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US Airways Reorganization Plan Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter chipmunn
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US Airways Reorganization Plan
ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - US Airways will file its plan of reorganization and disclosure statement later today with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. Today’s filing maintains the reorganization timetable announced in August at the beginning of the company’s “fast-trackâ€￾ Chapter 11 reorganization, which contemplates confirmation of the plan by March 31, 2003. The company said that the planned electronic filing with the court is scheduled to occur this evening after the close of business. A Special Bulletin and related material will be issued for employees and the reorganization plan document will be made available on the company’s Web site, usairways.com, but most likely not until Saturday morning.
On 12/20/2002 11:40:42 PM chipmunn wrote:

US Airways Reorganization Plan

A Special Bulletin and related material will be issued for employees and the reorganization plan document will be made available on the company’s Web site, usairways.com, but most likely not until Saturday morning.

From what we have all witnessed usairways employees go through so far. My guess you will see a picture of a giant screw.
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