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US Airways pilots plagued by union infighting

"You have to understand that US Airways pilots already have lived through five mergers," said Arnie Gentile, a pilot and spokesman for the union representing US Airways pilots.
You have to realize that most of us long time frequent flyers have lived though more than five mergers and are freaking sick and tired of the pilots bitching about their horrible lives.

Why you are proud of all this "infighting" is beyond me. You all should be ashamed of how you are acting. My dad, God rest his soul, would kill me for saying this if he were still around, but your "pilot's union" is a joke. Real unions don't act like this.
For a group so experienced in mergers, the east pilot union sure does manage to take stepping on their own cranks to a new level.
You have to realize that most of us long time frequent flyers have lived though more than five mergers and are freaking sick and tired of the pilots bitching about their horrible lives.

Why you are proud of all this "infighting" is beyond me. You all should be ashamed of how you are acting. My dad, God rest his soul, would kill me for saying this if he were still around, but your "pilot's union" is a joke. Real unions don't act like this.
Good Lord....And in USA Today of all media.