With cities like CLT, PHL, DCA, LGA and PIT all reporting rain fall totals for the summer (so far) in excess of 150-190% of normal, there should be little wonder why our OTP stats have fallen into the toilet. With that rain comes low ceilings, reduced visibility and most likely thunderstorms. Any of these events in cities like LGA and PHL have a crippling effect on the ATC system and that lead to extensive delays.
The one area that I will say that we are lacking is our ability to recover late flights through the hubs. The vast majority of the out stations are able to turn aircraft around below minimum turn times, but our hub stations are really falling behind the eight ball, especially PHL. PHL should be able to turn an A319 in 30-35 minutes, but on nights with ATC delays they will take up to an hour to 75 minutes! We have to motivate and challenge our employees to regain as much time as possible (without compromising safety) and add additional staffing when we know there is going to be a bad weather event.