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US Airways Group Reports Net Income of $13 Million

Like I said before, white collar thieves!

CCY should be M-S-P- (that does not mean mineapolis either,)
with a warden, and thick bars..

Get the point?

Unbelievable...just for once I had a glimmer of hope that our 5% would be returned....

' Rolling down the river'!

"but US Airways' costs still remain to high at 10.0 cents per ASM."

And if you look down further the statement shows the mainline CASM, excluding express and one-time events is 12.19 cents. After all the mainline cost reductions, is the CASM still that high?
On 7/28/2003 12:57:52 PM PITbull wrote:


Recall who? PITbull?

Who are you again?

The pre tax loss has nothing to do with a war. The 5% is something they are stealing. And since it doesn't effect you in anyway....you could care less.
I guess your reading of a contract would not do you any good towards law school. Oh well. Its all moot now.
I suggest that the PIT and PHL flight attendants recall their local presidents. It is time for a change within the AFA ranks.
On 7/28/2003 4:00:28 PM Analyst wrote:

I suggest that the PIT and PHL flight attendants recall their local presidents. It is time for a change within the AFA ranks.

Please expand on this remark, enlighten us all.
Dave did the right thing and returned the temporary wage reductions, which he didn't have to do. Great gesture and very much appreciated here.

So now that the 5% is no longer a point of contention, what is everyone going to complain about now? Could there possibly be any sense of something positive out of todays announcement, or are we going to continue the normal negative attitude?
On 7/28/2003 3:53:37 PM MarkMyWords wrote:

So now that the 5% is no longer a point of contention, what is everyone going to complain about now?  Could there possibly be any sense of something positive out of todays announcement, or are we going to continue the normal negative attitude?

And a condescending tone like this is a good way to kick it off?
On 7/28/2003 4:00:28 PM Analyst wrote:

I suggest that the PIT and PHL flight attendants recall their local presidents. It is time for a change within the AFA ranks. 



You are in the dark, and obviously have way too much time on your hands just to sit and worry yourself about the influences of two AFA Presidents on any kind of bottom line. After all, CCY has an airline to run, right?

First off, I find it hilarious that a guy who sits with mangement would be asking to recall union officials....

Here is your epiphany: Wasn't for these two local presidents of AFA and their voiceferous mantra to return this 5% to the employees, constant e-mails within the MEC and to the members and specifically to management, as well as the entire LABOR COALITION, YOU would be 5% poorer. As you can read, Dave's decision was with much reservation. So persistents is a good thing for the employees and ultimately a good thing for the company. Something tells me the U Board and Dr. Bronner had much to do with this decision.

You are the type that is not intuitive to comprehend this type of intiative and the trickle down effect it will have on morale. Which is one of the biggest issues U has to resolve. Thank God for the employees that you are not at the helm.

Kudos to Dave Siegel for making the right and good decision for the morale of his employees.

Now let's kick ### and run a damn airline.

PS. And if anyone noticed, I just became a "Veteran" of the boards.

With regard to AFA as a union....we have a constitution and bylaws that we adhere to. Same as the country who adheres to the Constitution of the United States. In order to amend the constitution, an agenda item has to be presented to the BOD (67 presidents of 26 airlines), argued, lobbied for and voted on...same as Congress when they write new bills and vote on them.

It is very difficult to have passed, when within the constitution allows for a payment schedule if you can't make those payments. When this was brought up beffore, the argument was that it would open a door for no one to pay. Then AFA would not be able to run and provide any services.

FYI...all the lealeting materials, attorney representation for grievances and any and all training of union officials new or current along with local and MEC chairs goes through and paid by International. Any legislative issues that effect the flight attendant proffesion as a whole (certification) safety security etc, is fought for and lobbied paid for by AFA International. There is more than here than what you are reading into. You are just not taking in the entire view of what unions do. I've written this out before to you and on the board where the $34 goes, but no matter, it does not suffice your quiery.

If any union member on Voluntary furlough (those who chose to take a leave NOT forced) can set up a payment plan....even if it is $1 a month. Those who choose not to, just don't care. So, point is there is something in place to provide for those who can't pay it. In the past we have given "deferrals" which means a postponement until the furloughee returns. But at present situation, with PIT in particular losing 1400 members in my base in one year, we can only have 1 full time person in the office, (and that's the President). We use to have 3 and two part time. Can't approve deferrals anymore, but I know the President will allow for payment plans of any increment. Its up to the f/a if they care enough about their organization to set this up. This union is all the flight attendants have to voice their frustration and try to elicit change outside of a section 6. Union organizations are not utopic, and members need to understand that the dues are a pulling of resources to be able to fight the good fight, which we collectively as unions have just done. Know the process first before you are quick to judge the organization.

We went after the deferral because we knew that for the reasons the company cited for taking it was an exaggeration of half truths and there was no adverse war effect on the industry, but rather that it was more a soft economy creation impact on our Industry. We were allready as a nation in that spriral before any war or talk of Iraq invasion. That is the point. Mangement knew this and thought that if they ignore us or give us more retorhic on the need for more money from employees, was just plain not credible reason for taking it. You as a customer could not see this internal union effort to get this returned for the reasons I've cited many times on this board. All of the labor coalition was on this. AFA was the first to cite taking action in the resolution if the Board did not intercede.

5% deferral would not be given if the company had justification beyond anyone's reasonable doubt to take it. Rest assured, Dr. Bronner got involved in this one.
On 7/28/2003 4:00:28 PM Analyst wrote:

I suggest that the PIT and PHL flight attendants recall their local presidents. It is time for a change within the AFA ranks. 


Praise the lords and little fishies for the PIT and PHL AFA local presidents! I have witnessed how hard those two work to fight for the flight attendants. They put most union leaders to shame!

I don't know who Analyst is, but I suspect he/she is not a flight attendant with a moniker like that. Nonetheless, if anyone wants to push for a recall, they'd darn better have a positive proposal of what aside from raising heck with US Airways management would be the strategy for getting U management to abide by the restructuring agreement and fly right by the people who do the work.

What are you for? I'm tired of hearing people pounce all over the two AFA leaders who are truly working their keisters off to fight for the flight attendants.

If you've got a vision of a better way than that of the PIT and PHL leaders, let's hear it. Otherwise you're just whining.

As my favorite bumper sticker sez: "Don't whine, Organize!"

Anyway, I hope that the AFA leadership and members can come together and put some serious heat on management (instead of just on each other!) because giving back the 5% doesn't get management off the hook for all of the other contractual violations and general abusive treatment that has been heaped upon the flight attendants (as well as all of the other employees) at US Airways (and the rest of the industry for that matter!).

PITbull, tell Teddy and Mollie thanks for all that they do! Keep the heat on!

In solidarity,

In regard to the company's decision to take a $35 million charge associated with its decision not to take delivery of certain aircraft, I forgot about the Airbus deal. US had 38 A320 family jets on firm order with delivery's scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of 2005. These delivery positions were changed to 29 aircraft including 10 A330s, 13 A321s, and 6 A320s, scheduled for delivery from 2007 to 2009.

Although the charge was not broken out, the flexible turboprop phase out and Airbus order change were likely the one-time charge.

Best regards,

Thanks moderator, I figured you'd steal some thunder from me too.

And idiot is in the dictionary, so is psychotic and that was not deleted, how come? Is that not negative name calling?

What's the matter Analyst, did you get your hands slapped by Dr. Bronner for treating the employees like pieces of S---! What did you think? You'd get away with this? Did you think labor would be silent forever?
guys i thought u had to be 18 to work for US ? PLEASE GROW UP!
On 7/28/2003 7:02:42 PM PITbull wrote:


With regard to AFA as a union....we have a constitution and bylaws that we adhere to. Same as the country who adheres to the Constitution of the United States. In order to amend the constitution, an agenda item has to be presented to the BOD (67 presidents of 26 airlines), argued, lobbied for and voted on...same as Congress when they write new bills and vote on them.

It is very difficult to have passed, when within the constitution allows for a payment schedule if you can't make those payments. When this was brought up beffore, the argument was that it would open a door for no one to pay. Then AFA would not be able to run and provide any services.


Bob, what Pitbull is telling you that the one of the largest AFA groups does not have any influence among the 26 airlines even though their group supports the smaller carriers. If you knew Perry Hayes, you would understand why the AFA (MEC US) is in its current shape. AFA is all about dues and will sell its members down the river.

You should ask Pitbull where is the support from the other local bases (CLT/BOS/LGA/DCA) when they did their leaflet campaign a few months ago. Even John McCorkle will tell you the truth behind the AFA.

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