who flock to the lowest fare anyway, so do we really want to break our backs (and our budgets) accommodating them when they are supporting the carriers that are the downfall of the industry?

Also- US Airways won't get much if anything from FlyI, we should be compensated something for carrying their passengers. Besides, if they read the papers, they knew FlyI would possibly shut down when they booked. We could have charged full fare and said "sorry" but we didn't...

Thanks for flying with US...
I think this is a nice gesture by USAirways management and a good way to pick up some added revenue from a seat that would otherwise go empty. 😉
But what about the commuters? These bankrupt airline passengers may end up bumping someone from getting to their base. :shock:
Also- US Airways won't get much if anything from FlyI, we should be compensated something for carrying their passengers. Besides, if they read the papers, they knew FlyI would possibly shut down when they booked. We could have charged full fare and said "sorry" but we didn't...

Thanks for flying with US...
A few yars ago HP dealt with National Airlines just closing their doors. We had no direction in Rez and were advising buddy pass fares as fares for pax stuck in las, sb. Then it was 25.00 and priority level was below our guest passes. At least this time theres a plan. Thank heavens! Also, we advised it they purchased on cc, dispute the charge with the credit card company. They did not book originally on US Airways and we do not have their money. Im glad we can help them out but we have had bankrupcy problems of our own and they should pay something. And be grateful its not a full fare tkt. Happy New Year
L4PI and US1YFare....

Doing some independent research, this is what I found.

Spirit and AirTran both put out press releases today that they will charge the 50.00.

UAL put out a press release, but failed to mention the 50.00. But a call to UAL Res confirmed that they are charging the 50.00.

JetBlue and Southwest did not send out a press release but when contacted by phone, they confirmed that they would charge 50.00 to stand by.

US offered to confirm a ticket for 100.00 each way - waiving advanced purchase requirements until Jan 30. Any ticket purchased now would be at a substantially higher fare since we are nearly past the 21 day requirement for the el-cheapo fares.

What US did was 1000 times better then the old US. As mentioned, in the past, we always sat on our laurels and waited until everyone else reacted to the situation, evaluated their response and duplicated what they did. We took initiative and and were FIRST to put out a policy. As DCA's #1 carrier, I would hope that we beat UAL and the other DCA carriers to the punch.

Knock the reponse all you want as a smoke and mirror show, we did what is "expected" of us by the government and went above that by offering to confirm tickets - which we have no obligation to do.

I applaude the response as a great step in the right direction. Take the lead, do what's right, make noise about it and do it first! I sincerely hope that this type of response and communications continues. I am sick of being the last one to the party....now it is time to start the party ourselves.
Any ticket purchased now would be at a substantially higher fare since we are nearly past the 21 day requirement for the el-cheapo fares.

Knock the reponse all you want as a smoke and mirror show, we did what is "expected" of us by the government and went above that by offering to confirm tickets - which we have no obligation to do.

I don't agree, I searched some fares and there are some city pairs that would be right around the $200 roundtrip mark (without taxes)--even some tickets booked for travel this week.

Not "expected", obligated--there is a difference.
I'd also like to mention that those paper tickets we graciously accept from DH have to go through a clearing house plus the bankruptcy court, so it could be months before US Airways gets paid for their good deed. I certainly have no problem with collecting a $50.00 admin fee, especially if it's a cheap ass fare! 😛

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