US Airways cut another 8 B757 (East) planes!


Mar 29, 2004
FedEx has been received another 8 B757-2B7 planes from US Airways that all FedEX 757 jets will be convert to new freighter. After FedEX did receive very first B757-2B7 from US Airways reg N926UW (ex-N610AU) MSN #27122 to new reg N901FD last March 13th. Now Total US Airways B757 planes has been reduced from 46 to 37 today. Sadly I'm going to miss them. :(

All reg numbers were built in 1993 from Boeing.

reg N927UW MSN#27123 to FedEX new reg N902FD

reg N928UW MSN#27124 to FedEX new reg N903FD

reg N929UW MSN#27144 to FedEX new reg N904FD

reg N930UW MSN#27145 to FedEX new reg N905FD

reg N931UW MSN#27148 to FedEX new reg N906FD

reg N932UW MSN#27198 to FedEX new reg N907FD

reg N933UW MSN#27199 to FedEX new reg N908FD

reg N934UW MSN#27200 to FedEX new reg N909FD

Note for N933UW has "Star Alliance color scheme livery"...
It boggles the mind that LCC is ditching the 757 when it is the only narrowbody in the fleet that can do transcons all year long without the need for fuel stops. At least keep them on until a suitable replacement is available.
It boggles the mind that LCC is ditching the 757 when it is the only narrowbody in the fleet that can do transcons all year long without the need for fuel stops. At least keep them on until a suitable replacement is available.

Tempe is stupid as US needs as many planes as they possibly can get, and their ditching perfect 757s to fedex !
tempe is stupid as anything !
Tempe is stupid as US needs as many planes as they possibly can get, and their ditching perfect 757s to fedex !
tempe is stupid as anything !
Welcome to the sandcastle. Stupid is as stupid does there.
Welcome to the sandcastle. Stupid is as stupid does there.

i think someone should seriously think about kicking em all out !
US doesnt have planes number 1, number 2, take those planes from the west as they are much older on the west. (no offense to west, they got new A319s/320s) US should be buying more 757s rather than selling them off. 757s are still hot on the commercial market compared to the cargo market.
i think someone should seriously think about kicking em all out !
US doesnt have planes number 1, number 2, take those planes from the west as they are much older on the west. (no offense to west, they got new A319s/320s) US should be buying more 757s rather than selling them off. 757s are still hot on the commercial market compared to the cargo market.
Are these '57's lease returns? Anyone know?
Just a thought here, purely speculating...but it seems to me that LCC has no intention of operating transcon flights, but rather intends on funneling EVERYthing through PHX, with the exception of LAS. And before anyone jumps all over my case, this company has done stranger things than this before, its track record completely speaks for itself.

Only stating my opinions.
It makes perfect sense to me, FED EX, a successful carrier brings in the Boeings anywhere they can get them. US on the other hand, gets rid of the good stuff while bringing in the crap, if they bring any in at all.

Things like this make me think that news article of US geting 787's was just a smoke screen to try and squeeze Airbus a little more. The one thing that it seems we can count on is that Tempe is only interested in making the bonuses for the execs.
First of all none of the new ETOPS configured A/C are involved. And while it is easy to find fault in Tempe decisions this is beyond their control. As these aicraft leases end I would imagine Tempe wanted to renew some or all the leases, however the leasing companies where I understand able to get a much higher rate from Fedex then it would be reasonalbe for US to pay. Also these aircraft are not all leaving at once (3 are already gone)and will probably be a year at least before the last one leaves. And for those like me who can remember the old tail numbers easier than the new 900 series ones these are aircraft 610 thru 621, excluding 614-615-618 which left the fleet a few years ago. 610,612 and 617 are the three already out of the fleet and headed to freighter conversion.


First of all none of the new ETOPS configured A/C are involved. And while it is easy to find fault in Tempe decisions this is beyond their control. As these aicraft leases end I would imagine Tempe wanted to renew some or all the leases, however the leasing companies where I understand able to get a much higher rate from Fedex then it would be reasonalbe for US to pay. Also these aircraft are not all leaving at once (3 are already gone)and will probably be a year at least before the last one leaves. And for those like me who can remember the old tail numbers easier than the new 900 series ones these are aircraft 610 thru 621, excluding 614-615-618 which left the fleet a few years ago. 610,612 and 617 are the three already out of the fleet and headed to freighter conversion.


Well, I suppose you could say that it is Tempe's fault for not paying market rates for these incredibly versatile a/c, no? I think the "free ride" is over, and we can't return every a/c that we have at below market rate due to CH11s, can we? : ;)
This is old news, any way I think only one or two have actually left with a total at this time of 7 or 8 going over the next year, That's from a 75 training guy
One should also remember that in the past year US added 3 757 ETOPS which were purchased from ATA. To be fair that should be considered as well. Perhaps in the general scheme of things, they will pick up some used 757's which have already been converted for ETOPS.

Let's at least hope that's the case.
I'm not sure when exactly these a/c are being returned, but LGA777 is correct. Under terms negotiated in bankruptcy, the leasor (GECAS, I believe) has the right to not renew the lease or even terminate it; I can't find the specific language.

Also, I don't want to turn this into a 321/757 debate but there will be new A321s coming online starting next summer that will be able to "replace" these a/c.

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