Us Airways/america West Merge?

Aug 30, 2002
Have been hearing this rumour for quite a few weeks now and I was wondering if this ODD idea could actually become truth. Was told that HP would purchase US but keep the US Airways name. US Airways would have their new cost cuts they were looking for because of the pay scale and work rules at HP. Seems kinda shady to me. I do see that the merge would be a perfect fit though...route wise and aircraft wise.
The America West rumor has been around for at least 10 years. Will it happen? Who knows?
Its always been a nice route map, fleet match etc, looks real good on paper... but before it was super high cost US with low cost HP. With the concessions, they are closer in line with each other.

I like thier latest incarnation as a full service/network carrier with a rational fare structure. If combined the right way it could be quite an airline to be reckoned with! It would truly be a "US" Airways. I've always been fascinated by the idea.

PITbull mentioned recently that U mgmt has been pushing for AmWest language in the contracts... hmmm
Light Years said:
Its always been a nice route map, fleet match etc, looks real good on paper... but before it was super high cost US with low cost HP. With the concessions, they are closer in line with each other.

I like thier latest incarnation as a full service/network carrier with a rational fare structure. If combined the right way it could be quite an airline to be reckoned with! It would truly be a "US" Airways. I've always been fascinated by the idea.

PITbull mentioned recently that U mgmt has been pushing for AmWest language in the contracts... hmmm

I am not convinced that it won't happen. However, nothing to get excited about. Whether they buy us or become like them (LCC) our fate as workers will be simply deplorable and impoverised. No doubt about that and that to me is not impressive or fascinating.

I know I won't be here, if that happens.
PITbull said:

I am not convinced that it won't happen. However, nothing to get excited about. Whether they buy us or become like them (LCC) our fate as workers will be simply deplorable and impoverised. No doubt about that and that to me is not impressive or facinating.

I know I won't be here, if that happens.

Don't feel like the "Lone Ranger" , anything short of the desire to fix U from within will idle thousands more here.

A merger ,a UCT or anything less than an overhaul of the core problems of U itself , will kill off the workforce at U...and likely an alike number of people at any other carrier that is stupid enough to get involved with us in a present or projected form.
There was also mentioned in December '03 of "multiple transactions". The quote didn't say "mergers" but it could be construed (or mis- construed) to imply such events. Rinmaruf says "The fleet match is alright, but not great. The engines on the A32X fleets don't match. " which is true, however it would be a minor factor. With the operations side, the difference would be transparent due to the automation and FADEC(full authority digital engine control) incorporated into the 320 family.
You guys. Yall can start more rumors than a group of high school cheerleaders on Saturday after a Friday night football dance!
Let me share what I heard.....I heard, from a reliable, high ranking, inside source (I can't mention his/her name) that to boost moral, the smiley face is going to be painted back on our aircraft! It has also been decided that to succeed, we need to pick and use the best of all previous airlines to make us into "the best" of the best! If the employees agree to the above, management expectes that the company will post a profit within 1 month....or less. :up: :bleh:
RedOne said:
You guys. Yall can start more rumors than a group of high school cheerleaders on Saturday after a Friday night football dance!
RedOne: Now that's funny.

I'm not sure about your high school, but maybe a lot of those rumors were true?

You know, like the one about the exchange student who....... :up:
I just can't see it and I wouldn't think that US would want it. I can just see the rampers caomplaining because the top out pay is in the are of $15/16 an hour. I think Cust. Serv is a little lower, but not positive. The pilots would take a paycut and so would the Inflights. I don't think this is what the doctor ordered. Sorry.
To think of a HP/Airways merger the lowest common denominator is the common disease oops meant denominator would be MESA. Then there would be no need for wholly owned and or MDA as Johnny O would do it for much much less then anybody else
the doctor may not have ordered anything but managment would say oh this would grreat because the employees are paid low wages than what i could do!!!!! and i could walk away with my millions is what the top ccy folks would say!
From this observer's perch, there is some commonality between America West and US Airways, but a couple of problems exist in this potential corporate combination:

1. Phoenix and Las Vegas are hyper-intensive low yield markets that require a low cost structure, which could put more pressure on US Airways labor costs. In addition, both of these markets have a strong competitor in Southwest.

2. From a marketing perspective, the combination would provide a West and East Coast presence, but the combined business enterprise would still lack a Midwest hub. The only city available would be St. Louis, where TWA/American Airlines failed and Southwest has a large presence.

I would be surprised to see a deal unfold between these two companies.


:eek: Just to let you all know, US would never work with Hp because HP is so much up there in working conditions. Let's put it this way--management is kind and considerate to their employees. Incentives--got 7.5% of my total year pay when we made a 4th quarter profit. Incentives like $2500 gift certificate at Circuit city for top performer in sales in res, and giving us $5.00 for each of our first class upgrades. Look at how we upgrade and you'll find it interesting. I'll never see a first class seat again--but who cares when I'm making money on it--and see it on every pay check. Also, inovative software being implemented in res which will allow us to bid, trade, and email each other from our seats--email for swap stuff. Also splitting res into sales and service agents with opportunities to make big bucks in each area. This airline is really wonderful and is kind to their employees to boot. No, I don't make as much money per hour but have the opportunity to make it up in incentives. Also, I have free vision, short term and long term disability and our health plan--$54.00 per month for family and $10 copay and $10 drug plan. Sorry but these all add up to the $21.17 that I retired with. AND I'm much happier and content with my job--it's actually fun again!!! :up:

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