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US Airways plans $388M offering

West will be void of 737's this year. So they need some airplanes to keep to fleet min. East will get the remainder...
Is there an updated fleet listing posted anywhere online?

Other than the US website "fact sheets" (under press info) and a few websites that try to keep up with fleet changes, I don't know of specific nor do I know how up to date any of that is. Under "Investor relations" on the US site you'll find an investor update issued at least quarterly, usually in conjunction with the quarterly reports. It gives the quarterly actual fleet breakdown for past quarters and forecast changes in remaining quarters of the year.

Well if this means that those awful 737's with the "Sharon Stone Seat" for F/A's are gone and replaced by A321's then that's a good thing.

So how close does this bring US to an all Airbus fleet? Forget the 757/67's
So how close does this bring US to an all Airbus fleet? Forget the 757/67's

Off the top of my head (so don't hold me to an exact number) I think all or nearly all the 737-400's will still be around at the end of this year.

In a meeting we had with US about ramp issues, they say the 300 will be gone end of year, but the 400 will most likely remain in service until the end of 2012....
The remaining west B733s will be retired by year end, leaving US with just 7 B733s on the east side. These 7 B733s will be retired by the end of next year. As for the B734s, 1 will be retired this year leaving US with a total of 39. The remaining B734s will be gradually retired over the next few years.

Hope this helps 🙂

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