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Us Airways Searches For Cash

As recently stated above, if any kind of merger or what have you is to occur it will be in a way that NOBODY has thought of. The "masters" at hand are such downright, dirty, rotten scoundrals that anything is possible. Believe this....whatever happens all parties involved will walk away with heavy pockets. You can bet that with all this pointing going around ie My company is better than yours etc and My company will be the surviving entity, the employees will suffer. In an attempt to streamline operations as if that isnt already a trend, many will lose jobs to save the precious few. Wait and see. You may end up working for (insert airline name here) as another airline screwmember. If and only IF HP or UA were to buy in whole or in pieces (doubtful) US it will be a fiasco for all involved.

The difference between you and I is that you look at public information, analyze the data, and then try to build an argument.

I do that too, but the difference between us is I regularly put my “ear to the floorâ€￾, talk to senior union officials, talk to senior management, talk to middle management, talk to airline analysts, talk to the national and local news media, and talk to key industry observer’s. I obtain a significant amount of information not normally available every day. Am I special? No, of course not. I'm just an interested observer who is very loyal to my company and union.

Then I formulate an opinion by providing factual information or I “connect the dotsâ€￾ and make a statement like "I believe..." or "in my opinion" when I make a post.

You can debate my comments all you want regarding America West and US Airways, but they came from a very senior official in US Airways’ marketing and planning department, versus your “public sourcesâ€￾.

Will a deal occur? I do not know and only time will tell.


USA320Pilot said:

The difference between you and I is that you look at public information, analyze the data, and then try to build an argument.

I do that too, but the difference between us is I put regularly my “ear to the floorâ€￾, talk to senior union officials, talk to senior management, talk to middle management, talk to airline analysts, talk to the national and local news media, and talk to key industry observer’s. I obtain a significant amount of information not normally available every day. Am I special? No, of course not. I'm just an interested observer who is very loyal to my company and union.

Then I formulate an opinion by providing factual information or I “connect the dotsâ€￾ and make a statement like "I believe..." or "in my opinion" when I make a post.

ou can debate my comments all you want regarding America West and US Airways, but they came from a very senior official in US Airways’ marketing and planning department, versus your “public sourcesâ€￾.

Will a deal occur? I do not know and only time will tell.



That is a bunch of BS. You made no mention of AWA prior to the "leakage" this past weekend. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Perhaps your ear was not as close to the floor as you thought.

An America West - US Airways deal has been rumored for about two months and was even in the press. I’m surprised you missed it, considering your “public workâ€￾. Would you like me to get you the hyperlinks?

Separately, I do not post everything I know and certain things I cannot comment on because I have signed a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with the company. Do I know everything? Absolutely not. Do I talk with most key people regarding US Airways? Yes.

If you do not want to believe what I write that's your choice and right.

Keep up the good work though because I like your information from "public sources". You add a lot to the forum for those who do not or cannot read the news reports.

Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:
So, now he's a mushroom! That would be Fungi2, actually. :lol:
USA320Pilot said:
Am I special? No, of course not.

We agree, yet again! I will give you this: You are the master of mixed metaphors and overblown self-assessments. 😀

Peace -


Oh, and just in case you ask -- he still finds you highly amusing, as always.... :up:
USA320Pilot said:
Keep up the good work though because I like your information from "public sources". You add a lot to the forum for those who do not or cannot read the news reports.

Isn't that calling the kettle black? You can hardly post a topic with less than 5 or 6 links. I assume most folks can find it on their own, but I do discuss the public information.

I guess you neglect the occasional "reading between the lines". I don't need a senior management link for that...

After all, in March 2004, while you were towing the company line that BK#2 was not in the works, I provided a logical guess that BK #2 would occur by Sept/Oct 2004. I used only publicly available information, including US Airways financial statements. I did not have any discussions with anyone at US Airways, other than perhaps this chat board.

Sometimes, Senior management has to present a rosey picture to the troops because the real information is bad for morale. Its actually a pretty common thing, which most management must do in bad situations to keep the ship afloat for as long as possible. I try to cut through that garbage. You pass it along.
That is right. They did the same thing at EAL; they painted a rosy picture saying everthing was just grand! When in reality they were bleeding like a slaughtered pig.
USA320Pilot said:
...I do not post everything I know and certain things I cannot comment on because I have signed a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with the company.
Oh I get it.

As BoeingBoy aptly pointed out on another thread in regards to your "forecasts" about oil prices, you will predict everything (they're going up; they're going down; they're going to stabilize) to protect all bases.

Now, another dimension. If something pops up that you previously made no mention of one way or the other, it is because you "cannot comment [on certain things] because [you] have signed a confidentiality ... agreement[.]"

Got it! :down:
Bear96 said:
Oh I get it.

As BoeingBoy aptly pointed out on another thread in regards to your "forecasts" about oil prices, you will predict everything (they're going up; they're going down; they're going to stabilize) to protect all bases.

Now, another dimension. If something pops up that you previously made no mention of one way or the other, it is because you "cannot comment [on certain things] because [you] have signed a confidentiality ... agreement[.]"

Got it! :down:

Ladies & Gentlemen:

We now have another winner! :up:

The emperor has no clothes.

Peace -

funguy2 said:
Perhaps your ear was not as close to the floor as you thought.
From his apparent zeal for concessions I suspect while he was on his knees, he might as well put his ear to the floor while he's down there.

Everytime I read his stuff I'm on my knees, then my side, then my knees again, then my back doubled over in incredulous, incontinent laughter.
USA320 - For someone who claims to have conversations with "senior" officials at all levels of the company, you sure spout off about a lot of things I wouldn't think those senior people want posted. Yet, you somehow still keep talking with them and getting "confidential" information that you can't really comment on. So, what are we to believe from you?

I enjoy your analysis when you culminate numerous public sources, and it's even your God given right to provide your analysis based on that info. I find it enlightening and it's evident you spend some time really thinking about the details.

But when you keep beating the drum that you have information that hasn't been made public, it lessens your credibility because that info, assuming it's true, would seem to be best kept out of the public eye. Otherwise the company could just issue a press release.
USA320Pilot said:
Separately, I do not post everything I know and certain things I cannot comment on because I have signed a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with the company. Do I know everything? Absolutely not. Do I talk with most key people regarding US Airways? Yes.

If you do not want to believe what I write that's your choice and right.
Best regards,
You signed at a meeting where you got to hold the proxy, it was for that occasion only, stop with the BS all ready, you are not impressing anyone.

You are not an ALPA rep nor a member of the MEC or the Negotiating Committee, you seem to forget you are nothing but a regular line pilot who is management wannabe.

You're wrong and obviously do not understand the requirement.


No you are wrong, you signed it at a meeting where you got to hold a proxy for the LGA MEC rep, have you washed your hand yet?

You signed one at one MEC regular meeting when Lakefield spoke.

Gee When did you get elected to the MEC?

When did you get elected grievance Rep?

When did you get elected to the ALPA Negotiating Committee?

You are a regular line pilot, who lets management use him, plain and simple.

Never saw you at the 1113 C hearings nor at CCY during negotiations, how can someone who is a legend in his own mind not be at those important events?

Too busy having cockpit chronicles again?
😱ff: :cop:

I think if you guys use the search feature you can find out how this little tit for tat played out last time, remember? ENOUGH already!

Now, back to the US/HP discussion, already in progress.