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US Airways CEO's pay package rises to $2.8 million

What lie? I simply stated that not everyone shared in the profits, whether it was nogotiated or not.....As for mechanics only, any fleet service agents get a check? Even though both are IAM don't dismiss Fleet..

No, what you said is a "majority" of US Airways employees don't get profit sharing which is simply not true. We ALL get the planes out on time. As I said, we all have a lot to complain about, but this issue is not one of them. Per US Airways fact sheet, 9350 employees (out of 31742) are maintainence, fleet and related, (hardly a marjority) and don't receive the profit sharing. That is a little over 29 percent, and it was of the unions own choosing. The company contributes toward the IAM multi-employer pension fund (which is more than a lot get), AND they got a pay raise. Do not blame the company for the unions decisons.

Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have a hard time deciding between some undefined bonus in the future, or real cash in the present, and I'm not faulting the IAM for their decision, but don't blame it on the company.
I like how his letter on compensation says he took a pay cut or some BS like that, or made it sound as such. Meanwhile, another outside source showed that his total compensation was about a 7% increase....

Doug Parker misrepresent material facts? Say it ain't so Joe, Say it ain't so.

As to the "Profit Sharing", regardless of exactly who does or doesn't get paid that as a percent of earnings it's a pittance and I'd argue that some likely take it as a slap in the face for their efforts.

The unvarnished truth is that Employees and Customers are viewed as a liability or with contempt by the top brass. We observe it every day.
Here we go with the class envy crowd. If you want to be an executive, airline or otherwise, then pursue that. What a bunch of self-entitled union cry babies.
Class envy no. Didn't mention the amount he made, Just the letter to employees, poor mouthing how his pay took a cut, and he hasn't had a raise, blah blah blah, Meanwhile other outlets state that he actually had 7% raise in total income. Not a bad increase...No?
Here we go with the class envy crowd. If you want to be an executive, airline or otherwise, then pursue that. What a bunch of self-entitled union cry babies.

Class Envy? Union Cry Babies? Really?
Are you mentally challenged or something?

Yet another simpleton response to a complex problem (that is really not that complex).

If in fact you actually work for US, are you happy being the lowest paid in the industry?
Proud of the fact that the corporate criminals in Tempe are the highest compensated in the industry - yet have done nothing to earn it except exploit the employees under bankruptcy contracts?

Corporate prowess please!

TEMPE is just along for the ride until they can find someone to merge with and bailout with a payday - employees be damned. How many offers has Parker had with his stellar management team at the helm? How many were successful again?

I might not have an MBA - but it doesn't take and MBA to know when you are being lied to and screwed over.

Then again - in your case, maybe not.
Here we go with the class envy crowd. If you want to be an executive, airline or otherwise, then pursue that. What a bunch of self-entitled union cry babies.

Hey Pus Bag! Haven't worked Union a day in my life. Proud of it too. My argument is that there are plenty of companies far more profitable then US who treat their employees better both financially and emotionally. Truth is that to the spread sheet jockeys that run US and employee is a liability to be exploited at every turn. This is the attitude there and has NOTHING to do with how much Parker gets paid. If he was running an enterprise that was rated as one of the top 100 places to work by Fortune or another survey, I'd be on here telling people to shut their collective pie holes.

But that's not the case now is it? Exhibit A is the disaster known as the Nic Award. The damage done by Parker's failure to lead may be felt by employees, shareholders and customer alike.

On the Customer Service side. Good customer service lies outside what MBA's call the "Value Stream" or IOW it's a cost center to be minimized. US doesn't do Customer Care they perform Complaint Resolution and there is a big difference to both approaches.
Here we go with the class envy crowd. If you want to be an executive, airline or otherwise, then pursue that. What a bunch of self-entitled union cry babies.

Another great reply from a Tempe Troll...
Here we go with the class envy crowd. If you want to be an executive, airline or otherwise, then pursue that. What a bunch of self-entitled union cry babies.

You are free to post as you wish on this public board but know this.....Your thoughts mean absolutely nothing. You're obviously someone who resides in HQ On Rio Dorito Blvd. Whatever. :lol:

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