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Us Airways Says Woes Increasing, Cites Fuel

FM2436 said:
I thought it was the Hurricanes in the Gulf that was the cause of this current disruption in oil supplies.
That is what I saw or read to. Savy
Oneflyer said:
Because there are too many airlines and some need to go out of business.

Off the top of my head, US and UAL come to mind.
Both are horribly mismanaged and are waiting for
creditors to pull the plug. You can only keep a terminal
patient on life support for so long, then it's time to
let the patient die with dignity.
SpinDoc said:
Off the top of my head, US and UAL come to mind.
Both are horribly mismanaged and are waiting for
creditors to pull the plug. You can only keep a terminal
patient on life support for so long, then it's time to
let the patient die with dignity.

I'm afraid the "dignity" part is long gone.
seems to ME that you are either drunk or a complete idiot..dont matter...this POS is going DOWN.

Trip Confirmed said:
The President cannot just make special oil prices for someone he likes. Especially for an airline teetering on liquidation, one travel agents are warning all passengers against, and one with so many problems it seems to be doomed.

That would be insanity.
Oil prices are going through the roof.
The President cannot decide what oil prices are going to be, and decide some people pay less.
Stuff happens!
The airline employees wanted a union. They voted, through the union they wanted.. They decided their fate.

The rest of America cannot be held accountable for bad choices, no matter how sad the outcome.

If I monkey up my future with bad investment choices, I cannot ask my government to wipe it all out and give me my money back because I've changed my mind and decided my initial actions weren't so bright.
JS said:
That is not what the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is for. It is supposed to be used only in the event of a disruption in the oil supply such as war or OPEC turning on us.

It's not an oil field, so every barrel of it we burn is one less barrel to use in the future when we really need it. $50 a barrel is high but it's not crippling.
You should check out your local paper. There is a war going on. In the middle east, and it is disrupting oil supplies.
ITRADE said:
Just remember that the spike in oil prices is not going to help either aviation fuel prices or gasoline prices. The SPR is unrefined crude oil, not gasoline and not Jet-A. The refineries which produce auto gas and Jet-A are already operating at 100% capacity and additional unrefined oil is not going to alleviate that problem.
Sure it will. If every Arab fart causes a spike in prices. Then having access to an unhindered home supply can stabilize the price. Its a traded future commodity. Future prices are not based on actual predicaments or disruptions, more on anticipated.

Seems the pres is more interested making money for the oil company's that put him in office, than the lowly everyday man or woman on the street.
700UW said:
More refineries have to be built, I believe there has not one been built in years and they have shut down many of them.
You see now oil companies and the OPEC are masters at manipulating and controlling price and supply. Build a new refinery, are you crazy! That might cause an access to ample supply or fuel and destroy the volatility that generates billion dollar quarterly profits for the oil companies, and the Arab sheiks who fund the terrorism we are trying to fight to help stabilize oil prices. Vicious circle.
FA Mikey said:
Sure it will. If every Arab fart causes a spike in prices. Then having access to an unhindered home supply can stabilize the price. Its a traded future commodity. Future prices are not based on actual predicaments or disruptions, more on anticipated.

Seems the pres is more interested making money for the oil company's that put him in office, than the lowly everyday man or woman on the street.

Are you talking about the Strategic Petroleum Reserve or Alaska?
Oil Climbs to Record for 3rd Day; Winter Supplies May Run Short

From the Bloomberg article:

"OPEC is pumping near capacity with little margin to compensate for disruptions to supply."

" An Energy Department report yesterday showed U.S. oil inventories rose a lower-than-forecast 1.1 million barrels to 274 million in the week ended Oct. 1 after Hurricane Ivan cut Gulf of Mexico output since mid September."

" Speculation that the U.S. may tap its emergency stockpiles further grew after a fifth refiner borrowed oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve yesterday in the wake of Ivan to keep processing plants running."

"Ivan, which severely damaged 40 platforms in the Gulf, was the most destructive Gulf of Mexico storm for energy companies since Hurricane Andrew sank or damaged 87 platforms and rigs in 48 hours starting Aug. 24, 1992."

" A Nigerian oil workers' union said it will strike from Sunday unless President Olusegun Obasanjo's administration cuts fuel prices. Nigeria is the fifth-biggest supplier of U.S. oil imports and was OPEC's sixth-biggest producer last month."

FA Mikey said:
You see now oil companies and the OPEC are masters at manipulating and controlling price and supply. Build a new refinery, are you crazy! That might cause an access to ample supply or fuel and destroy the volatility that generates billion dollar quarterly profits for the oil companies, and the Arab sheiks who fund the terrorism we are trying to fight to help stabilize oil prices. Vicious circle.
I was thinking the same thing but then realized the oil companies will blame Govt. regulations on their inability to build new refineries.
Well, specifically, they will blame government environmental regulations on their inability to build new refineries. If we could only get rid of those tree-hugging, Communist-leaning air and water pollution prohibitions, you would see "a thousand refineries bloom."

Several years ago, I read an article in the Houston Post or the Houston Chronicle that said that Pt. Arthur, TX--site of several major refineries and petrochemical plants--had the highest incidence of environmental cancers per capita of any city in the nation. (Environmental cancers are those attributable to environmental causes rather than body processes. Be aware that lung cancer due to smoking can be counted as environmental or lifestyle/behavioral. So, of course, in oil-company-friendly Texas, the cancer of a refinery worker who smokes is ALWAYS recorded as lifestyle/behavioral.)

At the time, I worked for an oil company that had a facility in Pt. Arthur. I had to travel there periodically. The air in and around Pt. Arthur was so full of hydrocarbons, that I would have a splitting headache within 2 hours of arrival in town even if I didn't go to the plant. The people who lived there assured me that I "would get used to it if I stayed a few days."
diogenes said:

Gee, this might explain some of it...

FTCR recently has taken up the cause of trying to keep open Shell's Bakersfield refinery, one of only thirteen refineries left in California making California's special CARB gasoline.

Pick your battles, people. Do you want special CARB gasoline and high prices, or do you want gasoline that can be produced anywhere and low prices?

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