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US Airways cut another 8 B757 (East) planes!

This is what happens when you take the cheap way out (leasing airplanes instead of buying them) The leasors can take airplanes back. Hopefully with the new order, US will actually buy them and not sell them to a third party and have them lease them back to us
This is what happens when you take the cheap way out (leasing airplanes instead of buying them) The leasors can take airplanes back. Hopefully with the new order, US will actually buy them and not sell them to a third party and have them lease them back to us
They may have owned them at one time and sold it to a leaser. Then leased it back so they could generate cash on hand at the time.
it's crazy how tempe wants to make money and try to get airplanes at reasonable lease rates. They should dramatically increase lease costs at US and reduce employee pay.
Just a thought here, purely speculating...but it seems to me that LCC has no intention of operating transcon flights, but rather intends on funneling EVERYthing through PHX, with the exception of LAS. And before anyone jumps all over my case, this company has done stranger things than this before, its track record completely speaks for itself.

Only stating my opinions.

You're right, the transcon market is highly competitive and not a big money maker and the company has no plans at this time for the transcon market.
I have had it with this place and the morons that run it. Just another way to push us reserves down so that we will never fly. Yet idiots like PK in INflight Admin get promoted and more money when those of us on reserve can't even pay our rent. PK can't staff the place properly. Here we are calling back flight attendants when those of us on reserve don't work now. So now with these 737's and 757's going back from the east metal, none of will work. What a great enivornment to work in.
A bit of speculation here. The company under bankruptcy rule has treated the leasors as poorly as the employees. An unrealistic forced contract on aircraft leases very well could have bestowed a sour attitude on leasing to US Airways after the leases were up. (Remember what we did to Boeing after they helped us through some hard times in the early 1990's). I think US Airways did this to themselves. There is no logic in US Airways giving up these planes. However, it does make sense that someone who has been swindled takes their buisness elsewhere. :shock:
No lessor was forced to cut their rates, they chose to negotiate and give US new rates, many planes were taken back and are still being returned to the lessors via the deals made in Chapter 11.
No lessor was forced to cut their rates, they chose to negotiate and give US new rates, many planes were taken back and are still being returned to the lessors via the deals made in Chapter 11.
I won't disagree because I don't retain any hard facts on the issue. Hence "A theory" . However, assets are frozen and payments are suspended during chpt 11 reorganization. Heck even politcians said you can't trust those guys (USAir) in PA. Getting something while the leasing companies had time to negotiate new and better leases rather than have several aircraft dumped in their lap with no return on their investment still supports my theory. We will never know the true dirty dealings in top level US buisness. But don't you think the way US Airways took advantage of 9-11 and used a tragedy for a buisness oportunity just reeks of their moral charater.
No they are not, they have to certain current bills, there is a grace period on leases, but they leaseholder can take their planes back within 60 days of bankruptcy filing if the lease payments are not paid.

All the lease deals and termination are public record on the bankruptcy court web page.
There wasn't much/any relief on the airplane lease payments in BK2 because that had been accomplished in BK1, when the leasors were not ready to face the prospects of taking back lots of airplanes when there was almost no other place to put them. US had the leverage in BK1 - the leasors could agree to take less or get nothing if the planes were parked. During BK2, US' only real choice was for airplanes it owned - sell them and lease them back to raise short term cash but at the higher long term cost of the lease payments providing a profit to those who bought the planes.


What is the name of the company that has the website with all the BK info and court docket?
Section 1110 of the bankruptcy code covers airplane leases.

Section 1110 (of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. § 1110) - Generally provides a secured party with an interest in an aircraft the ability to take possession of the equipment within 60 days after a bankruptcy filing unless the airline cures all defaults. More specifically, the right of the lender to take possession of the secured equipment is not hampered by the automatic stay provisions of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
I have a quick general question regarding A/C going back, to the desert, or wherever else they may be going...

I returned to work today after a while off, and my first flight was on a dreaded 737-300. It was one of our "newer" ones N307AW, but it is crap. When are we getting rid of these SOB's in return for something nicer? I would take an AQ 737-200 over our -300's. Have the East -300's and -400's gone to hell in a handbasket, too, or have they been this way for a while?

I heard some (maybe a few) West 757-200's were leaving as well. Does anyone know this to be truth?

When are (if they do) 321's arriving in PHX? I feel safer flying on something a little younger than me, although the Boeing is a workhorse. I love the 757.

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