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US Airways Long Haul Catering

I love providing a nice service, I think most of my co-workers do too. It's embarrassing what we (don't) serve now. I try to add a little bit of class to it, but you just look silly.

I didn't imagine I'd be handing out plastic cups of wine and potato chips from behind a flimsy partition to customers who bought a first class ticket.

We're lucky we even have a partition, even if the f/c pax can see your every move. Our airline is such an embarrassment!
Can we negotiate Maureen dean's job away?
And how about a few other America West managers, too! I vote Brian McMurray off the island - anybody else up for eviction?

Actually Ms. Dean is Director of PHL International Operations and PHL Catering. She heads up the PHL Intl ramp, PHL Intl Customer Service and PHL Catering. She has nothing to do with the inflight product anymore (since I think January). From my understanding PHL catering is IAM work and all her group does is actually cater the a/c (put the meals, liquor, etc. onboard), they dont cook or design the meal service or provisioning. All of the planning and decisions about what you see (or are "supposed to see")takes place in PHX. Maureen's group just drives the supplies/meals from the contracted kitchen to the aircraft.

From what I have heard from people in PHL she is fairly approachable and rather understanding...*and* she seems to be one of the better directors permanently assigned to PHL.
Oh dear God, please tell me you ARE kidding, right? Sure, she's approachable . . . she LOVES getting to know you, ie, her next victim! Everytime there is a meltdown in her area she (without research, background, or coaching) finds a scapegoat, and that person is suddenly gone! Suprisingly, if you work for her, getting fired is the best gift EVER!
Don't say that we didn't warn you guys that the International product would go to Hell in a handbasket the moment that Maureen Dean took the reigns over there!!

She decimated our product out West. So bad that we are embarassed to serve our product. I have been trying to avoid working flights with meals served. Third World airlines offer better meals than we do!
Yeah . Yesterday on flight PHL-AMS cabin crew were complaining that PHL forgot to load Coffie and drinking water onboard 757 !!!! They were serving only softdrinks and Tea !!! Embarassing !!! And what about this arrival yoghurt service - looks aufull . Where are those days when we used to have 5 course meal service ( not on a tray ) and warm towels and welcome drinks in a real glass plus warm nutts ???? Does it ever comes back ????
Yeah . Yesterday on flight PHL-AMS cabin crew were complaining that PHL forgot to load Coffie and drinking water onboard 757 !!!! They were serving only softdrinks and Tea !!! Embarassing !!! And what about this arrival yoghurt service - looks aufull . Where are those days when we used to have 5 course meal service ( not on a tray ) and warm towels and welcome drinks in a real glass plus warm nutts ???? Does it ever comes back ????

And just to think US wants to go to China :shock:
And just to think US wants to go to China :shock:
I for one hope this BULLSH*T talk about CHINA comes to an abrupt END Q-U-I-C-K-L-Y! Dougweiser & Clowns can barely manage what they have already........SAY NO TO CHINA! Paging Chairman Mao! Build The Great Wall HIGHER.....Keep US OUT! :lol:
I don't know if it could get any worse than some of the stuff I heard today.

More transatlantic tales- saw some crews today coming in from Europe. Both Athens and Shannon were sent out the other night hours late (after being re-crewed twice of course) without any Catering for Envoy. Flight Attendants were told to serve COACH meals up front, in the cardboard box. No glassware or plates were even catered, no arrival service. Business Class passengers were served a cardboard box of pasta, coach beverages in plastic cups, and a granola bar for breakfast on a 10 hour flight. To top it off only one movie in english was boarded on the Athens flight. The Shannon B757 had one toilet blocked to begin with, and another overflowed waste onto the floor before it diverted to Harrisburg.
I don't know if it could get any worse than some of the stuff I heard today.

More transatlantic tales- saw some crews today coming in from Europe. Both Athens and Shannon were sent out the other night hours late (after being re-crewed twice of course) without any Catering for Envoy. Flight Attendants were told to serve COACH meals up front, in the cardboard box. No glassware or plates were even catered, no arrival service. Business Class passengers were served a cardboard box of pasta, coach beverages in plastic cups, and a granola bar for breakfast on a 10 hour flight. To top it off only one movie in english was boarded on the Athens flight. The Shannon B757 had one toilet blocked to begin with, and another overflowed waste onto the floor before it diverted to Harrisburg.
And THEY Wonder W-H-Y We hate Them? There's a saying "I can Hardly wait for Your demise (insert Parker, Kirby, Shambles.....) so I can piss on Your Grave!". The incompetence, arrogance and ignorance is UNBELIEVABLE! And CHINA..........ROTMFFLMAO. :down: