US Airways must cut more or may lose loan guarantees

It's not that the ATSB is now requiring more than was in the original application. But think about it. The industry revenue environment is getting worse with each passing month. That forces US to re-forecast their revenue projections going forward to reflect the continued softening of revenue. That, in turn, puts them in the position of having to cut more costs to attain that magical 7% profit margin, which in my view is too steep given the conditions of the industry. In the best of times in a booming economy, a 7% profit margin is hard to attain for an airline.
[H6][FONT face=Comic Sans MS size=2]Chip,[BR]Believe me when I say this, I have been paying (what I thought was) close attention to the proceedings and happenings with our airline and those involved with the current[BR]situation. Who is Freedom Air and where did they come from?[BR]Thank you for all your information on this board, it does make a difference.[BR]Chelebell[/FONT][/H6]

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