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Us Airways February Net Loss $119.2 Million

funguy2 said:
Getting back to the point of the thread...

Does anyone have any information on how strong Q1 is vs other quarters...

Prior to 2001 (9/11 skewed the 3rd/4th quarter results that year) the 1st quarter was the weakest, revenue-wise.

Naturally, 2001 turned everything on it's head with the 4th quarter the weakest that year.

Since 2001, it's been all over the map....

2002 - 4th qtr the weakest but we were in BK1 then.

2003 - 1st qtr skewed by BK related items (that's the quarter we reported almost $2 billion profit).

2004 - 4th qtr had lowest revenue, but just like 2002 we were back in BK.

I'll attach a file you might be interested in.....

aafsc said:
Unless, they have protection in their bases (CLT, PHL, etc.) like the TWA people have in MCI and STL. Four years after the TWA/AA transaction, how many TWA people are still working in STL and MCI?
<_< aa----- You'll be glad to know more are going out the door! Some with close to 20 years seniority, with no place to go!!!!a.a.'s answeer to the MCI/STL ruling is simply close them down! And make sure they don't have anywhere to go!"Four years after the TWA/aa transaction, how many TWA people are still working in STL and MCI?" Fewer every day! It really bothers you that there are any? Doesn't it??? :huh: Let's put it in prospective! At it's peck, there were over 5,000 people here at MCI! Today there are about 1,300!!! By June, so they tell us, there will only be about 900! Good chance by the end of the year, 700, or less!!!! But I'll still be here to blow you a kiss now and then a.a.!!!!! 😛
MCI transplant said:
<_< aa----- You'll be glad to know more are going out the door! Some with close to 20 years seniority, with no place to go!!!!a.a.'s answeer to the MCI/STL ruling is simply close them down! And make sure they don't have anywhere to go!"Four years after the TWA/aa transaction, how many TWA people are still working in STL and MCI?" Fewer every day! It really bothers you that there are any? Doesn't it??? :huh: Let's put it in prospective! At it's peck, there were over 5,000 people here at MCI! Today there are about 1,300!!! By June, so they tell us, there will only be about 900! Good chance by the end of the year, 700, or less!!!! But I'll still be here to blow you a kiss now and then a.a.!!!!! 😛
I think we should be discussing this on the AA board. Don't want to pi$$ off the U people for talking about an unrelated topic on their board. But my quick response is:
1. No, I am not happy people in MCI are getting furloughed.
2. There are ex-TWA bumping into 25% cities and displacing nAAtives and rubbing in their faces. I have personally talked to these nAAtives.
3. They are not shutting MCI down. They just signed a 25 year lease.
4. 5,000 may have been the peak at TWA but there were only around 2,200 when AA took over MCI.
5. And you'll be glad to know that nAAtives with 18 years are getting furlouged from their cities. I have 15 and just got furloughed out of mine.
6. With 35 years, I know you will still be here to debate with me.
aafsc said:
I think we should be discussing this on the AA board. Don't want to pi$$ off the U people for talking about an unrelated topic on their board. But my quick response is:
1. No, I am not happy people in MCI are getting furloughed.
2. There are ex-TWA bumping into 25% cities and displacing nAAtives and rubbing in their faces. I have personally talked to these nAAtives.
3. They are not shutting MCI down. They just signed a 25 year lease.
4. 5,000 may have been the peak at TWA but there were only around 2,200 when AA took over MCI.
5. And you'll be glad to know that nAAtives with 18 years are getting furlouged from their cities. I have 15 and just got furloughed out of mine.
6. With 35 years, I know you will still be here to debate with me.
<_< Quick responce: 1. What's frustrating is they keep changing the rules on us! What you said about the 25% cities was true up until the last R.I.F. The last RIF, we were forced to go to the lowest man in the system, which at that time was Bosten. But it seems he is protected, we're not, so we have nowhere to go but the street! A greavance has been sent to Kasher. Word has it he has made a ruling on this, and is supposed to let us know before these people go out the door in June! Rember, these are not kids we're talking about! So vary few of them would move anyway! 2. a.a.----- I'm never happy to hear of anyone losing his, or her job!!!! :down: 3. Again your correct about this board, I'll say no more!!!