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US Airways math

i love qik/shares very much..
if the system messes up ...
i say oh well
The simple answer would be to address IT problems.

But upper management is to simple for the simple life.

Would Paris Hilton be a better CEO.

She has the cred, time in a women's prison.
So does Parker-one day.
Why would anybody not charge the right abount?
Because SHARES doesn't work. Because SHARES is antiquated and broken. Because SHARES is not the right system of USAirways.Because the Agent did not want to inconvenience the passenger(s) any more.
Why would we not charge the correct amount :blink: I think the better question is why does QIK not charge the correct amount....This piece of crap thinks it knows better so I agree it is what it is

Every time I try to do an upgrade to Envoy it still charges 250 I have showed every CSS and every manager and even Troy Fernwalt the HEAD NUT in the IT dept...I said explain this to me and he gave me this look :blink: and I cued the crickets..They have no explanation...so what am I supposed to do?? Charge the customers card twice which takes time at the gate that I dont have since we are working oversold A330's with 2 agts and they are oversold by 20!!!!

I have to admit I chuckle every time they're super fantastic system rips them off :up: If I had Sabre it would have been done in 2 mins and done correctly...but what do I know I just work here

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